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Show Confer Funds ?e Furnish Roy ROY Thanks to the Roy City Council and efforts of the Roy Association of Senior Adults (RASATftix. planned senior citizens center Urnew Roy City municipal building will have furnishings and recreational equipment. Milton Christensen, vice pre n 4 letJtASA use the council sident of RASA, asked the council to defer payment on a $98,000 loan to complete interior finishing work on the center. Last lend year, the council agreed tocondi-'tifon the the money JRASA toitut the center with and equippiano, furniture, a,, ment such as sdutogirchines, a kiln and lapidary equipment. $14,000 oi 1' Following Christensens,, appeal, the council voted to defer RASAs debt. North Of The Boirdeir 0 HOUSE SPECIALTIES GOV. SCOTT MATHESON tells members of the Roy Elks Lodge that Flag Day helps remind citizens of the U.S. of the import- ance of the symbolism of the flag. He also mentioned during a speech at the lodge June 14 that Utahns' patriotic spirit has helped unite them during recent flooding and mudslides in the state. Why head South, when you . can find the very best in Mexican cuisine right here? Com. trxat yourself to our authentic hot and spicy dis- hes...each served with a !zT llfl tsizxti hJC ,aCS STitTS M flair. Roy Approves (Enterprise Fund Budget, (Jps Rates bills for residential units will ' Park Lane residents presentof the increase from $15.30 to $17.69. ed petitions signed by ROY The Roy City Council This represents a $2.39 or 15.6 subdivision homeowners opposutilihas approved a break-eveincrease over last years ing membership in a special Rety enterprise fund budget. figures. service district formed to opervised from the original budget Kirkwood emphasized these ate the lift stations. They said proposal, it shows additional in- fees enable the city to have 'a their homes were built before break-evein creases three categories: utility enterprise realized fees'for special basic water rates, overage wa- fund budget with no losses and buyers services could be imposed. Beimwas He it no profits. said ter rates, and sewer services. cause of the Park Lane Rates for garbage collection possible to alter the situation was able to petition, refuse paylegally break-even are lower than the previously and have a budget ment of special service district in a is there the since unless increase the change projected fees. current garbage deficit is less level of services. Councilman Lavar Smith askSewer lift fees for residents than in other areas, Kirkwood said he received requiring use of sanitary sewer ed what the citys legal responfurther information about sew- lift stations will rise from $2 per sibilities are if the pump server expenses due to a recent month to $5.77. This increase ing Park Lane has to be reNorth Davis Sewer District auallows the city to operate a placed. dit. He also said he had failed to break-eve- n budget in its special Dutson said the city does not consider the impact of the reservice districts. have a legal responsibility to cent one dollar increase in sewThe council had previously or replace Park Lanes er rates necessitated by re- questioned Kirkwood and Roy repair I suppose it is purely a pump. quired improvements at the City Attorney Roger Dutson ab- political question. He said the out what methods could be used, North Davis plant. residents could be given The revised budget shows wato make the Park Lane subdivianother oppprtunity to join a ter rates for 9000 gallons sion pay a portion of the ex- special service district. minimum rising from $4.41 to penses for operating the sanitKirkwood noted that if the ci$5.93. Overage water rates ary sewer lift stations used by ty has to repair,or replace Park change from .59 per thousand that development. Three other developments, Lanes pump, funds come from gallons to .80. Sewer rates go from $5.70 to $6.45 and garbage Fox Glen, Aland of Honey and the utilitys enterprise fund rates increase from $4.65 to Herefordshire, pay for opera- budget. Yearly net expenses to tion and maintenance of the lift maintain Park Lanes lift sta$4.77. tion are $7,970. Average monthly minimum stations. the purchases of w0 combination with price, Expires Aug 31 Richly topped with thick chocolate whippmq cream and sliced atrr.unds 4& ri 1983 Limit m J ! By SHELLEY KANCITIS Limit one coupon per visit Expires Aug Review Correspondent Bon PedroIt 20 & TACO iidv;en Combination Dinner 'jggt ilililil per person FULL FITNESS MEMBERSHIP come join us for a day of fun & prizes SCHEDULE OF EVENTS RAQUETBALL TOURNAMENT TENNIS TOURNAMENT POWER LIFTING EXHIBITION BODY BUILDING EXHIBITION BENCH PRESS CONTEST KARATE EXHIBITION f Drawing for prizsss and freo membership (initiation) JTM to All drawings, prizes and T.V. winners wHI be announced at 7:00 pm. G a GUUB Ajfxmm n:t r: : receive a socood ;WfiJjsjfl5fSKitt MEMBERSHIP SPECIAL Bring a friend 12jPrice lm" " Expires Aug 3i isaa LOCO Sunday 11:00 am 7:00 pm That s right 2 memberships for the price of 1 that s a 50 savings so grab a friend & come join .. at our regular low mvui pneeand combination chrmer of equal or less value . UBDG 31,1 983 OTJtSVCFCSI n n one coupon per visit t f "j Expires Aug 31, 1983 one coupon per visit Limit |