Show TOWN AND COUNTY u birton is over from mt pleis ant on I 1 john lemo i of i err i is the emery count igent for the aquatic cream separator san ben stein le turned from S nn de thursday othere 1 e sold flaith cf cn doll ing monzo dwell of Suin vile pent I 1 artof the eck MS ti with 1 i acle ucle onnie seely elijah M accod pin ed him san S leton and E A wild of fer rot cimo ip gica u large n 1 of n bonev to settle their and 1 e hours t aes marnae licenses were issued by coun ty clerk I 1 ox th s eek to ben ti acker nd florence ward and almi I 1 arsen und amiet ld n all of cleveland trustee his res ened aiom tie local school bearl oung to sow d ith his colleagues about the coi duct of certain affers governor wells has decently lecent ly made ame mme appointments of men to supervise the etzet dit ire of for roads and bridges 1 v the last legislature the sum of was illo ved emeri couett for the above purposes and should not be theio aio plenty of cin dilates for the job of spending etc milton tuttle left n fe v days ago for the grind county minga reso beds be lo 10 v little grande i the R G W rail lo 10 d to ass st in building an 11 mile stretch of roa 1 for a traction engine it will require about months to complete the jol ind v hen all is read e will ciul 80 tons of ore per day to the m king tri a a daiy diy and hauling 40 tons at eich trip the ore 13 sh aped to pueblo john lemon the successful fruit gr averof 1 erron cime over tuesday ind took home a thoroughbred berk h re bair sent don here by john H seely from the late state fair the and pigs of ahi h mr lemons 13 one took first prize in their cliss at the adte hiir ahe mother beighel I 1 mr leinon e pig la registered as binck hak II 11 iso at the i dional berkshire association s heid it I 1 id anapolis ind the re boned b mr seely is missouri gent and the mother lidy H mr lemon is after thoro stock aver mide its ap pearce in ta ledale it the home of geoage cluff its mckim adilen the youngest Aoun gest daughter of the fam alj whose condition n and sunday was quite critical on sun lay the fedei v a iso found in the homes of ind chaales sim all scattered points on bondly little christopher cluff caine do vu the disease and since that time no other cases ave been reported the little i ire all doing ni ely of them be i g able to eliy about rhe houes here the fever appeared appe ired ill atit e 1 and it is believed there is no v i f arther cause for fear sale of aga acres of coal 1 1 situ abed in LOU t was bonu n baited a e dis ago and the will be turned over to the pure hiser as us the net on ie confirmed by the bevente district urt are the executors of the henry P de grait estate a d the purchaser robert chalk of ne v loik the coil land is patented pi tented an 11 es i upper ciui hington canyon comprising port is of section 10 and 11 in south range 0 cist 11 cons is ash contiguous land ft is sol b mr de bruf to thed coil A coke corn dinv as far b ick the appraisers of the properly juat sold were john L price neil M eidsen ind rum de I 1 berse allot scofield it is mr clarit represents some one in au rel to the rio grande rail kiy sye tam 1 W ill peter en moved h s famil and 1 ho eschol 1 goods ti Sunn side thesda the district schools vere closed this eels to tho spread of fever the Oring eville coop ancs ag pounds ol 01 ind 10 ards of sheeting tor sl the delinquent t list of the Mimi noth canal led blue cut final ire posted the mammoth sale set or 3 p m on nov 2 at h ill and the blue cut at 11 on dec 2 old social I 1 all is being embed b the church authorities on the inside v is being placid around the walls the ceil i g is being nicely punted and a bard chite finish iut iron the balls ane interior will shine like a ne pin in a deft das we hive a complete and well selected stock ot fine clothing and tor the coming neek ivill give a discount of 15 per cent on every g arment for aish those in need of a winter suit for aunda or everyday wear can t do I 1 etter than buy of us the co op ane green river steamboat steam boit his not et reached moab on its maiden trip it a found necessary to do aorl to vard cl iring a chani el in the ind this is no ben g done when passenger toffic is neilly estabi shed the trip will be one of the most esque in the country and great treat to thousands of people in this section who heretofore never saw a steamboat boat on account 0 the convention of hiie stock association at chicago dec 2 to 6 inclusive tickets will be bold aiom utah common points to ch cago and return vii alie colorado midland R alwa at 11 oo 00 tickets on acile at all R G W stations nov 40 dec 1 and 2 final return limit dec 11 write W H donnell general agent 0 M R salt lake cita for particulars harington managing siles iain for P madsen co the sut lake manufacturers of acetylene gas gener acors is m to ving our mer relative to placing some flints of this fine 1 ahting system hero ho nil visit ill the to ans of this county the ne v school bouso anc about a half doz en of prices business places are thus I 1 gated and present a fine appearance when the gas is turned on at night county treasurer wall wore a smile last saturday batur day that could aa be hell d tor a hundred irdi when asked concerning the wherefore he exhibited a check from the R grande railroad Rail roid company for this is alie amount of taws said this ear pis into the count treasury when the company extends its line from farnham through the counte to balina canyon and au builds a short cut line from green river to the coast sen ator clarks line there wont be much need of an one else paying taxes here this is the ti w of ear that a railroad rail roid magnate is a pretty goo 1 fello v treis aurer wall about one third of the taxes delinquent delin duent possible Pos sibl some of the reports sent out from texas with reference to on u pared b the who has given this item a fresh horn aca that my brother ji u found a foot rattler near town kinght under and instead of using his ad vantage he sympathetically released sed the snake which be a a pet and folio ved jim about ind guarded him is u i dog one n he was awakened ind mia ing thi snake in its usual at the foot of the bed he kne v so nothing was wrong he got up and lighted a match to gate and found a burglar in th abit room in the coils of the snake wh eh had its tail out of the aindow for the police tho road to the cemetery is being in good shape thit boing va ill have no k ck coi ing 1 antz of Lif tience is lag to establish a tin n ieng and repair shop cither t or castle lale ny want n the stole and 1 line can be viell filled it ottosen s furni ture store A nice 1 ne ot carpets d lots of other things to select from ahe 1 M an 1 L M I 1 associate on sake conference is to be held at echer on siqurd ay iy and boidi next nov oth mil dee 1st ml M atud arker are re quested to I 1 e present H Apple nian A co of thi splice beof ten g cho ce ats to be dra vu tor eve I 1 or even 00 cents worth of goods purchase the buyer if titled to 01 e chanco to one 0 the azes there ft ill be an importing import int eccle seal ical meet ng at hall in bistle dale on batur dai tov 30 it 7 30 p when the ard chinch property faill be deeded to bishop jansen and his sue in trust cox A of orangey ille abol ed the credit system ind cist the slate in the scrap pile herbitter He their business will be conducted on a str th cash basis and profits will be ruthlea iv slaughtered for the benefit of their pa arons in bonts furn ishu g gooda they hive a fine stock and offer big bargains |