Show 1 lei 0 1 hot ilot it Is no matter of fact riding the goat ceremony with which ah an irish man Is converted into an orangeman according to the experience of mr james of limavady Lim avady county kerry a farm servant s uan boned his employer and three other men for assaulting him says the defendants told him they would make him an orangeman and that they tied his lea IW together put a cl cloth 0 ill over his eyes and branded him with w ith red hot tongs thia this was his initia initiation tion two days later there was a further ceremony in the course of which the defendants stripped him naked fast ened his feet to together ether with one tops rope suspended him from a beam with an other rope passed round his waist and then swung him backwards and for yards while they stung him with net not ties and pricked him with pins a process which waa was continued till he fainted the defendants escaped with fines of 10 each and costs |