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Show ,4 J OC Lakeside Review North, Wednesday, July 20, 1983 yjK -- V. ' j ' i t it y IHtCQ KSO ' f r ' ' i 0QV7feji gSInfjCg) V, J , lV' , if no 'ifv 5 .ft! JVs c . i. 4 f ..! Ycup led cEicnco to cgvo era iiiLTiTCilD otf grcTid conliig SCcmo taiTOiESnSurl tixo CuJTo! H!nt!:oto Acphslt Chinclso Win a Hawaii Vacation for Two! c a roof. one-piec- 6 Days 5 Nights in Hawaii for Two! And many more! Nothing to buy to enter. One entry per person, please. Must be 18 or over to win. & vi, 4i boil-over- s, Vp P s. b ?5 $3.00 Reg. $4.99 s VA Artesian Acadia Blinds Americas finest garage doors. steel adds strength and elegance. Computer balanced torsion springs, quiet nylon rolweather seal, lers, heavy-dut- y spring latch lock. r , 'r Uuggies Disposable Diapers r full-leng- th All Doors Now 40 Off! i a,: f p , 4 , f 7 ' j -t $69.95 Reg. $78.29 Mayfair Toilet 50 One-inc- , ; i Molded seamless full OFF. (Certain sizes in stock. Others made to order) Code-A- - cover. Gleaming enamel finish. Modulo Ready to Assemble Furniture 66TT. White only. $4.99 Reg. $7.40 Home Improvements at Much Improved Prices! 20 Garage GS-81- Trac Drive 0 system that never needs lubrication. Comes with attractive digital transmitter. Code may be changed any time you wish for greater security. $169.50 Reg. $199.95 Uocd doors Self-closi- . finish Metal drawer guies with nylon rollers Stain-resista- nt $15.95 Reg. $24.50 Power Tools, Powerful Savings! Stdl Vorm Drivo Gavj Super duty saw is designed to meet the demanding requirements of building professionals. Unexcelled in high output torque and dependable performance whether cutting lumber, metal, stone or any tough composition material. With 7V" blade and wrench. y Win a Free Car in our grand opening Sweepstakes! Mini-Ind- Paper ri If V . , ( r- great value! Stock up now! A v itf , r s e, . : s r - ''4 at ' r ; t f r 1t' j , VA ' , ' A I M', - - ' $.47 each . V , ' J. I i. ' 4F, f ' 'xj if yf? f r i ' $129.95 Reg. $199.95 1 iS,v ot Z-- f r't I Ak-- ' Full length (14" wide x 50" high), tv extra sturdy door mirror. Natural or danlsh walnut finish. cve!l-cb- ! $3.00 Reg. $8.50 - uv ,!A f.1' iv ' J ,5 r'f shatter-re- sistant, 070.00 Reg. $124.95 V! Vj Mirrors ' t Hamilton Deer coating, surface and you. No compressor needed! , , wKh purchase! i f J w'i - 77. $10 rebel coupon ' . . J any painting Job into a breeze. Adjusts to the counter top or appliances. Save on Rebel and Monarch Oak models, too. V'1 ".a Six Packs Just $1 .20! Model t V V" Towels Coke, Sprite, Tab painter that turns Does not include sink, faucet, T" s. ui '.r.7 Coke, Diet Coke, The quality spray $705.00 Save $520.00 i j J Power System 3000 Style shown: Duke v ti - Hi-D- Contractor Special! Vi 'J 'r rm EZ Pclntr Spray Amos Colt 20-gau- j. jf i Cabinets Distinctive Crown cabinets by Olympia feature... Solid birch veneer doors and fronts '' ft'i t Caffeine-Fre-e road Ties each $7.99 Reg. $8.95 The little wonder gives you 3 cu. ft. of capacity in a steel tray. Quart l OFF ALL Rail- Wheelbarrow Only .900 5.00 Value! Crown Kitchen Opener 24-30- 0. A $1 PIECES Door The amazing with purchase! , (Triangle Pacific) oak furniture. Gonic 10W-4- 0 h energy, too. Scat Pcnnzoil installation kit Free horizontal blinds offer clean, classic good looks in a broad selection of colors. Saves 1 A . Hi-ten- sil Water saving design engineered to operate efficiently on only 3 V gallons of water per flush. Its economy is combined with a round front bowl and straight front pedestal base for easy Cleaning. (Seat not included.) (White only.) seat with s r , f - s, $2.79 Reg. $3.29 Toilet e 4 t t legs to help stop leaking! 12 count. Grabor Fineiine , 4. With elastic at Dathroom Bargains! ' u 'round protection Hcrtln Gsrcso Doors I r V: ' i f for your engine. Carry Only. t s II Year cq. ft. Cash A F Fight corrosion, $25.95100 Grand Prize: -- i 'i.V Odds and Ends, Unbelievable Prices! freeze-up- j iK Anti-Frco- so e" i A AX Prcstono Seal-Ta- b Strip shingles bond together to make A h V 7, t ?'n 4f f - VA' rA l4v A i r;V s L IffujftflJlllffi , jr,r jJ Sr -- i. v H, J - I r L x ' I A f r ' 14 . |