Show LOCAL SCHOOL ELECTION the docil school election on monday afternoon was not lacking in inv ot the hurrah elements necessary to make it fully as terest ng as adv of its arede cessira ih a its de fie ency in tragedy was fully eup plied b the of cornel with a small dash of pathos for a cli max trustee jacob boren pen presided and tad he shown an average amount of executive ability it is doubtful whether he could hae a semblance 0 order bad fal am was rampant an 1 wouldn t be downed iho fire works opened with the motion t capt the financial statement of the board of trustees and the motions that folio ved rattled the chairman and rules suspended ana a freo for all d s on ensued the first item la the report objected to was the pi merit of lent for the school house which the district bourl lately decided belonged to district II 11 P ottosen J W seel J seel a d sore i hinsen led the op pos tion to the acce tince of this t ii the report chile E larsen R miller and anderson fought for the acceptance of the report full it vas stated that tho approval app rovil or non ip of the aport vas i mere formal ity and no n atler what brand the meet ing put upon it it it no fig ir in the midst of a pande mom urn it was however accepted and wl ether there was any other item disapproved of other thin the one mentioned vas not cly mentioned menti omed the trustees were allo ved as compensation same as last ear dunns the calm ahon cime the mildest and storm 1 nenod of the hours session when 0 E larsen nominated J W to succeed trustee sorensen and andersen seconded the tion the speakers mi ie the occasion one to refer to mr seely s act ie pirt in tt e la on of tl e suit algi ast the school board mr seely declined to allo v hia na ne to 1 considered but h s decimal on ns not entertained bv the cha and up it went n the blick 1 aird in the confuo on ensuing some one nominated E lirmon who also de inid to run and a access ful 11 mal in bis nation st ck A motion to adjourn which carried b a small ma onty ended the hilarious bess on vh ch was continued in a smaller degree out doors there some one started the ever fruit ful subject for a quarrel the cotton wood water matter and is water haa been a little lately the water ques tion divided time with the school trouble in the free disc ss on there were aa votes atit but one fen delope contained ballots and wis as de beth alien received 81 otes for county BU ena for trustee the vote was as follows W seela sr 31 E birsen 27 J W seela 16 jacob sorensen 2 E lasan 1 W john seela 1 soren hansen 1 the votes tor J W S ely sr and J W see iv were evidently intended for one and the samp person in view of the fact that mr seely de cl ned to allo v I 1 is came to be cons d ered and the further fact that he deeo not tes de in the school district it is not ekeh that he can or will quil tv since the above vas pit in type we lea rn that mr el 11 fy if he |