Show A shocking calamity bitely I 1 efell a ra aroid laborer vr leq dr V hellett of will for 1 ark his foot wag billy crushed bit bud jer s arnica salve quickly cured h ru its div vonder tui for burns I 1 oila piles and all skin erupt one its the worlds champia 1 eller ci re guaranteed boc gold b abo store hive you a ense of fauness in tho re gion of the stomach after if so ou vill be be ef ted by using chamber inns stomach and liver tablets they alto cure belching and sour they regulate the bo too price boc sold by ill dealers in patent med cine the folio note wis picked up on the street in silroy last week dear the reason I 1 dian didn t liff when at me yesterday in the flee was because I 1 ha e a b ie on im fice but I 1 loveon ou thing b ie or collie hafl know that ps burn this bun when ou want a pleasant tr tho ne v fremed Chim beria n s stomach ind L ver 1 tablets chev are easy to take ind pleasant la effect price aoe free at all dealers in medicine university of utah salt lake city tl e ui aversit iver sit of utah comprises thorough collegial col legia e courses leading to degrees in general science libbril arts an I 1 ran ng nd e besides which the st ite normal school a d tory school are conducted under the direction of the university f ailt excellent opportunities ire offered to students who desire to pursue electrical and ming engineering courses and also coumbes courbes in aits ind general sc ance the aabol bones are thoroughly equip ped for ork in chemistry assaying electrical measurement general physics mineralogy miner alog ind biology shops are provi led for work in wood and metal the normal school offers a to ir 5 ears course lead ng to a o artif cate of gr dua ton ind dyAD ced courses leading to a degier and normal a the berti fi ate entitles the holder to teach in adv of the common of the state for five years without exa nini tio 1 e normal diploma is equiha ent to a 1 te certificate the training school in 1 kin hergarten ler garten connected ith the no 1 hool are equipped in acco din e w tn the most modern ideis manual anin ng and oratory t ce in alementa ele menta sc auces are of the normal tia courses A small annual leg tion fee 1 re quiren but no tu t i is charged fill term begins september alth send for anguil aich gives full in formation concerning braes etc D R LLEN Secre tuy thoroughbred brown leghorn an I 1 black M eggs it 81 per setting there money in raising eggs therefore secure bens that leei set aptly at the cork ranch one mile northeast of bummer tours in colorado and utah there are min tours outlined tor colorado but none complete with out including quaint and picturesque sail lake city in the itinerary edcur sion tickets are sold by all h ei in the east and south to silt like city via either tho denver rio grande or col orado midland L in connection with the grande we tern bail iv the greiff salt lake route purchased via this roi te will entitle hoi lers to sio over privileges at all the prominent resorts in the rocky aloun auns tuns and utah a veil rates for side trips etc there ill be duly ons to salt like cita during the entire summer as well aa eatn lo 10 v rates on special ds I 1 qu ie of ticket agent s for copes of bait like city the city of tl e sa ants and b de tup folder to geo W HP antz general g 11 ro gande wes cm silt lake lit corb YLE T of good lind in molen nov in lucern good ter right well fenced trees ano 2 room frame houses stable aranar rock celli etc only easy terms appia peter knuden bor SALE 20 acres of land I 1 mile north ot cas w orth of water right in the mammoth canal apply to B t luke Orang eulle wm howard land attorney and notary public land proofs contests ind coal land entries perfected at any lace in eastern utah deeds mortgages and legal pa generally drawn cities ex irined eastern utah larns I 1 coal lands for sale or trade I 1 oa s negotiated s made and a general I 1 A v bus ness ducted do e st up for deply huntington UTAH stood off D mandiv a lawyer of henrietta lex once f oled a gi ive digger he sa s my brother w a very lo 10 v malarial fever and jaundice jiun dice 11 f him to try electric bitters and he was soon much better but continued their use un til he was wholly cure 1 I 1 am sure elec trie bitters s ived his 1 te this remedy expels malma kills disease germs ind purifies the blood 11 Is d regu lakes liver k ineys and bovea cures constipate on n nervous diseases kidney troubles female complaints gives j erect health only it the castle dale drug score 1 J CURRENT TIME FOR PRICE UTAH effective sundie MB 1901 tio 6 I 1 or gian 1 junction danier and ill po ants eist 1 21 p m to 2 1 or grand junction denier nd ill points eist i 3 p in no 4 gran 1 junction denver in 1 ill ts eist 1 02 i m no 1 por salt lake city and loiba points 7 20 a m no 4 for it like cit ogden and pa coast points 5 46 p no 5 for salt like city ogden an 1 boist joints does not stop at price le ives helper 1 l ja a ni BRANCH no 34 leaves colton for scofield and clear creek 12 L p m no 3 leaves clear creek for boo field and colton 7 00 a m SUNNYSIDE no 58 t ro mounds de 8 40 a m no 39 brorn sun de to helper for concerning routes connections rates etc apply to or ad dress R ag nt price rutih SUMMER EXCURSION VIA ROUTE KATES DATES av missouri river points and return 44 daily lune 20 to dept 11 chicago and return daily june 20 to sept 11 st louis and return 1 oo 00 daily june 20 to sept 11 broj rates to ether points vest of st louis and chicago from 10 to 0 alys return limit on above rates tor further informal on address arren gen 1 gent A T 1 dooly 1 building salt like cit utah call on or write Us regarding mowers wagons readers reapers Re apers carriages large stock now on hand repairs for most adv bort of mo ver or greiper kept in stock utah co C E LARSEN agent A good one colorado midland train 0 o 0 leav ins ogden at 7 45 a m salt like it 8 a m arriving at Colira springs at 5 aa 01 denver at 8 10 a m is a good train and the fastest tram between utah points and denver the favorite one Is colorado midland train no 4 leaving ogden at 7 15 p salt lake 8 20 p m arriving at grand junction it 6 a m gers the entire day to view the si berb scenery in colorado arriving it gler springs at 8 oo 00 a leadville 1 p martou 5 30 p m colorado sprit gs 6 10 p and denver at 8 40 p m in time to make connections with all lines tor the north east or south both these trains carry pullman sleepers through without change ordinary Ordin nry sleepers for denver oma ha and st paul leave ogden train no 6 each morning for denver omaha and ordinary leaves on trim no 4 each wednesday evening write or call on us tor special round trip rites to points east they are on sile every day W H donneil II V S devo gen al agent T av ig ua age t S WEST TEMPLE ST building salt like rutih THE CURE AN INGENIOUS TREATMENT BY WHICH ARE BE ING CUBED DULY IN SPITE OF themselves 0 o noxious doses no weakening of the nerves A pleasant and positive cure for the liquor habit it is no v generelly gener known and under stood that drunkenness isa d sease and not weakness A body failed with po aon and nerves completely shattered cypen or constant use of intoxicating liquors requires ar antidote capable of neutralizing and erad eating this poison and destroying the craning for intoci cants sufferers may no v cure them selves at home without publicity or loss of time from b by this wonderful HOME GOLD CURE which has been perfected after mam years of close stud and treatment ment of i leb nates ahe ful use ic ord og to directions of this wonderful discovery is pos lively guar to ci re the most obstinate case no mitter m itter ho hard i drinker our rec ef ov the n ar transformation of thousands of drunkards into sober indi senous au 1 upright men WIVES CURB YOUR HUSBANDS CHIL CURE YOUR FATHERS ih s rem edy is in no sense nostrum but is a specific for this disease only and la so skillfully devised and re pared that it is thoroughly soluble and sant to the t ste so thit it can be given in a cup of belor coffee without the knowledge knowl elge of the person aiken it of drunk iris have cured thease vea with this priceless remedy and as anan n ore have been cured ard made temperate men by having the CURE by lov leg fr ends and relatives without their kno ledge in coffee or tea and 1 alieve to day that they drinking of their oan free will do NOT WAIT do not be deluded by apparent and mislead ing improvement drive out the dis ease at once and for all time the HOME GOLD CURB is sold at the extremely lo 10 v price of 81 thus within the reach of everybody i treatment ment more effectual than others costing soo full di 01 eich package spec lal alvice by skilled physicians when re quested without extra charge bent pro pai to any part of the rid on receipt of 1 address dept F ajl EDWIN su co 2330 and 2333 market st philadelphia Phil idelphia all correspondence strictly confidential A night of terror awful anxiety was felt or the widow ol 01 the brave genera burnham of mach las me when the doctors said she would die from pneumonia before morning tt rites mrs S H lincoln who attended her that fearful night but she begged for dr kings new discovery which had more thin once saved her life and cured her of consumption after taking she slept all night further use entirely cured her this marvelous medicine guar indeed to cure all chest and lung diseases di only ind sl trial bottles free at the castledine Castl edile drug store FOR SALE ahe store bu iding with ground and improvements belonging coun t mercantile company at Cast ledale utah will give possession of property including store fixtures on thirty days notice contrary to reports this build ing can be occupied tor saloon or an oti er purpose will be disposed of it a bargain at the price asked the invest anent atvill pay 20 per cent per year call on or address W CROCKETT price utah guaranteed salary YEARLY M n and ome i of good address to rep resent 1 8 some toti avel oti era fo lo 10 al work looking after our in te ests salary guaranteed early extra commiss ansani elpe ses rapid ad van ement old establish ed house brand cl nce for ear est man or woman to secure pleasant permanent position liberal in con e a d future ne v brilliant lines write at STAFFORD PRESS 23 church st new hirven conn CASH PAID aa aa FOR iron at the CASTLE DALE FOUNDRY get at bonnaha or chicago there s the whole story of a trip east denver ind the burlington route finest scenery in alenci all meila served 11 dining cars luxurious observation car buffet ind 1 brat denver to chicago through elpe cars leave salt like at 15 p m daily through tourist cars wednesdays and 1 nelye gmahl hi igo kansas cit st louis the friday car makes close ton sections at chicago with car for detroit buffalo aad information on request or if you prefer ace ou local ticket age silt lake office 79 west second south 1 R P gemeril abent DURING HOT WEATHER SE BLUE FLAME COOK f iak STOVES att 1 afi WICKLESS ew rochester SIMPLE SAFE under these circumstances is a pleasure pleas jre the rochester lamp I 1 f co stake their reputation on the stoie in question the bapst evi lenco 0 v the satisfaction is testimonials gilbie and duplicate orders fron all I 1 of the world parts send for both for the NEW COOK STOVE and the NEW ROCHESTER lamp introduced those geoia into your household ax will never regret having THE ROCHESTER CO 38 pirk place and 33 berclay st new york city VAN V V between denver and chicago via santi fe route i lovide as comfort able means of travel as can be offered adair S leal measure they are unsurpassed they aro hauled on fist trains and olis are in charge of and po lite porters all essentials for the toilet towels soap water coat s and brushes are prouder free of charge WARREN S if R i DOOTY BLOCK SALT LAKE CITY UTAH f FIRE INSURANCE written in the best companies doing business in utah rates a low salt lake city firms keep money at home all I 1 rhuea written at price utah county warrants bought si hool bonds and farm loans R W CROCKETT PRICE UTAH PEARSON physician and surgeon CASTLE DLE F E WOODS attorney at law castle dale utah WD Livingston MANTI UTAH A sure thin irrigated crops never fail thou sands of abrea 0 irrigated lands in idaho the chance of a life time tor en people ot moderate means to secure a home in this favored country choicest garden spot west of the rocky mountains the oregon short line railroad Is the direct route to ill points to idaho oregon montana and the northwest for rates advertising matter etc ad dress 1 E BURLEY G P salt lake cit utah thie signature is on every box 11 abo benn e laxative bromo quinine the aa abut n cold in tie lcy ajl e LW notary public collections a specialty practices in all courts of tho D orangeville ORANG EVILLE UTAH geo MILLER ATTORNEY AT LAW PUBLIC ADMITTED TO IN ALL 8 utah castle dale drug store stationery confectionery toilet articles Artic Bes schoos supplies etc prices right anyone ending n ketch and denar pt on may iu ck as e til n oi n on free whether an 1 vent a probably pate tab e comma tona fluent al latent tree U laet afancy for edcur I 1 a enta taken ahr uch blunn co w in the A handsome handa ome 11 week J t dr at ot any K e t flo 1 rna ler as J a r to amont a L bold by 1 on ml go new york t ast was agton D for acceptable ideas state if patented THE PATENT RECORD baltimore md pr ce of the PATENT oer samples mcw |