Show makee becom loi for anti truet law the industrial commission after several years spent in investigation of the industrial condition of the coun try with the view ot making relative to assisting in the solutions of tl e problems of the times has completed and sent to the printer its final report on the subject of trusts the corn aniss on follows closely the lines of recommendation laid down by the president in his annual message the supervision by the national govern moat is recommended the most radi cal specific step suggested in that direction by the report is that the books of all corporations should be subject at all times to inspection as are the books 0 national banks this it is claimed would go far toward pro teching the public aga ast impositions in the way of overcapitalization and other devices the comm assion discusses ment ownership of railroads and tele graph lines but does not recommend such a departure from present meth there are some recommends a eions concerning taxation that will attract attention one of these looks to the tion ot certain taxes on private property by the state direct |