Show UTAH STATE NEWS A troop of cavalry ie soon to be added to the garrison at fort duchesne two modern school houses are being erected at willard at an aggregate coat of 12 collins W dark of carowan parowan Is dead as the result of being kicked in the stomach by a horse from 12 to 15 tons of beets will be produced in the bear river valley this year clarence ramsey aged 8 of kays ville fell from a building last week and sustained a broken arm residents of lewiston cache coun ty have made application to the county court tor a town incorporation ralph croper aged 12 was badia hurt while riding his wheel along the streets of salt lake by being run over by a buggy measles are epidemic at castle gate but the doctors believe that it will be only a short time until the disease is a thing of the past sevier county farmers are in the grip of a drought that threatens to destroy considerable grain if rain does not come to relieve them joseph maxwell of salt lake is near death s door as the result of being struck by a water tank while hanging on the side of a lagoon train an organized band of bicycle thieves has been operating in bait lake city recently a number of valuable wheels having been gotten away with the utah socialists have opened state headquarters in lebi having rented a large hall where it is pro posed to hold weekly meetings george W underwood was severely hurt at kaysville Kays ville by falling on a pitch fork which penetrated his arm der and back lie will recover park valley is making additions to the school house at rosette and the people of dewey ville are adding another room to their present building ane oregon short line depot at kaysville Kays ville was broken into by tramps one night last week and a number of petty depredations committed but no valuables were taken onson poulson aged 19 wa drowned in a fish pond seven miles from salt lake while bathing he got into deep water and could nob swim drowning before assistance came at an election last week the trustees at the eighth school district of davis county at kaysville Kays ville were authorized to borrow sa SOO to complete the school bouse begun last year charles II 11 reynolds a sailor run down by an engine in bait lake last week and instantly killed he was walking on the track and evidently did not hear the approaching traio john armstrong of ephraim was seriously injured last week being kicked in the stomach by a mule he lay out in the field two hours before being discovered by members of the family the salt lake public library haa placed the ban upon the story of mary maclane mac lane on the ground that it has not a good moral tone and is not calculated to elevate or improve the readers about forty five acres of wheat north of layton belonging to J G M barnes and four and a half stacks together with a header were burned last week sparks from a passing train starting the fire robbers entered a saloon in salt lake one night last week and relieved the bartender ol 01 after a hard fight the mix attempting to save his money by throwing beer glasses at his assailants but to no avail salvador de maria young italian was last week discharged from a bait lake hospital cured of a broken neck during a fight maria was hit over the head with the flat side of a spade and buffered tuff ered a fracture of the spinal col dmn A horse race at Cir cleville last week between sammie henne s horse ocr man from and the thomas mare of circleville Cir cleville drew upward 0 2 people and caused the exchange of as many dollars in money the pan gultch horse losing the county auditors report of as hessed valuations in davis county shows real estate 96 im prove ments live stock 60 personal property total 3 this is a gain of wa over the assessment of 1901 george davidson aged 18 of logan is dead from lock jaw the result of a wound received on july ath david eon licked up a giant fire cracker which exploded in his band lacerating it badly blood poisoning set in and later it turned to lock jaw notice has been given that acres more land located in san juan county is to be withdrawn from entry this is the seventh forest reserve con templates tem plated for utah the others ae a e the wasatch ustah aquarius gun nison fish lake and logan with the arrival of a girl baby at the home of mr and mrs L hutch ings of brooklyn sanpete county on the ath of july these parents have bad eighteen children this family has consisted of ten girls and eight boys fourteen of them are now living during a gale a few days ago the home of mrs ellen nielson of redmond caught fire and the woman was so badly burned that she died in great agony after her rescue mrs neilson was a bed ridden invalid and was sot rescued until she was badly burned |