Show bill providing bealli 1 for celete will be recommended for paepae 1 the details 0 bill restricting anarchy and anarchists has been practically determined upon by the special committee of members 0 the house judiciary corn cittee appointed to consider the subject the language ot some 0 the provisions Is yet to be settled but all of the essential features of the forthcoming measure are determined upon the measure will provide the death penalty for an attempt to 1111 or as sault the president or any one in line of succession for the presidency an accessory before the fact is to be treated aa a principal and an accas sory after the fact is penisi fed in a less degree than a any person who counsels advises or advocates the assaulting or killing of any officer of the united plates shall be fined or imprisoned no alien who advocates ado cates an over throw of organized government or who Is affiliated with an organization holding such views is to be admitted to thi country provision also is made for the pun ashment for the conspiring in this country against a foreign ruler the special committee will probably report to committee within the next few days and a report to the house is expected soon thereafter |