Show atte apt to arnault iowa girl while go ag to sunday school sun day morning ada ft are a sixteen year old daughter of a farmer residing between valley junction and corn near des moines iowa was as faulted by a gang of negroes and carried into the weeds after most of her clothing had been torn from her body the girl escaped scratched and bleeding and nearly naked she ran to her father s home about half a mile distant and told her parents of the outrage the father J VV ware and h s hired man aenied with shotguns started on a search for bhe negroes two colored men believed to be a martof the gang were found and taken to the valley junca on jail miss ware positively identified one of the negroes as her assailant he gives bis name as seymour washington and is a stranger to the corn eunity he was bound over to the grand jury to await action on the charge of criminal as sault the negro was brought to dea moines for safe keeping |