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Show 10B Lakeside Review North, Wednesday, Mar. 9, 1983 Farmington See ut Gets Eagle Award - ' FARMINGTON Jeff Mur-- 4 ray, 15, son of JoAnn and Dar rell Murray, 682 S. 350 E., has received his Eagle Scout award. It .will provide a' great job opportunity and help me in all aspects of my life, said Jeff. ' y It has helped me take and be responsible as . -' ", ' ty '' , respon-sibilit- well as learning leadership i ! skills. ; More than half of Murrays friends have their Eagle awards and there pre 13 young men listed as Eagles from the 11th LDS Ward troop. Jeff said he received a lot of -- t ; Far-mingto- n and counsel .encouragement ..from his parents, Scoutmaster Jim Cowan, and friends. .you need to do the work But JEFF MURRAY your-.'sel- f. His favorite merit badges are 'in the outdoors area including ' .skiing, pioneering, sports and wilderness survival. Jeff also holds the Arrow of Light award. You need a lot of service pro- V jects and a little starving, he said of the award. The Farmington Junior High f ninth grader placed third in the region in the 112 pound wrestl- ing weight. 5- -8 WEDNESDAY Vi Price on all Food except Drinks ; Salt Valley Missionary Baptist , THURS.-SU- jSyracuse Sets Public Hearing On Moratorium ' - SYRACUSE will be to approveadopt a N. CRISP TACOS & 1691 No. Main Sill Roberts, A public hear- ing will be held on March 10 at 7:30 p.m. in the Syracuse City Hall, 1751 S. 2000 W. The purpose of the hearing .1 p.m. $1.29 BEAN BURRITOS 2 Suntot Pastor 3 776-657- 2 six- - month moratorium during which time the present ordi- nance concerning the placement or approved installation of mobile homes within the city will be upgraded. Desirable criteria, affecting ; mobile homes would take in consideration the quality in de-sign and construction as well as safety factors. T 3 ! ! 3 3 Wildlife Group Plan? on Show For Tomorrow - KAYSVILLE The Davis County Wildlife Federation, a group concerned with the con: servation of wildlife and its habitat, will have this years slide series tomorrow, March 10, at the American Legion Hall, 541 W. 1st S., Kaysyille. The slide presentation will begin at 7 p.m. The public is in-vited. For further information, -' . contact LaDean Sorensen at after 4 p.m. 544-881- 1, Why be forced into an investment straitiacket on your Keogh Han? retirement acUnlike many cumulation plans which box you in with a .single type of commitment, Merrill Lynch gives you an almost unlimited choice of ways to invest your Keogh funds. You are free to map astrategy to suit your goals. Whether safety and high interest. ' Growth potential. Or a combination. You can select from stocks, bonds. government securities and more. Your earnings or gains are until retirement. You also have flexibility. 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