Show I 1 want everybody to know how completely it cures indigestion this shows the unselfish disposition of mr hodge of orchard cottage Ipp leden new ton who having been cured by Vo gelera compound wishes every other to know of the benefit he has received from this marcellous marvellous marv ellous remedy he tells his story as follows Gent lemenI find compound a remedy above all others last year I 1 was in a thorough bad state of heal h and could hardly d is on leg a er the other I 1 had t ed dobens of romed es advertised to cure ind gast on and a 1 its attendant vi s but was rap adly go ng from bad to worse when I 1 had the food fortune to be recommended to take s cam pound I 1 d d so and m thankful to tar it made new man of me 1 should 1 ke her peoli to know its vi bues tues and how comple ely it knocks under the worst forms of ind and d a S ened H s compound is the greatest reme dy of the century for all stomach d borders and liver and kidney troubles in both men and women A free sample bottle will be sent on application to the proprietors st jacobs oil ltd baltimore md why Is it that st jacobs oil always instant relief from pains after all other remedies have signally fa led simply because it is peculiar to itself wholly unlike another remi edy it possesses great penetrating power reaching the very seat of the d sease it acts like magic it conquers pain quickly and surely it is an outward appi cation and is used by m lyions of people firmer his own landlord no afa bank account increasing year by 1 year land value facret as toda splendid climate ex ity sukyi echtold and assil high prices tor cattle 1 dEr lB low I 1 r tra 9 ble comfort this is tin the barmer in western canada province ot manitoba and district of bol saskatchewan and albert thousand ot americana are now settled there rates an all railways or and tot tiers new districts atre being opened up abit year new forty page atlas ot western ca nad gent free to aal F immigration ottawa canada or W V plannett canadian new york dg neb hutel via tl e atchsion Atch lion topeka st santa F railway on june alth and the following first class passenger rate will be effective via above from ogden and salt lake city to missouri river and return 32 00 st louis and return 39 chicago and return final return limit september ath 1902 for reduced rates to other points and information regal ding excursion t on other dates than above apply to F WARRED gen 1 agent A T as F ry dooly block salt lake city ab PINK EYE NOW EPIDEMIC pink eye is now raging over the west atila annoying li especial ly severe in chicago and a number 0 prominent physician have been inter viewed dint it they mate that there Is no cause tor alarm ae there I 1 simple home remedy known as lurlne for sale everywhere by 0 ana druggists which will not only prevent but cure the most obstinate case of ank eye |