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Show Page 7A South Edition Lakeside Review Wednesday, April 25, 1984 j t Street Talk: Is DanceDrill Team Participation Beneficial? ' You cant miss them. Be it a football game, a basketball tournament or a church social, you will see them. Little girls, from 2 to 16, drilling or dancing in unison. Any parent can tell you how much time the girl will spend preparing for the next performance. The parents can also quickly explain the high cost of i I some of the groups, especially when a trip is planned for Hawaii or California. Is the pressure and time too much for a child? The Lakeside Review went on the street to find out how area residents felt about participation in drill and dance groups. Colette Nichols, Syracuse 7 think Richard Nelsen, Layton Yes, If they make it too competitive it would be detrimental because it would make one child feel better than another. Not everyone can be a winner. It makes you loose interest if you are always last. they are bene- ficial because they teach coordination and team work and about the competitive world. It builds up your self esteem and makes you feel better about yourself." Jodi Bowman, Bountiful Melissa Buskett, Hill Air Force Base Sometimes it can be very stressful when performing in public type setting. But I would have my daughter join for discipline and coordination they get from learning to move to the music." Probably beneficial. Yqu get to know more people that way. I think its pretty good, you get good exercise, gets you to work hard in practice and not to lay around. It also builds and teaches you to concentrate and take Editorial Cities Can Take a Lesson From Roy Roy residents have reason to feel good about their elected officials and city employees. At a recent three and a half-howorkshop one of many spe- cial sessions scheduled to discuss the fiscal year 1985 budget, city cOuncilmen were given an op-- ! portunity to quiz each department head about his departments financial status, existing problems and future members. ur . west. The process showed thorough preparation and understanding of the citys needs by Roy City j employees as well as a serious desire by the mayor and council- men to make informed judg-- , ments when the time comes to vote on the budget The council responded with a clear desire to plan for growth by anticipating needs ahead of time instead of waiting until a crisis point is reached. An example is their lengthy deliberation about when and how to build and finance a fire substation to serve west Roy. Richard .. Roy City Manager Kirkwood encouraged partici- Discussion was often vigorous pants to frame decision making as fiscal conservatives and mod ; : i needs. Armed with charts, statistics, maps and even photographs,! against the backdrop of an anticipated dramatic increase in the citys size as it expands to the they responded in depth to detailed questioning by council j . erates staked out their positions. It is a good sign for constituents who will benefit from differing viewpoints as well as decisions tempered by the heat of verbal battle. The : Dru Rigby, Centerville That depends on how far you carry it. If you make it a total part of their lives then it would be detrimental. By par-- ; ticipating though, it helps them to be more well rounded." Letter Policy Lakeside Review jencourages letters to the editor as a way of allowing citizens to speak but on issues Jthat involve tie local commu-nit- jjdeemed to be libelous 'All letters must be signed by the author and accompanied by an address and phone . . inumber. Address all letters to iReview Editor, Lakeside Re- -, However, the Review is reis sponsible for what printed jview, 2146 N. Main, Layton, in the newspaper and will not jUtah 84041, or 145 N. Main, Ipublish letters which are Bountiful, Utah 84010. y y. ! The meeting was a clear dem- onstration that in the critical budget process, council members are committed to approaching the budget as a series of philosophical decisions with long range implications rather than as just an isolated fiscal exercise. Without advertising, a terrible thing pens LM Nothing." And because we care, the people at Lakeview extend a personal invitation to you and your family to . celebrate National Hospital Week at our Annual Open House on May 12th from 2:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. Educational and niijppw "V. nm rr informational displays will be featured in the hospitals main lobby. Come join us, see our exhibits, have your blood . MU it - or in bad taste.. pressure taken and get free balloons for the children! Outdoors Camping Sports Show at The Great Layton Hills Nall, that is. Today through fie Saturday, April 28, you can see all types of RVs, tent trailers, motorcycles, camping equipment and more on display throughout the mall. We have it all right here. . .value, selection, quality and The Great Outdoors Camping 8e Sports Show! Nall Hours: Nonday Friday. 10:00 a.m. 9:00 p.m. Saturday, 10:00 a.m. - 6: 00 p.m. Sunday, Noon 5:00 p.m. Lakeview LAYTON 630 East Medical Drive, Bountiful, Utah Telephone 292-623- 1 An affiliate of HCA Hospital Corporation ol America TT |