Show T1 IK SrMMKR STATTSMW Andersen recognized for volunteer work tiVSU volunteers vice president will be one of eight honored on ‘Together We Care' program University! Number One has recently been selected for a honor in recognition of her work tSUSU Volunteers Vice President Jan Andersen is jotof eight people in the State of Utah who will be Moored by a Salt Lake City television station in iflyear’i "Together We Care” program tUTV Channel 2 sponsors the annual pro-p- a which features the work of people who give of taodvet for the benefit of others A television pKKjucnoa crew will be visiting the USU campus a At coming weeks in order to film Andersen and State Andersen's responsibilities while in office cover the Special Olympics Buh several programs including the Big Brother Big Sister her work wimples TV completed program featuring all eight of V winners will be presented on October 20 at an iir& banquet which the winners will attend in Silt Lake The program will later be broadcast on UTV junior majoring in special educaBountiful Utah Her volunteer work began when she enrolled a Andersen te onginally hails from in at LSI three years ago Andersen became a volunteer during her first lotini the became hooked on the idea Her work uibren all uphill from there After spending time working in the volunteers offer Andersm decided to run for the volunteers net president position She won and she sjwnt the school rar as a student body officer This year she ran again only this time she was unopposed for the office She will begin her second in m ASUSU volunteers vice president during I980-8- Fill Quarter Jm Andersen who says KUTV really cares ' rt't ' ! ’ V i : : Uoluntecrs ' t to help urSth D Vt- - if f-'-- f t ' 1 v TT71 HHpwririte bImIm xfMfrf fsrMrti program Let’s Talk and Friends of the Elderly Last year the programs involved a total of 981 volunteers and 1860 par tici pants In addition to her work in the USU volunteers programs Andersen has participated in volunteer efforts by the Arthritis Foundation and the Muscular Dystrophy Association But her greatest joy she admits lies with the work she does through volunteer programs at USU — especially with the Special Olympics program The Special Olympics at USU is an extensive program which brings in handicapped and retarded young people from Cache and Box Elder Counties and from parts of Idaho Sessions of the Olympics are held weekly and volunteers also participate in the regional meets held elsewhere in the state Andersen sees the time she spends with the Special Olympians as “just as important as course work” at the university As a matter of fact it was Andersen’s involvement in the Special Olympics program which helped her to decide to pursue a degree in special education Andersen says she’ll be ready to step down from her vice presidency next year and let someone else have a try at it But she will stay involved as a volunteer Andersen will probably be volunteering for the rest of her life tnwri Pxt to) 77 — 3t Nsdsoal |