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Show mm Lakeside Review North, Wednesday, June 8, 1983 Nutt Print OMtMk OUswHS HMI 6000 3000 JitoO 13 rw?r 1306833 12 28 1 100 1 63 633 TOTAL 1106 30 449 13043 14372 11827 1 169643 63 333 ', 1 218 1 17917 18333 13167 175 ' 1500 10 TieUlt "145675" 133 i Instant 3B ' , ' 1609 148? 1244 -- ' '157 164 171 Aioensons ftipte i B'ngo is avaiiatfe at 26 swes located w Utah and 1 nock Swngs Wyoming ? 1963 ane Gams is scredute S lo ftegrn Howetgr 4 oitiflally Mdt oftw rm) nugusi 30 dwiibutfon ol all 6W) (icmsa wren me toiat maww ci a(pxi ol vrereis any n llw game grew ifte udosdwi1 W attiowtl tas set loro e iliai swell prm caiegwy wall Oe tettumaiM wt luntier notice jw pwe. ooa oeciww) witnm Wpiysef wrrwwiwi as announces out advertisements ittey i t loiieneo tins wamooni roar lepeated Employees of the sponsor os game sootier its advertising agencies and any oflwr ctmeamts oi ot tnw immediate Iwile are me memoeis in these and dwetotwtem games products engaga) this dodenoentsi are not . OOPS tffEQTftlf JURE 1 i3 Jif a W8 l i'ttS ,U w v ' lj iCk' (zcif? Rock av Wr S23.7G Wlsensotva V.4 Limit X ' Ohucli SfoaEi Game E3ens Me. Chuck uXJ Oz Gold n Soft Horn r.largarinc Skinless, Shankless Chunk Tuna Albertsons Oil or Water 6 S Available In Cedar City Store. For Oz. SAVE B4C 70c Lb. Oh TWO 00 Janet LeaFryer Thlghsc Cectet Leach 0 Corn Tortillasr. J9 .-- !jidr m 0 Fryer OrurastlchsK; Round Steaksssr 0 Cheddcr Cheese 0 C7 LCD nk'nnm ,ut LCD Sauces,- -, 0 Spaghetti Elbow (Dzcaronl 0 Generic Generic Gleech ? 5.C3 77 a 0 Cantaloupe 0 Granny Smith Apples 0 Small Peaches,..0 Large Peaches,,.Kin UlMMd S2.00 I Salad 0 Potato 0 Smoked Jack Cheese 0 Gonteroy Sausage-.- -. Up -- flflc 2.09 -- 1.00 Assorted Flavors Frozen Concentrate SAVE 60c SAVE 30c , . . Tree Tcp Apple Juice ...-2- C3' C3 -- 0 1.3 Crc3 39c Cilllornli ! 4-In- ch ,.-C- 3c 6re.C3c 49c Lb. Lb. 1.89 1.49 1.29 Plants-.,.- .., Shampoos And Conditioners Faberge Organics SAVE 50 0 12 Oz. Oa r.:!ls 401.C3 0 Generic lemeeede 0 Sour Feed Ceka .1.0 o J:r,:t Lee Ccb Cere 0 Angel Cfcec. Driest C::ki:s12C3 Fct Otz Fb .- 2C3c LO Minute Maid Orange Juice Vi Gallon ; 0 Bean Sprouts 79c 0 Bing Cherries ,.69c 0 Seedless Grapes.,,.., 89 0 S No. I -. Icc Milk Shells-- U -. Albertsons 0Ceas ihrewrkHRi Lb. Oj Lb. 3.03 0 J.39 Shoppe SAVE Lb. -- 4.C3 J.B9 California Reds S Whites Roast Beef Sold In The Deli Ep'- - Imported TJhlto Scallops 0 Seafood Flakes 0 Shrimp nest 0 2 Cooked S1 0 0Pkg-Hew Potatoes vo Q Alaskan Snow Crab Arms Cooked. Ready To Eat SAVE $1.00 Lb. i 7o,(o(o Mermelons 0uncei 45 K Large. Fresh Bunches "a :i0 .Dole Mushrooms Seneca Applesauce Gacon - r .1.09 79 CD Generic , 7 Food: 0 Cat 0 l!:asensPieSodaShells ..CD 0 Rentier Grade A Onions Radishes-Gree- n For 1 Lb. Carton . Case n SAVE . Not Smoltod Janet lee Bone-I- (9) 24l(jW Em? Steak us1.29 1 White or Cut 0 20 Suftertop Bread Beet Blade Patti Jean Try Them BBQ 48 Case of ,14 Gergerlea 0 Genoa Treb Deg Feed 0 Gravy Powder Giccnscr C 15 Oz. 3 -, 0 Turns 0 Crest Toothpaste:: 01 Clay ,4.C3 0 1.C3 -- CO' .CD Pack-.- RM .1-1- .00 3.00 OR 209 0Old Spice Deodorant ..-I.- C3 Ad Prices Effective 7 J-- ns M Cays AYAILA3ILITY Cth14th Each ot these advertised items is required to be readily available tor sale at or below the advertised price in each Albertson's store, except as specifically noted in this ad. jbiOttX Or.Jy Tide RAIN CHECK We strive to have on hand Laundry Detergent Family Size SAVE 2 Ucolts $ 171 Oz. 'olSRaJ Loft To Complete Your Set o )m& Copyright 1913 by Albertson's, tnc. All Rights ResorvRd sufficient stock ot advertised merchandise If for any reason we are out of stock, a RAIN CHECK will be issued enabling you to buy the item at the advertised price as soon as it becomes available. |