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Show et Mew PsV Delivery ?jf Are By SHIUIY KANCITIS Ravlaw Cerratpondant including installation. The Roy City Council authorized the post office to locate units on the 8 foot city easement in new developments. We will decide where to locate NDCBUs and send maps of our plans to the city and developers, said Hill. If there are any objections about the locations of the boxes, we will work with the builder to find a satisfactory solution. The post office will not ROY Home delivery of mail may join the list of endangered species as the U.S. Postal Service looks for ways to cut costs. One of its newest money saving measures is the neighborhood delivery and collection box unit, commonly referred to as an NDCBU, which replaces doorstep delivery and provides an alternative to curbside service in all new housing develop- ' V y ' V w,.sv x Lakeside Review North, Wednesday, Mar. 9, 1983 New Radar Facility Comes to Mill AFB I HILL AFB Utah Governor Scott M. Matheson, in his official role as Commander in Chief of the Utah Air National Guard, cut the ribbon to start operations of the 199th Communications Squadrons new radar facility in Bldg. 1276 at Hill AFB. Chytraus, assistant Adjutant General for Air; William E. ONeill, air traffic manager, Salt Lake City Air Traffic Control; and ther military commanders from Hill AFB and the Utah Air National Guard, as On hand to welcome the 299th to Hill AFB and their facility were Brigadier General Stanton R. Musser, vice commander, Ogden Air Logistics Center; The 299th, better known as Clover Control is responsible for providing radar control for all Air Force training and testing missions conducted on the Utah Test and Training Ranges, west of the Great Salt Lake. Major General Peter W. commander, Air Force Flight Test Center; Brigadier General John L. Mathews, Adjutant General of Utah; Brigadier General Ronald E. Od-ger- s, these in West Point will become more familiar to Roy area residents. The days of delivery are quickly becoming extinct. like MAILBOXES door-to-do- or CLEARFIELD Signup for this years April scheduled Miss . Clearfield pageant has been extended to March 12, for all interested applicants between the ages of 17 and 26, who have never been married. Hopefuls in the Little Miss and Mr. Clearfield contests, which are held each year in conjunction with the pageant, must be between 3 and 6 years old. Drug Abuse Rising Dreimeatteeilly COMPANYS On the average, drug trafficking in the state of Utah has 140 percent since This fact is among findings in a recent survey of the heads of 81 federal, state and local law enforcement agencies conducted by the Utah Law Enforcement Coordinating Committee under the supervision of Brent D. Ward, United States attorney for the District of Utah. Other results of the survey are: In illegal narcotics were seized by law enforcement officers in Utah on 4,000 occasions. Almost every harmful narcotic substance is more readily available today in Utah than ever before. 1982, 17 percent more available. The total number of reported seizures of illegal drugs dur- 14. ing 1982 in Utah was 3,058; among them were 1,631 for marijuana and 196 for LSD. 1,795 drug cases are currently being investigated by Utah law enforcement agencies; they involve 2,025 defen- percent of the r general public is being planned for March 17 from noon until 6p.m. respondents said student drug abuse education programs are inadequate in most parts of Utah and problems in intermediate, high schools, and colleges are serious. Up to 75 percent of all crimes committed for gain in Utah are caused by drug abuse and drug trafficking. dants. Respondents to the survey said marijuana was most frequently abused by intermediate and secondary school students, followed by metamphetamines, cocaine, and barbiturates. The most common sources of drug abuses of school students were other students (72) and adults other than parents percent of investigated drug offenses involve marijuana; 16 percent cocaine; 4 percent hashish and Sixty-thre- e hallucinogens. Marijuana is 85 percent more available currently than in 1975; cocaine 91 percent more percent of the Eighty-seve- n respondents said the public is not aware of the true extent of the drug problems in their area. The typical drug offender in Utah is white, male, 15 to 25 years old, comes from a broken home; a dropout or poor student; unemployed or employed as an unskilled laborer, has a is susceptible poor to peer pressure, and is usually Available at Shupe Press, 43 S. State; Clearfield High SChool, 936 S. 1000 E.; and Ice Cream, 435 S. State, applications may be submitted to Kiwanis President Elect Harold Steele, 524 N. 200 W. Arrangements for pictures may be made at the time of application or by calling COMING... self-imag- e, (28). Visit Fruit Heights 4-H'- ers FRUIT HEIGHTS sentations throughout the state, expressing appreciation for support in Utah State Universitys Youth Education Program. vice president, JanaLynn Summers as secretary, Andrea Pal-- , By RUTH MALAN Review Correspondent As part Week which began March 7 and continues through March Club of 11, the Super Seven Fruit Heights visited their City Council and presented Mayor cake and Dean Brand with a expressed a thank you for of available; heroin The average drug offender in Utah began to abuse drugs at age 16; next are ages 15, 17, and Sixty-fou- An open house for the Extend Pageant Signup According to Report 1975. well as officials from the Federal Avaition Administration. re-qui- re developers to use ments. NDCBUs, but the alternative is NDCBUs are clusters of curbside boxes paid for by the eight, 12 or 16 locked mailboxes homeowners or the builder. mounted on a pole. Located Reed said homeowners who within 100 feet of the homes or currently receive doorstep debusiness receiving deliveries, livery will not be asked to conthe system costs $43 per indivert unless 100 percent of the vidual each year versus $86 for people on a block request conversion. doorstep delivery. Installation of NDCBUs beMost people like NDCBUs, gan several years ago. The ensaid Layton Postmaster Ken tire town of Roosevelt, Utah, Stuart. Theyre bigger and safchose to convert to the new sys- er than many conventional tem rather than having resi- mailboxes and no one notices if dents pick up their mail at the a homeowner is on a trip because they cant see the mail post office. Although Layton and West pile up. Point recently installed several The units are built to withNDCBUs, Roy will not have its stand vandalism, accidents and first units for two to three bad weather. To increase security, house weeks, according to Roy Postmaster Reed Hill. The units will numbers are put inside the box be in the newest section of the where they are only visible to Foxglenn subdivision in Roy. the mail carrier. The boxes are Each group of eight boxes costs owned, installed and mainthe postal service less than $300 tained by the postal service. increased 3A 4-- H 4-- H 4-- H 4-- H support. Elaine Palmer is the leader of the group with Alison Lindsey as president, Jana Palmer as mer, reporter, Stacey Summers, song leader, and Anissa Packer and Janae Mathews, members. Community development and awareness are citizenship Since 1912, organizations in Davis County have involved strongly emphasized in the young people ages years old youth development program. in projects that help them to Many supporters offer scholarlearn skills, in which they have ship and awards as an incentive members and leaders. an interest, and developing to information about the more For leadership abilities. Utah week with pre program you may call celebrates 4-- H 9-- 4-- H 4-- H 451-340- 9. 4-- H your old receiver or amp & tuner RIWARD HIGHEST TRADE ALLOWANCES! QUARTZ-DIGITA- RECEIVER L SME! Enjoy flawless music reproduction with these latest Sansui one button receivers...featuring tuning. And for a limited time, well take your old model and give you a generous trade-i- n allowance! Sansui quartz-digit- al R-6- 06 Jt . 249 55 watts per channel 8 AM, 8 FM stations in digital memory 3 memory program timer $349 Sansui 30 watts per channel 6 AM, 6 FM stations in digital memory Compare this value! rrvvrsA r, r n 00 90 watts per channel,' DC power amp 8 AM, 8 FM stations - in digital memory 3 memory program timer 4 band tone control Sansui I1 00 $649 4 Sale price with minimum trade allowance on working model. Yours may be worth more.' E-- Z terms or Bancards welcome! lay-a-w- ay Offer ends March 31. 1833 PAMTOKIE ktore Pi 1 4091 Rlverdale ltd. HOUKSi Mon. thru Sat. Frl. 2917 WASHINGTON BLVD.'; OGDEN 392-16- a 04 10-- 8 10-- 6 Storo 2 29A 2nd St. HOURSt Mon.-Thur- s. A Sat. 10-- 4, Frl. 621-784- 0 10-- 7 Store 3 16 N. Main Layton Hours; Mon. Sat. -- 10-- 6 546-133- 2 |