Show III sI'MMI N sI'AII K SMAN Brokers recruiting PACE forms due ihia1 And Aiimintitr Atn r CArcrr F yaiti i aJyo a hing (jukklv The PACK Applit AtMnt Appro rl tfr mint tr turned in tetveen Septemlrr 14 And rural rri rifA!- - "iL Iw hMing A ! fl (htotxr IT ot thn y r at Form Are AVAtlANr in p ril n rrituitmg wnmut Vg i'iA thr Career I’U rnirnt OfTu e luAted in the to i i IM' I y Molrl ( Iai Utkr in I'Urmrii! Criilrr thiY lotiipAtiv n Attrmptmg L'mvrrtitY Inn of Ihr trit yi11 lx givrn during tlx i hue nr-- i ivHUifi f r Yotnr- ft iiy tv rniiY B 12 With a colIVtrmtxr (Xtotxr i!ii through n fxnri h" Arr lege degree or rquiAJrnt rijirrirnir thr I hr (iiiMnv iy mrrrrYtrd Hi propir PACK often An opjiortunitv to tomfxtr for ( NUurliiiK iml fitiAnir in hr IicliY At Aiivr And rnAnAgeriAi rntrv-Irvr- l Suwii Yfri jxopX poi-no4! trr(rritk thr in thr federal govrrmnrnt Starling pav iiAkr a i (ii ( i 3J0 J (kt for thrr GS-- And (S-irrmr Ar potitumi ranges from ProtrYtor thr tor f!22hh to 115191 AtCinr Thr (r Apphi Atun MW I I uu Munhap mii i 4IIUI hun mcyy nan-riA- firm l uivri ot ’I - d In-rrr- I PRPflRj l tf irv-mtin- 1 FOR FflLl - Hf RuilroaJ test scheduled tor A u mi st 8 7 i he I ntr i tr lahtg !n-r railroad mrn ot Promon vn IQ3D r— Ilf J on SAfuriiAY Auguit H pAr'KipAntY Ylll YprAt in otrijA Ihr y (IrrtunYirAtHni tnion for thr public ‘?i fj Anil Spike ProfevYionai (iirn I tiy mg ( hampioriYhip v'pikr y 24 South Moin sc movies 7® !y liYpiAi Service Corp aznnD rrmnnimnnwi 5th SrfiUAi - i R IrYtiYAi Ihn irit i ayyt mtil Agr of rrginemen teegraphen yt tii'tirrrn rnieierY Anil rn hull mi iiU tAAr pi a r At thr hittoru nr rt of HrighAtn ( 753-447- 0 tvOEBCESD Y Y Furnished 61 Unfurnished Col Gloria (TvnkfTTmmTTTi rs Atr n rning to pAY to YrYtrrtlAY trAintnrn tr n 'pikr NaihiOa Hn rn Site kAif A !r r 12&3 Bedroom opts cmircaDrfnnnnio rrmro hr trni aiI ot thr I'ran Khii’i' will on 'mi i EB33HH7 (5V In 1866 Longhorn Texas a convicted outlaw had two choaces: get hung or get married jCKrcoioLson aIyo Ylated Along with a melodrama futdlen Anil more Ihr tr Yt i y a iy frrr And rrfrrhrnrnti will hr available It runY from 10 a m until 6 p rn CLASSIFIEDS I NEED YOUR HELP re h icr! my keys large buncSe wth Dana name tag contact Dana or Bed at 753 5456 or leave Om message r HfiH cfte TWO ROOMMATES to 682 See 3 tjodroum heme 8 1 9 f 200 h Piano 1 5 D mcroave Ufthmasher H mr eak from USU room StIO a month Cal EUne 753 needed i 2104 0n A FronMIin J TYPING fast Correcting Snrctrc accurate R A A WE NEED A STUDENT kith stuls vi management and promotional sales Mature vrtvtiual man or woman Ear rungs possible $3 000 to $5000 per month Phone 458 3765 JOURNALISM have openings States nan staff 'Islands In the Stream" 18M Competitive rates 753 1750 1 C Scott George Schoffn Film NS NO NP mwx DotPolvky Production David Hmmin9s Gilbert Roland and Claire Dloom Ernest Hvmingwoy Deem Peter Dort ond Max PoleviMy Oort Petitderc Fronhlin J Schoftner — leny GokhrNth i1'' students We MT for you on The tor Fa Quarter and beyond Don t wart now's the time to get involved to reap the benefits ot good eperence that can be gamed by working for a newspaper See John Ward editor m SC 315 the Statesman table at SOAR week Monday-Tuesda- y e- Car' a oeaifcere Nvw 8 Admission SI 00 00 kWoducmg MkPV STHkOLSGN tv f oro OYAaus SoWMVlav wy X5m BUM HOMAH CSIOel00 kHt kMRUS a kLkw MArce WMSUS scvv Dy JCM lMkN Modurwd 3V iviwv GrtTlS orO HkPCXO soaatw Okwctad by JACK MOOSON A hkorrvxrV (VO Thursday- Saturday 8 00 Admission $100 - |