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Show I I sSmSJSBloFRJuli 4N BUSINESS SERVICE r 2 Cot o FUN, educational summer clgs-te- s for Uds. grades $23 clou. Family, rotes avan-- a, professional instructors, two summer sessions. DIRECTORY. ofa fo do? Co on someone who knows how Locksmith Appllaw Parti Jo rNTSINATIONAl Hinds : L (VOLOS jraxstare CarpaT Cleorting Need yeur carnets deodorizing, residential or rammerciol. Pointing-Texturliin- Wanted haute painting. Interior and exterior. For Free Estimate Call Al or Edie Piano Tuning Csmsnt PIANO TUNING Professional tuning, repairs and restorations, rull service' piano technician for all models LET AN EXPERT DO IT Quality Concrete Work, all Types, Flat work or Structural, Free estimates. Reasonable Rates 0 2 Ceramic Piano Tuning and Repair. Experienced Technician for grand and all makes serving Davis County and vicinity. Taka care of your life time investments by tuning now. Call F. BURTON WINTER AND SONS ASSOCIATED CERAMIC TILE Specialists, free estimates 544-10- 1 Remodeling Construction SANTERRA CONSTRUCTION AND DRYWALL Complete Remodeling, Service, All types m remodeling end new construction. Large or Free Estimates. KIRKMAN CONSTRUCTION custom rotidontiol framing corn and pie-so- ld tractors. houses. Wood sidings, wooc decks, custom interior finish, remodeling and repairs. Free estimates. 1 1 years experience. teagfc&rhftjf. Steve Electrical Work Ashton Electric, Quality work - at your home or business. 295' heme remodel, room addition, garage convex free esti sions, basements, mates. No job too small. 776-566- 2 A A Dennis Falk Construction, Engine ; Small engine and bike repair. 434 Ann St., Clearfield, 776-476and de Free Pick-u- p new construction, remodeling, small eommerieal. residential, All carpentry work, basements finished, addition, kitchens, dedcs, concrete and aluminum 5. sidina. Sewing livery. Garden Plowing and Tiilina Form & TracCUSTOM tor driven tiller prepares excellent seed bed for gardens and lawns large or small. Reasonable, YOUNG TILLING 544-297- Del Kearl and Sons yard and garden tilling A SEAMSTRESS , Sprinkling Syiterm SPRINKLER WAREHOUSE Discount Parts, Professional Design, Trenching, 1368 N. 1 1900 W. Layton Tired of water in yeur base' ment? Call Dayton Construction Finance available 2 HORSESHOEING Call Bill 6 Landscaping Sam General Landscaping. Any type of landscaping, clean up, tree service, waterfall, new style for mountain river and a No job too big or bridge. small. Call anytime to make deal. 960-637-2. PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAP. ING New sod or replaces weeding, transplant, trimming, edging, cultivate your flower bea. Mowing, digging, trees out with roots. Retaining wall rail road ties, fences repaired, concrete work, sprinkler re pair, new sprinklers, tree top roto tilling King, shaping, top soil, etc. Week!) or monthly, big or small jobs. references 6 guarantee. ; , t 314 or SO -J- OBS OF INTEREST trimming and hauled away. Free Esti 4 mates, Harold, Steve's Car Clean-Mak- e yeur auto look new again inside anc out. Engine compartment anc trunk. Have it detailed! Prices start at S37.50.Phone 546 1837 evenings. rotee. 120 -- BUSINESS able to work flexible hours, good type skills, professional image, some demonstrated experience, outgoing personality. If interested contact Demis Barton 773-838- 0 for an appointment. Disabled American Veterans Thrift Star now hiringsolicitors Re Davis to. Must Work from in Wefaar-- be dependable. home, no awing 4 Part-tim- and e If tales opportunity with tap education- al co. Guarantees available far qualified tala people. No ex- needed, lead plant training. 292J1692. Resident Managers for Large Apt. cormfoxeT Weber and couDavis Co. t. Semi-retirplet preferred. No Children. Mutt nave experience, references and bo bondable. Send Resume to Bax CO Ogden Standard Examiner 31200 GUARANTEED Fastest growing barter offer in the naTion ni J qualified MANAGER TRAI NEE. Call Nationwide Bartering 451 7258. 84 -J- OBS OF INTEREST SALES COLOR CONSULTANT Naadad in North Davis area. You will be profotsienally trained and certified in skin care, make-u- p and artistry and the exciting field of color analysis. For furthsr information and interview call Kim at f you have avar told or would like to sell Nutri- - Metics Oraon. ic Cosmetics or Sculptress Bras JOIN or REJOIN the all new International. Company . during re. earn gooa conn sions, free 5655 NEED MONEY? Sail Avan full or part-timcan earn $6 or more an hour.' Call PROFESSIONALS WANTED Looking far 4 professional sales people who hove sales experience of any kind. This is a top position with the fastest growing co. in the United States. We will do over $400,000,000 in retail salat this year. Call 392-457- 3 or 4793496 for personal interview after 5 p.m. Program rith oufstandini earning opportunity. Sel disAmerican fattest growing count card. Call CaTptt Todoyl REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Small 180 -- WEBER COUNTY y Owner. Pleasant View, beautiful 6 bedroomi, many extras. Coll By Owner, S bedrooms, large family room, fireplace, 2 baths, cooler, large laundry ond sewing room, family stor- all built-in- 6. needed $200-$400 par week commission. Rrt. par weak. Call called 9 a.m. to noon ask for Jim. Salespeople 20-4- 0 Lta. s, fenc- Ik to m neighbor $74. Great family Hamel Se. Ogden near schools and church. 3 bedrooms, large fenced yard. Extra storage. By original owner, $4,000 Down, Nearly Now, 2 bedroom home, full basement $49,500 By Owner 782-45- MICK RAMBLER on Vi acre lot. 5 bedroms, full baths, finished basemen with family room, large faneec yard with deck, garden anc fruit trees, So. Layton $65,000 544-298- 7 By Owner: $54,500 Each. interContract Sale at 12 est. Townhouses, all brkk and aluminum. Brand New. 2623 N. 175 W. Sunset. Ut. 2 bedrooms with walk-i- n closets, kitchen diswith dishwasher, posal, range. Dining area, livwindow. with room bay ing Family room, woodburning deck, double casrport, near schools and shopping 773-8- 1 15 after 6 p.m. By Owner: 3 bedroom brick rambler with full basement, large fenced yard, close to Base and Atoll. 546-431-7 Far sal or by owner, large 3 bedroom, E. Layton home, many extras, low price for wide sale, $7,500. Xall stove, Dan. KAYSVILLE SUPER CLARION) 4 BEDROOMS RECREATION ROOM, XV BATHS, URGE KITCHEk COVERED YARD, PATIO, LOTS Of STORAGE. OVER 1800 SO, FT. LIVINd AREA. PRICED AT ONLY $77,000 AND WILL SPLIT FEE WITH BUYER. Layton $590. Rant with Op- Man to Buy on Contract. 4 bedroome, double garage, dishwasher, nice landscape. After 12 mo. $3540 applies to down on $62,000 ' purchase payment 782-45price. New, cleee to Praepart Cantor qnd.HAFB. 21 00 sq. ft, fenced, , OH eondition- - CARE CHILD CAM love to lend 1 or 2 children. 2 ondjup.Hpt lunches, jyeors yard strictly doll 776-235100-CHI- :Ifyou LD days, Family licensed Day Care. Hat meals and snacks and 544-47- 51 I will tend Infants U'j 864,900. ing, quiet street, 7 NEW HOMES Starting at $49,800 on lots. Monthly pqyments starting as law as $421. Call s Lynn Glausor Construction 776-031- 4. bed- aveyille brick roam, Ilk baths. fireplace, double i, $78,900T544- - New 5710. APAIMH0MI7 and Will Build : We have lots NEW HOMES Quality Built, low mainte- Excellent financing. North Davis County Area. Win Meet or Beat Any Pricel Glauser Construction or 544-98- A 'LOTS Beautiful View and Area, Vt acre, reduced to $21,500. 4125 N. 425 W. Pleasant View. 782-538- 4 2 acres: 120 ft. frontage on Sunset Dr., W. Kaysville, to build, city water, . gas and electric, pressurized irrigation. $40,000 Must have cash out. Beautiful 546-008- - MISCELLANEOUS 600 -- PITS If you WANTED! where g s buzz, .for BEES knew large swamp . 292-80or 277- - Shew Handling Kindergarten guppy "Perianal Protection PROPERTY SIDE LOTS BEAR East there subdivision 1 mi. of beach, marina slips, tennis. E interest or TRAINING CENTER 1481 Gibson Ave. IDLEWIRE Divorce Sale, Caret 6 0, Diamond Ring, Appraised at $1, 400-8- 1 ,500. WHI sail for $800raest offer. Call evenings, Sell Yeur Car With Classified German Shepherd pups. JLKC Champion lines. Black ond tanred. BIG Beautiful pups. 731-39- 773-20- PARTS 6 ACCESSORIES Par Sola, Newly selbuilt 1975 Fiat Engine, far 128 or X19. Also a new transmission dutch and other component parts, after 5p.m. 5 CLASSES OFFERED: 292-03- adult Garagechildren's e, and Outstanding clothing, tiros, linens, baby furniture, couch, and love seat, boys bedroom misc. furniture, aquariums, items. 2780 E. 300 N. Layton, 10 and June Friday Saturday and II. $100. R Circle. AND MIX ORINDER Also bread mixer $250. MILL $750. 630 and fluid. 295-M2- 4 i T 2600 KING DATSUN CAB automatic trans- clean, 3699 Riverdale Road W. 25 Kson of Senin, tntogrity and Dtcmdability" 1990 CADILLAC ELDORADO loaded. One owner. Fully 9975 $?,000 Call295-882- 1982 Cast, ronchqrs In Our Classified 4 PRICE WAR! We Won't Be Undersold A MARINE condi- lion. Motor, galley, pop-to- p, sails, trailer, extras, 4797807 IS' Nbarferm 200 HP Volvo, ' Per 8 sleeps $li5wk 392-735- mower. $100 oi 3 c lathee, email appliances, school desk, small typing desk, wood closet, and vertical metal butting band saw (new), paint, light fixtures and other misc. 9 2040 N. 300 W.. Sunset Sot. June 1 1 9 om-- 5 pm. 78 Ford Paleen 6 lindar, 3- 544- standard, Sale-Tey- e, 9 , tent "Aluminum Shells" 1957 clean, offer. - Excellent family car. el, fee- - f 4875 1981 DATSUN MAXIMA PRICE , Fully loaded sun roof. 179 00 including 7875 "Fiberglass Shells" Trailer, white, $350 or best Stylish Construction Compare Anywhere 731-24- Brougham 21 ft. air conditioned, sleeps 6 ready for this sumim 1981 6 or 1976 Coachman 35 ft. Fifth Wheal Trailer, rear living rom, center bath, kitchen table and chairs, 100 po. fresh water tank, air conditioned DODGE ARIES 4 door, 4 K - CAR speed. 4875 PRICE we43,495. Adams $34900 R.V. Sales Steve 1464 N. Mein, Leyton nozzle and power steering, power brakes, Compare for Yourself 8 1971 lekibew Vacuums air conditioning, or Phone Ran. 14 ft. LEMANS automatic transmission, Heavy Duty Frame Stylish Radius Door power converter, m-258- exceptionally 3375 1980 PONTIAC 3 '11 Scamper, trailer, sletps 6, excetfinTcon ditien, range, icebox, farced air furnace, electric $yV5. 3 clean. Salt Lake City, Utah CUSTOM TOPPER - $25day, 825-550- transmission, low miles, 4 door, TEAILERS 710-TRA- 1990 FORD PINTO Runabout Automotic 5445 So. State deiuxe interior, Conastoga top, stored in garage, extras, tow hours, "Like Nmv . 292-03- Rice Electronics 3701 wash. BlvdL, Phone WOLFCRE3K MEMBERSHIP PRICE NEGOTIABLE 479-739- 5 after 6 pm Section walk 670 -- BOATS Catalina 22. Soars Swamp cooler. $75 New Over-stuffkereesne heater $100. velour chair and otto-man $50. New 6 piece living 5. room set $600. We sell and rent computer software, both business and New with power 450. warranty 1039 "Om 4 SEWING MACHINEMumtsell New Home portable zig-za- g with carrying case. Excellent condition. $89.00. 546-00- Excellent best offer. power steering and power brakes. MOBILE HOMES behind TL 100, $2350! Phono push II condition. air conditioning, Have Something You Want To Sell? List It $199.99 cosh or month. Call 262' 8771 Yardman NOVA transmission, IMPLEMENTS OFFICE EQUIPMENT: Bluaprinl machine and developer, Dart 100, $525. Office copier with heavy, stand, gnat forgeneol-ogy- , $450. Cdl Automatic mission. Exceptionally ARM -F- 5200 1979 CHEY 546-070-0 4 Whirlpool or Ktnmore only bought and sold. Expert overhaul or repair service. Good selections of rebuilt washers and electric or cos Everett Olson 731- - Stove Adams R.V. Sales 1464 N. Main, Layton drjers. or 546-070- 0 1982 PONTIAC FIREBIRD CUSTOM TOPPER ULTIMATE IN STYLE, CLASS AND QUALITY air condition, transmission, power steering, power brakes, tilt steering wheel, Automatic ing, cruise control. 546-07- L 8350 5 260 -- MOBILE HOMES CLASSIFIED Cardiopulmonary resuscitation training is available through your local Bed Cross Chapter. Call. . Looking for stereo equipment? The Classified ad section of today's newspaper features a good selection of items in this category that very likely will, fit your needs Whenever you're searching for specific articles, make your first stop Classified! family section of Hillgote Ter- race. MUST SELLII NICE 1979 Nashup 14x56 2 bedroom, washerdryer, woodburning : stove, awning, double glass windows, fenced backyard. Family park, pelt allowed, price negotiable. Days thelley 825-537- 0 $56,900 in Layton. 4 bedrooms, fireplace. Call Wally ; 1973 24X64 Custom Built Marietta, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, very dean, $35,000 consider -i. 731-24- BETTER room. 8 Mobile Heme office Nicely decorated Wanted, female to mw. house. Layton Area. Call Fran-c- it betoraen 10 and 3i30 pm. UNFURNISHED APTS B DUPLEXES A New 3 Bedroom Taw- nhouie, 125 S. 1450 W. el area. Call Doug 2 bedroom spot. Sanders 7990 1982 PONTIAC HOUSE HUNTING? J' Let Classified Ads help you ftad just what you're looking for. f KEHfi09 rr 4 4-- door, exceptionally low miles. 7975 with fantastic family room in super R-- 1 333 trees, garden landscaped. Only $40,500. Call Frank R-- 1 453 Clearfield, epUences, denosH No reft, hookups, air. required. $M0mo. 773-5rv- 9 Aets., all Some wi. . . 4. or area. 394-- ! dean and Quiet, 1 earaem wm--, watnng I ffilife w refrigerator ana stove, No Chilaran or Pats $210. 556 23rd St. 394-685- 8 Sean I bad ream, power steering, power brakes. will subordinate! Low $1 3,500. LAI 6 $67,500. nicely tanks, A ACRES LOT! CONVENIENT LOCATION CLEARFIELD doll house on a Vs acre lot with fruit Garage, speed, air condouble gas CHARMER SYRACUSE WANTED ditioning, has extra large family .29 acre lot with all improvements. Owner down. Call Ron Topik CHEV 4x4 1981 ton, 4 ' CHOICE MELANIE 5 vehicle. THAN NEW LAYTON $58,900. CJ-- " IN OAK 3 bedrooms, loan assumable. Duke Lbvely JEEP Excellent recreation Franklin Forest, Layton. 6 bedrooms, 2 baths, beautifully landscaped, fruit trees. Call Cathie $1 25,000. 0. Will consider 2B- 0- ROOMMATES 1981 basement with full LARGE FAMILY HOME evenings 290 A Public Service ol This Newspaper 8 The Advertising Council IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Custom built mobile homo. Columbia 24x52, 2 bedroom, lVk baths, fireplace, carport, covered patio, in an adult Dark. City Center Park 292- 0192. . ill reduced to . . , 78 Chompion 14x58, two rooms, 1 bath with awning. In aiMmE PcztlzcCcZlUzc GKICTrcets CVcBetter I 1095 N. Main Layton, UT. Homes c 570 N, KIzia, PHONE 544-420- 7 rs Runt well. Now (tern. radialt. sport rims. $700 or best offer. 544-894- 0. PONTIAC FIREBIRD transmission, air condition ing, tilt steering wheel, cruise control, power steering, power With shell, Weber Valley BOWEN :M&rs&.1(Uud 969 Grand Prix Medal J, 1979 1979 150 839 W. 17th St. Western $10 each, 5 ft. 1 payments less than 8. Wooden Pood Rexes, all sizes, ENTERPRISES $70; Capiz shall lamp wallets cruise, low miles, excellent condition. 544-590- 3. Automatic Down with 600 PINE POLES AND POSTS CEDAR POSTS Timbertown 394-31804 W. 17th St.. Ogden 825-565- Snd chairs $30, Womfor horse electric organ $15, chi Ids desk and chair SI5, Phillipine Repossessien-Juk- Han. Herse Traitor, 1975 Circle J. Good condition, Call 5 after 6 p.m. Miscellaneous sises and styles of Sculptress Bras $2 to $10 homemade and 1981 Titan with 3 bedrooms and 1 Vi baths. ,500 with less than POULTRY 12 years old, Gelding, excellent on barrels, poles, 829-32Buckskin Golding, 10 yrs, goad with kids. With saddle, Sorrel Interest 12 393-52- larral drive, gooa gat mileoga. $4500, 1 980 Grand Prix. power steer-in- g, air, power brdeet, ionally clean. Golden Retriever ' U power steering, air, front wheel NEW CAR SALES HAS BEEN SO GOOD WE ARE OVER STOCKED WITH THESE AND OTHER GREAT USED CAR BUYS. Down 5 pups, $100 or best offer. games, dryer, and chairs, and lots more. June 10 and if at 240 N. 300 E., Clearfield. East of Arcifc 546-452- 1 brakes, except- dogs, 5. I AKC Giant yard eala, Electric food couches while they last. Call Lee hunting family dogs, AKC Vizsla, goad Pontiac Phoenix USED CAR SALE . 930 -- AUTO SERVICES DOG TRAINING Bosch II mixer, bfondar, meat , food slicer, shredder, mixes and kneads. Ex... cellent condition. Donna 544-972- aher3, weekends, 1981 GOOD truck duiTMD Call T6 ITifal Liftbock, like new. only mi. air conditioning, make otter 6 9 goad shape, new tires, after 5i30 p.m. Jim 1978 QMC COE. 318 Detroit, single axle excellent condition, 14,900 or trad for property. after 5 p.m 79 FORD L9000 A SUPPLIES or beet offer. Call 544-43- 96 '11 Caeri AMFM Sterne, Need to Sell, Going to School, '81 Subaru GL, 4 whesldrive, hatchback, AMFM Cassette, cruise, luggage rack, mag after 6:30 9 wheels, Must Sell 1982 Toyota Tercel SR-- MENT 1976 Case 5801, Backh AKC Yorkshire Terriers, 1 male, 2'z old, 1 female, 7 months aid. $200 each or best offer. 4 give e - WHEEL DRIVES 979 Ford PI SO 4x4, excellent condition, $5,300 or oner. 5 or 544-991- 9. EQUIP- VY FIREWOOD PINE AND PINION Now taking orders for su: delivery, any amount. 1 Timbertown 804 W. 17th St.. Ogden B BUSINESS WashersDryers 250 -R- ECREATION Low 590 360 -- OFFICE 910-HIA- Ford Eecert, excellent 1911 960 4 8,000 Excellent condition, SAWDUST, ANY AMOUNT Timbertown 394-31804 W. 17th St.. Ogden hat condition, cruise control, AMFM 8 trad: stereo. $4200 2 $900best offer 80 SUZUKI, OS1000L, Engine guard, luggage rack, back net, cruise control '83 Honda, ATC 250R, 3 whaaiar. boraiy mad, 776-624-7 oftar 6 p.m. GRAIN A PEED Y, 580-HA- . $150depasiw73-7676- OR INSTALUTION AVAILABLE Timbertown 394-31804 W. 17th St., Ogden ungr g p.m. i $4900 payments of $199 546-250- 0 after 5p.m 1982 Yamaha 125YZ, SOD i Detsun 810, 'llhatchback. 3242 mpg. 980 -I- MPORTS cooled, full fairing, new point, excellent, $1000 Vtogetiabl. 1 after 4 pm 1979 CB750K HONDA Hat tinted winddileld, highway egt, rum excellently, 397-- 9 776-- truck, '81 HONDA CIVIC WAGON . $4,600. Must Sell I 1974 Suzuki GT750 Wateir Flower ding plants. See and fertilizer. Stangers Greenhouse, 3375 W. 5600 So. Roy 3 bedroom brick home in So. cor Ogden, family room and garage. Home 6--will be Thuri. between 3890 Nor din, Ogden 365. mo I bedreeme, central Ogdon, carpets, drapes. $300 n Yard 773-26- 240 - ACREAGE view. Call -T- REES -SHKUBS and vegetable bed- - games. Glauser Construction 544-98or 773-26- nance, 550 -P- LANTS DELIVERED - HONDA I960 XL500, Goad condition $900 0 Or best offer, 825-73- 3 (KING REALTOR CALL 544-48- RHUBARI 15 Ibs.RS bedroom homo International 'Mt 1 MAKES 1970 Chevrolet kewT 970 -S- PORTS CYCLES B SUPPLIES Bultoce Pui 1979, 4S0cc 10 best excellent olfor, Phons 7734563 THINGS 0 or' 990 -- ALL 1977 Linoeln Mark V, excel-le- nt comditton, loaded, $7200. CARS Call 621 -- 7486 aw tor Anna e, '81 2S0ZX, 4,500 miles, book $ 0,000-- $ 1,400. 1982 Pontiac J2000, wagad; air, powar iteoringbraket, exAsking $10,500. 731-37cellent condition, $5995. firm. Coll 546-311or evenings or 546-070-0 40lb.er 393-54- for 7598 Steve Adams R.V. Sales 1464 N. Main, Leyton TO EAT Check with FOB SALE across from park, fireeicKe, Ilk baths, lovely tomjscagmg, terms, $73,90tf. rj Mtec condition $1 1980 Chevrolet luv 4x4. with 8 or 1979 Ixocuttv 26 ft. 446 air, Dodge, generator, roar Doth, pnvocy shodM low miles, well cared tor. 0 to 71 automatic, Ik tan with dual overloads. Needs paint, $900 will consider trod. Call after 5PM Steve Adams R.V. Sales 1444 N. Main, 760 2 bedroom homo, largo fane- ed yard, close to schools, churches, shopping $350mo. 440 190 -- DAVIS COUNTY Beautiful 4 bedroom Layton 546-078- 3 1 in9d3,-770eu,- covered, carpeted patio, ed yard, garden area, iprinkl- -' -.- interested hill-tim- e 636-04- age room, Need full or part-tim- e solicitors for carpet c business. Work in own commission. Sill Al 776-235- 4. 1530 d Court, Colorado Springs, Tt and ing Ogden. 78 Celle QT IlftfaaslL'T Si uklOTdMsfi1 1972 CMC Tran Van, 16W praot boot pullar, tor. I DIAMONDS 0010 MPAWNS MONEY loan WASATCH GUNS AND LOAN Rental Information Service. Fee $35. Ogden's Personalized referral, we escort and negotiate for you 394-96Oak Poraot. 3 hedraems, 2 baths, air conditioning, great view, large yard, deluxe kitchen. $575mo. Available late June. 544-23- 546-07- 1971 wild Wash. . 980 Chevrolet LUV, excellent condition. 37,000 miles, 4. $4,300. 1975 4x4 Chevrolet, auto- matic transmission. Power stoeringhrakes, air, CB., 2 tens, shell, hitch, $4,200. Dodpa tnQina, low mi. Should to to oMraciata, intarastad buyart oniyi Con ba soon at Id rings, til- - 540 -- GOOD After a piece? Antonnot, Colorado 40915 or 2958 310-HOU- SES antanna dealers Writei 8 i., all sizes $140 to $375. imo with utilities paw. Ogden 0392-759- 4. 7 sa. 544-262- Satellite for ver coins, sterll CAT A ftULUOl 300 URNISHED APTS. B DUPLEXES Apartments Stydfo. 1 and 3 osdroom $13D-$24Mqny with . ytilmm baid. Ogden 394-96392-75- or 3 deft paid 65 V6LK$WA6fN7 good tronsportotfon $350. 1 fimmrtofi stereo and 8 track tCM, PM AM. Extra sharp. 440 TO BUY 79 MOB, '81 Veil cellent condition, or best effor. Call or AUTOSFORSALE 950 -- TRUCKS heme nebage meter doss A. Roof air, -F- ne experience required, dealer eoet for pieto unit $747, Retail $1395. WORKS PART Time, 10 hours per week, takes new claims, computer entry, typing, filing, juTary7$ Weekly mowing, SERVICE INTERVIEWER Weddings Professional Yard Care We have the equipment and the know-hoto do it right! 0 7 or padt74?9-524- Summar tutoring. Certified teacher. Private and group needed, IIrEmInTS. or 30 MPORTS -I- MUST SELL lugs ond 3 new stool belted radial tires. $160 for everything. Phone 544 8569 leave name and number. Stove Adams R.V. Sales 1464 N. Mein, Layton TSpiBSSte CfowfieM, bedroom OPPORTUNITIES JOB CLEARFIELD FUN WEDDING MUSIC. Oraon, piano. $10 hour, (r 1 5). Organ rontal Yard Care 3 980 Shelby Mag $ lug General Motor with chrome 1968 Silver Hills 22 ft. Meter heme, Clou A, Dodge engine, generator, reef air, dean unit, MATERIALS 510-WAN- Small classes begin June 3rd, ell ages, levels. Mature Red bock from Craw oertilied-ju- st California training. Fear problems our specialty. Conveniently bcetodin West Bountiful, val Varda and Centerville. Call OENIRAl EXPERIENCED your pattern or Waterproofing Horseshoeing Bos r References, design, allorations custom Plat, i. Find out what you've aTways wanted to know about Mo monism but were afraid to ask, 2 New Message Each Alterations 546-010- 8 295-897- of lot 1 SRlCentervll 1 Complete PiRSONALS All including players. Michael Music Services. 773-538- Tile Celm. EceHlsh 40 Mann Will do your concrete work, very reasonable, licensed contractor, free estimate. 544-822- of Singing. Klndormutick, A family tered music sxpsrlsncs. O 5-snraillng far agss 0-and 0. Per mere informa-Mecall 546-483- 3. TGochgr 1 g of t ACCESSORIES PARTS 7 B COINS Olvera Sale, Antique sleeks, bad, dresser, trunk, ponk 'HB rnusKflH Notional Auociotion Rewerd-Biac- k Wi. 546-070-0 ip vocal Mwotar Clsclid to Hw sm flatb-e190-u- roof air, Sr7NriQU.S South Ogden, Urge 2 beZ room apt. with fireplace, stove, refrigerator, disposal, large mgs- - lockground Kigh BGrformoMt. Typewriters. Oeed long rioge geneef Will trade or rebuild your present machine. Appointment 2 to?lTVi TpyTu-kup- s. A Lakeside Review North, Wed, June 8, 1983 AUTOS FOR SALE SERVICES 920 -- AUTO 740 -- MOTOR HOMES Far Rant Close k Typo, sleep INSTRUMENTS Rlverdele Area, Townhouse, learning, 1 TRAILEiS ft. trailers, tandem 3 ton payload, $1 8 or INO A POUND iMMigii cleaned, try our special on a living room, hall $24.95. Other rooms very reasonable. Also field Special computer and dryer 410 -- MUSICAL fWr HHNWAUCTIoEr iiNb' f ftllidM.il AUfY. 5 Office Machines p?! 288 MS55 346-113- 2 30-L- APTS B DUPLEXES Large StydfoApt, $146iinf. 1 731-45- crafts, music, cr Color T.V., washer - MISCELLANEOUS 730 TV, STEREO 290 -- UNFURNISHED i. timer hours filled with fun COOKING Calllenni Shop Wont Ads For Tnot New Car DISCOUNTS fe'wHSJS after 4 pm. 546-314- 7 Mon.-Fr- View ana North Roy. Valley Park school 460 -- APPLIANCES, RENTALS State licensed child care In trips, , Call Child Care Home. Clinton, ages for ages2-ll- . IN$WnTS All makes and medals SIS HUM 100 -- CHILD CARE love Is. .A Quality lenten 544.3445 |