Show AN KING ISLAND IN THE MISSOURI HAS A MONARCH 1 subjects a turbulent set but corn plemely under III control trouble that arise are settled la a primitive bat effective manner there are within the borders ol 01 the united states several localities at least that while they nominally constitute a part ot the whole nation in reality bow to no law save that imposed by the strongest ol 01 the community the dominion pays not a cent of taxes to any county or state and no county or state looks after the administration of its affairs the hunter trapper alsher king does that all this has come about because the river Is always changing and the states in interest have in several instances been unable to come to an understanding regarding certain changed tracts it Is these where the jurisdiction la unclaimed that have be come the little monarchies within the borders ol 01 the republic island so called because a man ot that name Is the master of it lying in the middle ot the river hall way between nebraska city and st joe Is one ot the biggest ot the kind and the management Is typical the island came into existence away back in the early and was covered with squatters long before the ques alon ot state jurisdiction was raised at the first intimation of the intention on the part of some to establish state authority took the ot the party that want it and though his efforts may really have had no effect in the matter he thinks the did and he makes his fellows think and tor him that Is sufficient that la what makes him king his kingdom Is three miles long any varies in width from a hundred yarda to a little more than a quarter ot a mile it would seem the management ot such a little spot especially when settled by only a few dozens ot peo pie would be easy enough but that Is not so for when you come to un der stand the conditions there Is more of interest in the first place these island folk are the sort that try in other places to get along without work the shift less man with a gun a pack of dogs and a host of children and a slovenly wife he Is the type generally speak ing he has cometo the island because there was no very gentle regard tor him in the community in which he lived it might have been unjust to accuse him of stealing or some other petty crime but generally he waa un der suspicion under no circumstance will he ever file complaint against a fellow islander for any offense anywhere committed kini of iland it happens that the settlement ot all troubles arising among them matt be settled among themselves As they are not the sort of men who will get along with a republic they have to have a king he is generally the strongest of their kind and he rules them he is their interpreter of right and wrong their judge ot fact and their counselor it one halt his sub ejects are arrayed against the other halt and all of them up in arms he must put shot cartridges into his own gun and go out with the faction he thinks best for him to lead troubles that end in that sort ot thing frequently arise whatever Is done in the way of patching up the troubles after the feud Is settled so far as the community Is concerned Is done by the king he declares who shall contribute to the support ot thi widow and ot that child and whatever he says goes so far s title to his throne and his kingdom Is not in the least danger ahree counties in as many different states lay claim to the right cf taxation buc there Is no way of get ting the matter settled and it Is alto gether likely he will end his days there a king with a country but without a crown and one in fact though sneered at as a mere duck hunter fisherman and catcher of skunks china elaborate apolony the letter ot apology recently sent by the emperor ot china to the german emperor Is described as an ex work of art it Is painted on a single piece of yellow silk over four yards in length and Is beautifully 11 with dragons flowers and arabesques embroidered in gold thread and ellk of various colors the work Is so perfectly executed that at first light the embroidery Is mistaken for the letter Is enclosed in a yellow silk envelope which Is also elaborately embroidered nd fastened by ivory studs of the Ingen lou character much aiming in ansela As many kisses as shots are ex changed on a big field day with the russian army the emperor kisses his officers the office s the officers s each other men embrace lovingly old generals kiss in act everybody la kissing and being kissed when the czar reviews his cropps on a public holiday the mistress ot the house salutes all her servants both male and female with a morn ing kiss while her lord and master scarcely enters or leaves the room that day without first bestowing a kiss on the forehead cheek or hand of his apouse locke Is said to have spent over sit years in the preparation of essay on the human understanding k |