Show OUR WELLS OUR WET plenty of goods here the following come from our motto 13 quick sales small profits we cam the largest and roost complete line 0 gentril me chind se in emer count goods to suit ei erbol an deery taste the prices are loer than iny one else can possibly mike ou here are a a fe v bor THE SHIRT WAISTS ODDS AND ENDS GO AT ANY OLD PRICE WINDOW SHADES WILL BE LET GO AT YOUR PRICES can t afford t amsa this opportunity we will sho v ou that our goods and prices are iu right AT THE MONEY SAVING STORE casate dale pvc aay lie hiff liest prices for hides aielts and yav POTATOES I 1 have about bushels ot choice to dispose of good to eat or plant CHRIS OTTOSEN Cast ledale i I 1 VI have i few specula to offer boxt week mahogany pallor suit 6 pieces upholstered ill silk tapestry regular price 00 00 now 4 1 bocik parlor suit pieces upholstered velour nicely finished price 50 no 35 1 folding bed as 16 now 8 1 25 hammocks now only these and many other good bargains at the store castle dale utah tiie ti IE ANDERSEN HOUSE mrs kichinka Ki thinka andersen reopened re opened for the accommodation of the public men convenient sample rooms 1 iriti jass in ever act eed actable in confection asile J M WHITMORE pres lent REUBEN G miller ica president the first national bank OF UTAH capital banking in alt its branches DIRECTORS J M whitmore L heui en G miller GOOI RC and L 0 exchange draft n o 0 an cities ot the jaitov stites ot busi with ness 1 inns Stock luen and hinchmen Rinch men consistent conservative banking cut prices on shoes pra women s shoes reg price our price 1 GO 72 women a shoes reg price 22 our price 17 98 ars W nen s shoes reg price our price igo loo ars women s shoes re price 2 our pr ce 2 ao 70 irs W omens shoes reg price our price 2 20 81 ars women s shoes reg price 3 aj our price 2 40 80 pra women s shoes reg price our price 1 aj ars children s and blissos shoes regular price 81 20 our price 1 babies s shoes reg price our price aj ars men s ork shoes reg price 2 00 ir s 1 ars men s work shoes reg price ours 1 70 ars men s best shoes reg price 83 50 our s 2 20 90 ars ladled shippers fine reg price ltv 5 our s ars indies Sli fine reg price ours many other burgains bir gains lu the ahoe 1 ne too numerous to mention we these goods it very lov fl agures gures and can sell shoes at lo 10 ver prices than our competitors can bu them suspenders 60 pairs men s suspenders former price no v 72 airs BO u suspenders cormer price no our grocery line Is complete and bottom prices prevail we sell for cash or produce at cash price and give you the advantage of a good article for less money than can be sold by our neighbors all start in the bodole them open or ou will be sick u act like kiture keep in or an I 1 bovold acthen without a e gopi feeling bit million peni ie take IP a 10 cent 11 druggists BIG CUT IN PRICES mens su ts that ere fermeri for meri 16 we sell at 00 u 8 suits that w re fermeri for meri 12 00 wo 11 nt 7 ml man suits that were formerly 1100 ve bolint 70 u baits that were 00 are now 3 00 don t fail to our tor men mouths and BOS GOOD PRICE our hat line 13 the most t in tho coun cice hat and well made neat pair 1 I the aal barance of a rain a or ian dress A man a good hat foi 60 better than any 61 00 hit to be fondd elsewhere IN DRY GOODS COCO yards of sheeting at fc price oc of calico cilico it be coriner a ards of I 1 est 0 1 cloth at anco c 11 other dry gooch in proportion our shoes and hats are walking ad when sold CASTLE PALE |