Show meat advances 1 in I 1 rice prices for flesh meats reached the highest point last friday tor for january a nee 1884 1804 with 8 cattle 30 hogs bogs and 10 sheen on the chicago market ranging from 4 50 forbat tor cat tie tle on the hoot hoof hogs 1035 47 and sheep sa 3 0 4 50 per pounds the consumer was forced to pay 22 cents per pound for a potter porterhouse house steak steal 10 cents per pound for pork cl ops aps and 20 cents per pound toi foi choice cuts of lamb and mutton the prices were sir loin 20 cents pot roast per beef 7 to 12 cents salt pork 13 12 cents corned beet beef 6 to 12 cents these prices con sider ably increased the cost to the heads beads of families |