Show WEEK IN 33 HOUSE thi house resumed discussion ot the bill almost the entire day was taken up with the amendment offered by mr underwood of alabama requiring an edu cat lonal teat or immigrants to th s country it was adopted the bill then went over until next week SENAT EMr hoar of massachusetts spoke tor two hours and a half on the philippine question he denounced the attitude ol 01 the government in the philippines as one 0 the most wicked and foolish chapters in american history he urged that the united states should withdraw from the philippines and per mit the people there to erect their own govern ment as had been done in cuba he sharply arraigned general tor the methods he pursued in the capture of aguinaldo Agul naldo and intimated strongly that had the senate been aware of the facts funston might not have been confirmed in his recent promotion he hoped as the irrevocable step had not been taken by the united states better counsels would yet prevail and that this government would leave the philippines HOUSE the house devoted the day to vate i easlon bills and to a few other minor measures mei mr loud of california criticized criticised the special pension legislation as a disgrace and drew emphatic responses from of new hampshire sulzer of new york and myers of indiana in all private pension bills were passed the bouse ad journea until monday in order to participate in the Ko chambeau exercises SENATE A temperate and carefully pre pared speech was delivered in the senate on the philippine bill by mr dubols of idaho confined himself almost entirely to a discussion of the commercial and industrial aspects of the philippine question his purpose being to show that it would be a disadvantage to the people of this country to retain the islands he held that their retention would result disastrously to american labor he reviewed at length the resources of japan and china with a view to showing that with their advantages of cheap labor tiey would be able to control he markets of the orient including the phil he maintained that the united by its policy simply was arousing th bleeping dragon of china which in the end would devour the world may HOUSE the house devoted the day to busl ness connected with the district of columbia and took a recess until m tomorrow in order to complete the bill in order to amend the code SENATE mr patterson of colorado one of the minority members of the philippine corn cittee of the senate occupied the floor most ot the day in a discussion of the philippine ques alon mr gallanger offered a resolution providing that the jud clary committee of the cenate should make an investigation into the subject of alth a view of ascertaining cheth er there is any remedy tor them sixty two private pension bills were passed may 7 the house passed the am migration bill tie feature of the day was lively debate on the question of prohibiting th eale of intoxicating liquors at immigrant sta eions it was precipitated by an amendment amend men offered by mr bowersock of kansas to prohibit such sale which was carried 83 to 18 mr landals of indiana followed this victory with an amendment to prohibit the sale of intoxicants in the capital and it prevailed by a still larger majority to 19 A fruitless effort was made busl before adjournment of the senate to secure an agreement on a time for a vote on ahn philip pine bill the discussion indicated that some day next week eventually would be agreed upon but no time waa fixed mr burrows of committee on privileges and elections reported that the majority of the committee was opposed to the u resolution providing for the election of senators by the people the first effects p the strike of the teamsters at the stockyards chicago was felt monday one of the largest hotel was short of hams bacon and eggs at breakfast and several other hotels felt the absence of some lar cut of meat by a collision between two cars of the portland city and oregon railroad about miles south of oregon city a motorman mot oiman had one leg badly crushed amputation and three passengers were hurt but not severely willard dee wl ua ot and instantly killed miss ilalie kutlesa in a church at ga was captured near austel ga and placed in the atlanta jail he says he killed miss autless because his love was unrequited and be w beed to end tl e suspense after eight days of searching the body of kathleen clanagan ll anagan 4 years old has been found in the hudson river bew york it was thought the child had been and a large reward had been offered for her return the body was found by a fisherman in leavenworth it is reported that papers are being prepared in topeka for the civil prosecution of ex captain legerc deming who was recently released fro n the federal penitentiary by a decision of the supreme court in philadelphia pa john L the camden lawyer aiho has been on trial to a week past in the united states district court for alleged corn in the manufacture of counter felt 80 silver certificates was found not guilty ben bowed an aeronaut made an as cension and parachute drop at man hattan beach a suburban summer re sort in denver monday night and falling about the middle of the lake was drowned before a boat could reach him rowen was 18 years old the sloop dauntless which under command of capt luke carried sup plies provided by the government for the sufferers in martinque Marti oque has re turned bt kilts D VV I 1 the crew of the dauntless become the voyage refused to go on and de seated the sloop at dominica |