Show UTAHN LOST IN ALASKA nearly dead I 1 en round after day ot of suffering buffet inc I 1 J B rawlings a fonner former inspector of mines in utah who left seattle for alaska nearly three years ago was as picked up by the united united beatts steamer pathfinder two weeks ago at the mouth ot of river alaska and brought to san francisco when picked up rawlings was in an exhausted condi tion in company with frank w weber started out in a as small in all canoe to reach tl e sc schooner hooDer bring goll gol I 1 en bouto to dutch harlor ahe canoe was swamped weber was drowned belo belongia ngit g vi ere nere lost and bp himself escaping wandered cpr dasa cross across the wilds of alaska seeking 1 refuge how many miles he traveled raw lings could not tell for days the lost man had nothing to eat but the soft bark of the willow trees that grow in the swamp fiats flats along the rivers and nothing to drink but sno v melted in bis his mouth |