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Show Going Dutch Feb. 25 Entertain Guests Will Correspondent Annette Lcishman and Karen Redd arc two of seven young mothers throughout the state who want to earn the title of Young Mother Representative for the state of Utah in the American Mothers Organization. The decision will be made at the state convention to be held on Feb. 25, at the Salt Lake Hilton. Mrs. Lcishman of North Salt Lake grew up in Wellsville, Utah along with three brothers and three sisters. She graduated from Sky View High School and attended Utah State University. She supported and traveled with her husband, LaMar Leish-mawhile he served in the Air Force. They arc the parents of four children. n, She is currently serving as 3 tsp butter 5 tsp flour 1 a pre-scho- ol n, Bitterballen cup chicken broth lb. cold cooked veal, shred- ded tsp finely chopped parsley A tsp salt pepper to taste (freshly ground) tsp Worcestershire sauce 1 1 oil for deep-fryin- g 2 egg whites, until a deep golden color. Drain on paper towels. Serve steaming hot on platter with cocktail picks, arranged around a bowl with Dijon mustard for dipping. Add Dutch gin, Heineken Beer, or any soft drink French wine mustard Heat the butter in medium saucepan. Add flour, cook for two minutes, while stirring constantly with whisk. Gradually add broth, stirring constantly until a thick paste is formed. Add veal, parsley, salt, pepper, Worcestershire sauce, combine thoroughly. Spread mixture on a plate and refrigerate for two hours. Heat oil for deep frying. Form h veal mix into balls, dip them into egg white, then into a few bread crumbs. Deep-fr- y balls at the time, two minutes or one-inc- guests with. tsp salt pepper, freshly ground, to ' as is but here are some recipes which require little work but produce results which will raise the eyebrows of some of your less cosmopolitan friends. taste few sauce drops Worcestershire 2 tsp grated Parmcasan or Gouda Cheese 4 slices thin dark pumpernickel or Edam Gouda bread, not stale cup grated Beat butter until soft. Blend in cheese Vi tsp salt egg yolks, salt, pepper, and cheese, until mixpepper, freshly ground, to ture is smooth. Spread a layer of taste mixture on one slice of bread, cayenne pepper, pinch sauce Worcestershire ': tsp exactly as thick as the bread itself. 6 slices dark stale pumperCover with another slice, renickel bread, crumbled finely Blend butter, cheese, salt, peppeat procedure. Wrap in alumiper, cayenne pepper and Worce- num foil, refrigerate at least stershire sauce until it is a three hours. Cut with razor-sharknife into slices. The altersmooth' mixture. Shape into balls one inch in diameter, roll nate layers of light cheese mix the balls in the bread crumbs. and dark bread create a zebra efRefrigerate for one hour or until fect. Arrange on lettuce leaves firm. Use your freezer if you are on serving platter, perhaps toin a hurry, but beware of solidly gether with the above cheese frozen cheese balls, they might truffles, cut pieces of Gouda. Edam, and other cheese. cost you a visit to the dentist. Provide ample Dijon mustard , Cheese Zebras and cocktail picks. Little Amsterdam cocktail onions, and ol6 tsp butter 4 egg yolks, sieved, from ives add a nice touch. Cheese Truffles l'i cups butter, softened as long as it is chilled thoroughly, to ease a possibly burnt lip. 1 careful the interior of the balls stays hot a long lime. Be Worces-tersauc- balls. 35-4- 0 But if you do not feci like g because your entire house will smell like a McDonalds establishment, here are some cold treats. The Dutch are of course famous for their cheeses, and they utilize this versatile food in their hors d oeuvres as well as in about everything else they eat. Cheese and wine is a favorite combination in the Netherlands; the French and Italian wines are readily available, not expensive, and in the last few years no cocktail party has been complete without some Dutch, French. Italian, or Danish cheeses and French, Italian, or Portuguese deep-fryin- wines. The cheeses are often served hard-boile- Makes four servings. eggs d Book Explains Plant Disease ed. . While there has been little crop growth and heal storage in the solar greenhouse, the weather has been ideal for the local fruit trees, according to horticulturist David Whiting. The local fruit crop looks ex, cellent. Temperatures recorded at, the Farmington station to date have not damaged fruit this winter. The cool day time temperatures have kept the trees dormant and the lack of sun has e, p From Extension Office A new bulletin is available through the Farm Extension Office for $4.50. It contains full color photographs of most of our local vegetable disease problems, control measures are not includ- PTA Board and each year volunteers to work with students who need extra help at school. Her interests also include sewing and playing racquet ball. Mrs. Redd of Farmington is the wife of Don S. Redd and for a Dutch hostess to entertain CHEESE, along with a fine wine or other beverage, is one of the favorite things Makes beaten until foamy Vi cup dry, fine bread crumbs, seasoned or not pri- mary president in her LDS Ward. She helped organize and teach at "Your Small World in North Salt Lake. She has served on the Adelaide age-ol- Bitter-balle- eliminated the common winter sunburn injury on the trunks, Whiting said. Dont be in a rush to prune the fruit trees and grapes, Whiting warned. The desired pruning time is when buds begin to swell. In order to complete the work by mid spring, commercial orchards must start early. But in the home orchard, with only a few trees to prune, pruning should be done mid March after the danger of a deep freeze has past. Fruit crops should be fertilized this, year as soon as the snow melts. It is getting time to start vegetables for transplant. Start broccoli and cabbages mid February - for transplant early April. Early March is the time to start Lettuce for transplant early April and Cauliflower for transplant late April, Whiting said. For green house growing, the water jug heat storage unit is superior to the brick wall and rock storage units. It stores more heat and retain its temperature better. Master Gardener Volunteer Organization has a speakers bureau which can provide a 60 minute gardening program for local groups and organizations For additional information contact the extension secretary, Carole Ann Petty, weekday 4 mornings at ; ; Two Area Women Vie For Mom Title If you are like most hostesses, you will throw up your arms when faced with the prospect of 30 people attending your party. That is the time to do some studying in all your cook books, all your crumpled little pieces of paper which you threw in the back of those cook books containing recipes (written down during someone elscs party), and boxes of filed away recipe cards provided by more organized friends. However, sometimes even the best recipes seem so dull. They do not deserve the highest praise, different. They seem unsuitable for your function. They cause you to shudder, boring. If you have sunk this low you may want to go Dutch. No, that does not mean splitting the cost of your hors d'oeuvres with your guests. It means taking your cues for your next function from d some Dutch traditions in food. So many of the traditional Dutch recipes were really introduced by the French. One favorite among Dutch host- -' esses is the recipe for a round form of Croquettes. . ' ENNY MEYERS Review AMERICAN mother of nine children, three months to 13 years. She is a professional homemaker and singer. She is active in her church having served as a teacher and president of the LDS Relief Society and primary organization. She has directed two children's singing groups and given musical performances with her children and alone. She is active in school and political functions, a member of DUP and American Mothers organization. She said her most fulfilling public with registration SOCIETY Vesta Smith will be the key-- , note speaker at the luncheon. She is the national president of the American Mothers Organization and formerly from Utah. Other speakers at the convention-- ' and their topics include: Ardeth Kapp. Enough Hours in the, DayTime Management: With Stress; LaDawn Jacob. Miracle in Mothering is in Taki- ng Time to Teach", and Craig Pace, "Understanding Your Teenager. The Announcement and Presentation Ceremony for 1984 Utah Mother of the Year and Young Mother Representative will be held at 7 p.m. that evening and is free of charge. Reserve our new & . , and below 70 degrees F. So, an unheated garage or shed is not the best place to store these for your spocial occasion Bowling banquets Wedding Breakfasts Club Parties Rehearsal Dinners Business Meetings Glow Room PANCAKE & DINNER HOUSE 1141 West 2100 South 782-32- 58 ac- tivities are those of a wife and mother. She enjoys helping her husband and children work a two-acr- e garden. The convention is open to the 5SNOW DOESN'T STOP USs ' JDON'T LET IT STOP YOU C If you live in Bountiful or North Salt Lake, put youT-old newpapers out in paper bags or bundles. Seagull and Recycling Co. is saving landfill taxes, energycolec-tio- n trash on bundles your trees by "collecting the collector oT authorized is the only Seagull day. curbside newspaper in these cities. to the Seagull donates 10 Boy Scout Council Utah State University now offers the following graduate programs in the OgdenHill Air Force Base area. foods. If your,- canned or bottled foods should freeze, are they safe to eat? Judy Starkey,, USU Ex- tension home economist, explains that the expansion of food during freezing can cause seals to break or leaks to develop in Master of Business Administration cans. Then when the tempera- ture of the jar or can exceeds 40 degrees F. microorganisms from the air can grow in the container and cause a possible health haz-ar- in Master of . Science Degree in Applied Statistics (with Applications in Logistics) d. - (MBA) Master of Electrical Engineering Master of Political Science (emphasis International Relations) , ' in of Social Science' (emphasis Human Resource Administration Master of Social Science (emphasis in Public Master A Any jar or can that is frozen and thawed arid shows any signs'1 of bulging should Jbe discarded.' Administration) of Computer Science (beginning summer quarter 1984) Master Cramped Closets? A customized closet We also offer bachelors programs in Com puter Science and Electrical Engineering. (Spring Quarter begins March 20, 1984.) from Designer Closets cary double or triple Register March 12, 13, 1984 your closet space. For Further Information Call Dr. Terry Teigeler Most closets completed in just & 1 day. Oak shelving cedar lining available. 777-353- 6 & Insured USU Education Office 2849 DPE BLDG. 368 Hill AFB, Utah 84056 O . HOURS: 9 a m.-- 5 p m. Showroom Open Daily it 18 So State Orem, UT (801)224-974- Name AFTER -- rfnlnpnJi clQhzt& 5581 So. 320 w Murrey, UT HAFB or Mail in the Following Coupon materials. Closet accessories Hampers, drawers, baskets Licensed 264-838- 7 Frontage Road Eaat of Only permanent Custom on alto construction with quality materials uaad. Wa do not uaa pro-bui- lt modular unlta Prices to fit all budgeta Garage A I & storage areas also Address Phone UTAH STATt UNIVIRSI Continuing I duration TY beautiful Banquet Room ; With record low temperatures during the past month many people are concerned about canned or bottled foods they have stored. For optimum shelf life, canned and bottled foods should be stored above 32 degrees F. Den-- , iece Schofield, Confessions of. An Organized Housewife: Suzanne Hansen, "Family Fun and Traditions"; William Wail, "Sur-- . viving Depression While Coping Earning a Degree Doesnt Mean Giving Up Your Job 451-320- being $20 at the door. THANKS, and TELL YOUR NEIGHBORS CANCER Are Frozen Bottled Items Safe to Eat? .. 7A Lakeside Review South, Wednesday, Feb. 22, 1984 With Cheese and Wine Information Desired -- (tear off ami mail today) (S.E.) |