Show mrs D arnold president german woman s club grand pacific hotel los angeles cal relieved of a tumor by lydia E s vegetable compound DEAR MRS PINKHAM I 1 suffered four years ago with a tumor in and the doctors declared I 1 must go to the hospital and undergo an operation which I 1 dreaded very much and hesitated to submit my hustind consulted an old friend who had studied medicine although he was not a practicing practising physician and he said he believed that lydia E Pink liams vegetable compound would cure me that same day I 1 took my first dose and I 1 kept it up faithfully until twelve bottles had been used and not only did the tumor disappear but my general health was very much improved and I 1 had not felt so well since I 1 was a young woman As I 1 have suffered no relapse since and as I 1 took no other medicine I 1 am sure that your compound restored my health and I 1 believe saved my life MRS D ARNOLD FORFEIT IF THE ABOVE LEISTER IS NOT when women are troubled with irregular suppressed pr painful menstruation weakness leucorrhoea displacement or ulceration of the womb that bearing down feeling inflammation of the ovaries backache bloating or flatulence general debility indigestion and nervous prostration tra tion br are bese with such symptoms as dizziness faintness lassitude excitability irritability nervousness sleeplessness melancholy all gone and wint to be left alone feelings blues and hopelessness they should remember there is one aued and true remedy lydia E vegetable compound at once removes such troubles refuse to buy any other medicine foi you need the best suddenly it injures the nervous system to do so use BACO CURO and it w II 11 tell yo j when to stop as it takes away the des re for tobacco you have no r to ru n your health 1 your d gest on and DO son your breath by ng the f athy weed A guarantee in each box f price sl 00 per box or three boxes for 2 50 w th guarantee to cure or at all good drugg ats or d from us wr te for free booklet CHEMICAL CO la crosse wis I 1 re konste REVENUE POST OFFICE department tor lh beor nd june 0 o so tsi w acts moe a AWAY IN 1000 CASH PRIZES to those making the nearest correct est mates of the total postal revenue of the united states for the year ending june 30 first prize second third VALUABLE information to aid in dorinin for inin bour estimates we furnish the follow ng who we oata ned d from the post office departmental washing on D giving the gross or total revenue 0 the department tor each and every beir 1897 to 1901 inclusive the tract lonal part ot a dollar Is not considered the total revenue ot the post office department lor the year 1897 WAS 82 1898 WAS 89 INCREASE 7 68 PER CENT 1899 WAS INCREASE 6 75 PER CENT 1900 WAS INCREASE 7 72 PER CENT 1901 WAS INCREASE PERCENT the total revenue or the first half of the year was 58 what will the total revenue be it the end ol 01 the fiscal year june 30 send conr and 1 in stamps to the publishing association and ve will send yon a copy of conr cata loene and a will entitle you to share in the prizes PRESS publishing association detroit michigan preserve purify and beautify the skin scalp hair and hands with MILLIONS 1 WOMEN use BOAP ass sted by for beamut tying toe stan for cleansing the scalp and tie stopping 0 falling bar tor whitening an I 1 soothing red lough and sore bands for baby rashes itch and irr tat 01 s and for all the purposes 0 the toi et bath and nursery mill of women i se scup in baths tor annoying or s eions s bite in washes for ulcerative es and for many sanat anti dept purposes which reid ly suggest themselves to women especially mothers complete treatment for humours Hu mours 1 u at ngo ac to cleanse t e ekin 0 canete and acalee and soften the I 1 cuti ie cu 0 to instantly Inet antly al ayatch ng and irritation and soothe an eat and 1 ILLS ac to cool ana cleanna atio blood e PILLS chocolate eda banci katelea ta telea economical jt abet ubet u e or the celeb ted I 1 qu d a well an for a 1 other blood purt fie t and h monr cur e 60 doe h nugh ut the wo t h depot 27 28 ahk e ho atiq london asua asa coar soli p op boiton USA when kindla mention this FOR KES WEAK EYE CURES EYES granulation BR 6 BULL CUBE P lyta 50 AT hulio astop CANS OB 1 I MURINE ETE remedy CO SPOOL it ie always in ze ana alway fuu length and full Bt As cort ceci coats you NO MORE than poor why don t you buy it I 1 ask your dealer for corticelli Cort icell ade by a lLo amici PENSION r they I 1 1 will receive quick replies U ath N H vola staff oth corps prose IMMEDI AIElT man w th a e to advert nd introduce our gooda atra t and expenses anc ose cepl 0 OF CO 1 W N U salt lake no 22 1902 ti ii wa u ALL fals beat cough good atae in t me 0 o gg SUFFERED 25 YEARS with catarrh of tha stomach pe rii na cured in a recent letter to dr II artman congressman botkin says my dear doctor it gives me pleasure to certify to the excellent curative qualities of your medicines peruna and manalan I 1 have been afflicted more or less for a quarter ot a century with ca of the stomach and constipation A residence in washington has increased these troubles A few bottles of your medicine have given me almost complete relief and I 1 am sure that a continuation of them will effect a permanent cure J D botkin mr L P verdery a prominent real estate agent of augusta ga writes have been a great sufferer from catarrhal dyspepsia I 1 tried many physicians sic ians visited a good many spring but I 1 believe peruna has done more for me than all of the above put together I 1 feel like a mew person L P verdery the most common form of eummer catarrh is catarrh of the stomach thia is generally known as dyspepsia pe reua cures these cases like magic it you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use of peruna write at once to dr II artman giving k full statement of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratia address dr II artman Preil dent 0 the II artman sanit mum columbus 0 at a sale just held in new york of historic letters written during the civil war a letter written by president alln coin to general grant on april 30 brought 81 A girl s idea of genuine misery Is to get a new bonnet on saturday and then have it rain all day sunday A abek AND to men with rig to introduce our poultry chodl beat D pron kin feel so tired how often do we hear thi and similar expressions from tired overworked and weary who do not know where to find relief for that intense weariness sd common and so d scon raging we earnestly recommend elers curative compound it is not a stimulant but a true blood purifier and strength restoring tonic safe and rare which will gradually bu id up all he weak organs in such a way as to be a lasting benefit A fair trial of a free sample bottle which st jacob oil ltd of baltimore md will send you for the asking will con vace anyone of its wonderful medicinal value it will drive all impurities from the blood give nerve mental and bodily strength and vigour and make the sufferer wholly a new being it creates an appetite makes one sleep and makes the weak strong do not forget that elers curative compound is made from the formula of a london physician who has given year of study to same sample bottle free from st jacobs oil ltd baltimore OAN the royal standard Stin dard frisky road brimley frimley entea I 1 was a great tuf aror ca for many yea it ed all orti of liniment end embrock ons h h 1 ad no good effects 1 st jacob oil and the pan left nu instantly THE CONTENTED FARMER la the man who never has allure in crop gets splendid ret lor labors nu na best social end relit loua to gether with splendid climate and excellent bea th to the aeeti era on h innas of western I 1 r ada comar en the treat grain and ng land of manitoba albert and saskatchewan exceptional and low rates ol 01 are are given to amir ous ot the all grant lands ib handsome page atlas 0 western ca eda sent tree to all applicants apply to pedley superintendent immigration ottawa canada or to W V bennett canadian GOT eminent agent new york lire bida omaha neb HOWARD E BURTO buttonow NoW et fourth street le hlll cole specimen price gold 0 Q id gold mailing bute A lead 1 gold enveloped envelo peB bent to any addrean laboratory cyan id teta ta ASSAYS bold t 60 I 1 go il and silver 1 lead 1 W PROMPT ON MAIL OGDEN ASSAY CO ltv WHY LIVE no Wo u nd photo |