Show don t bet get I 1 loo oot teore sorel bec el FOOT EASE A certain cure tor for swollen smart ing burning sweating feet coma corns and bunions ask tor for alien aliens s foot ease a powder cures frost bites and chilblains at all druggists and shoe stores sample sent FREE ad dress alien allen S olmsted leroy N Y the secretary of the navy has ar rived at the on that the lav law relating to the build ng of new ships requires that the department allot one of the vessels to the pacific coast have you ever exper encee the joyful sensation ti n ot of a good appetite you will it if you chew adams pepsin ciutti lutti aussid s sugar crop of 1900 was 19 per cent smaller than tl ti at of 1899 care wor y a d sax e ir wh ten tea he ha r too ear y renew t w h PARSER PARKER 8 IIA R BALSAM 11 ORNS the be t cure for orns 15 ta to the phine is f ozen over and andna gaviga viga ion is temporary temp orar ly IV closed THE DUTY OF MOTHERS what suffer n ng frequently results from a mothers mother R ignorance or more fredi bentiv v from a mother mothers s neglect to properly instruct her daughter I 1 tradition says woman must suf fer and 5 oung women are so taught there is a little truth and a great deal of exaggeration in this if a young woman suffers severely she needs treatment and her mother should see that she gets it many mothers hesitate to take their daughters to a ph asician for examination but no mother need hesitate to write freely about her daughter or herself to mrs P neham and secure the most efficient advice without charge mrs pinkham s address is 13 lynn mass E mrs augu august t of south byron als Y is mother of the oung lady whose portrait we here publish wrote mrs Pin pinkham kharn in january 1899 sa saying ing her daughter had suffered for two years ears with irregular menstruation had ad hea 1 liche tche all the time and pain in hercide her bide feet swell and anas w as generally miserable mrs pinkham promptly replied with advice and under date of march 1899 the mother writes again that lydia E Pin pinkham khani s vegetable Com compound cured her daughter of all pains and irregularity I 1 4 noti ing in the world equals mrs Pin pinkham kharn s great medicine for regu lating woman s peculiar monthly troubles A cough pneumonia weakened lungs 14 4 consumption its a short story but stop at the first chapter by using A c k fini te tet t r 9 s ila lemue d it will aill cure your boug cough at once and prevent pneumonia it will heal your dour sore lungs and will positively cure consumption but what is the use of getting to that stage I 1 always rec commend ACKER s ENG LIH licit almedy for coughs and lung trouble it is the best med c ne I 1 have handled in my 14 ears exper ence it has bas cured every case where tried A B COOK drugg st Belle fonta ne 0 wr te to ug for testimonials testimonial i and free illustrated book on conson eption sold at SOO a tl d st 00 a bottle isyou it you are not salt fled return the bottle ta your our dr gs et at and get to r horev back IV W H hoo Hook ker artro az co P fralo N 1 1 ird 3 0 OR 4 YEARS EARS AN ASSURED isyou you take up your tornes in vi A estera estern can ada the laud land of p enty I 1 u rated pamphlets g v ng exper ances of 0 fa a mers who have to be come wea thy in grow G ing wheat reports ot of de eg tes tea etc and full IZ in orm on us as to eau can e el I 1 ra A ay rates can be had on apri cation to the superintendent of 0 imm gra ion depar in nt of 0 inter or ottawa canada or to W V bennett X Y lite life omaha neb ni 8 ci UL i jea wis all LL EL ELSE FA FATS LS pa 1 best cough 8 tastes good user so inane in t n a ial kw w N V 5 eairl alt ake lake N no 0 3 |