Show NORTHWEST NOTES in pueblo louis mickey a hot tm male vendor committed suicide byl swallowing laudanum andrew cavit pavit a fairfax wash miner was blown to atoms last week while thawing a stick 0 giant powder robert E lee and samuel marvul at helena have been convicted of stealing cattle from the indiana on the crow re on i the members of the christian church bat berthoud colo recently had a mortgage burning the church debt having been cleared longfellow school the oldest in durango colo burned wednesday it was built in 1881 it had an average attendance of sch olais reports from the red desert antry say that coyotes and wolves are playing havoc with the herds of cheep scattered by tl e recent storm jacob greenberger a spokane business man has been arrested cl arged with firing h s store to get insurance his shelves were filled largely with empty boxes george W tl ompson an alleged cattle rustler has been placed in jail at golden colo 11 ompson waived examination and will be tried at the april term of the district court william berryman while working in the bobtail no 5 mine at black hawk colo tuesday was instantly killed by a rock coming down from above and striking him on the head gold ore assaying 3 00 and has been discovered near helena numerous assays of ore from the claim sl ow from two to three ounces in gold and from to ounces in silver to the ton J S burnsides an employ of the union pacific was buried under five tons of coal at the coal chutes at cheyenne tuesday he was beverly crushed about the hips and head but will recover john johnson at new chattom wash fell sixty feet by tl e parting of a rope and was blown to atoms the by a blast he had put in and wa being hoisted from he had performed that task daily for avi years george kane wanted in county wyo for horse stealing has been brought eb casper from a ranch near buck camp both of his feet are badly frozen and amputation of part of one of be necessary J warner was murdered at derby a relay station on the rawl ns lander stage line monday A man in the employ of john carmody is alleged to have committed the crime warner was a stock tender for the lander stage company officers are investigating the ranchmen of laramie county wyo are beginning to locate their cattle which drifted away before the wind duding the recent storm the amount of ground covered by some oti the animals was surprising one herd wandering sixty miles during the cannon E W of st john church colo gave corrosive sublimate by mistake for throat medicine to his two children monday and tool some himself phy were sent for at once and aall were saved though they are suffering considerably articles of incorporation of the wyoming fire clay company have been filed with the secretary of state the company will develop the large depos its of file clay found near the new town of detrolia le now being platted by the wyoming utah oil development company I 1 the register and receiver of the KaH spell mont land office has re a letter from the interior de instructing the withdrawal of all lands from settlement ln montana north and wet of the koote nai river 1 he order will involve over 1 acres of land in this connary besides taking fron the state of idaho over acres which when suri sur i keyed and completed will be made in to a new forest reserve to be cnown as the Koo tenia forest reserve of idaho and montana mrs harry at walla walla wash yawned at a ball at sons of veterans and broke up the dance mrs opened her mouth to tie fallest extent and when she undertook to close it the hinges stuck the jaw absolutely re fused to close even when considerable pressure was brought to bear when closed by main force tl e jaw would immediately fly open as soon as re leased ahe announce nent created intense excitement and the dance broke up A doctor was called and the fortunate woman removed to her home afar a few hours work the trouble was corrected william payton a ranchman waa shot in the leg by william simmons at the himmons ranch twenty miles west of cheyenne last week payton insisted in driving cattle through the summons ranch in spite of simmon e protest one of the fai est of 1 ado fed steers is on exhibition at breeley the animal was raised by chester blunt near that place it is one half durham one half angus and although barley 20 months old weighs 1260 pounds john better known as sailor jack discover of the oregon mines of that na ne corn bitted suicide at ariz by taking nine the old miner was a forty niner was known ill over the coast aites among mining men deputy sheriff miller of belt mont is confined to his bed unable to move and it is feared he will not recover A few days ago he threw a stone at a dog and immediately afterward complained tl at he had injured the muscles surrounding n i rf a ji aji |