Show county news items interesting facts gathered the week by our correspondents and ourselves the old folks PERRON of ferron and molen or those 69 years of age or over were roy ally entertained last friday at social hall the old folks of clawson were in cited by through some ing they failed to participate the gathering assembled at 11 clock a m entertained with graph selections by N P charley barsan s machine then gospel hymns were rewired ren ired af ter which bishop acal welcomed the guests of the day in a nice epoch em ily lowery and aids pinned nicely print ed silk badges on the old folks the oldest persons present were mrs beach of molen aged over 90 years and claybourne elder aged 77 ears and these two were each presented with a nice pair of el dinner was then served at 12 clock and a loyal feast it was pretty flowers adorned the tables after d there was more speech making hans peter rasmus sen responding to the address of wel come then dancing sandwiched with program followed at 4 30 lurch waa served after which the hall was made ready for the eveni ig dance which was part in by all over 14 years of age there was still eatables for lunch at night after which apples passed around the affair was heartily enjoyed by all young and old it was under the able management of J D killpack chairman emily lowry treasurer john secretary of the old foil a standing committee ai aisted byth following members also of the above committee james taylor jens ivansen niels P thompson nan cy Pet erien and screna last sunday the rel ef society ha 1 charge of the burday meeting good time was had mr and mr nel on lost their infant baby with whooping cough last friday the futeral was held sunday W dyches and lars chistensen gave some good instructions to the young folks last sunday night A good attendance was present caroline bernson is visiting with her folks here for a bevi days she came from helper we are having an up to date butcher shop put up the manger is D D dun can emery county can get all kinds of meat before long joseph is building a very pretty brick residence dell cox came near losing his eye sight last thursday week by a bottle exploding that had lime in it he went over to see if the lime was slaking and t ie bottle exploded he is ennic I 1 J E leslie and george of the ferron corral are booking thousands of sheep whooping cough is quite bad among the infants misses elva and thurnelda singleton entertained at their home wednesday night pink and white carnations were the decorations A most enjoyable timo was had and several more socials are expected to take place 1 wm dugmore purchased t e city lot of olsen situated in the center ot berron joseph meyer ferron s expert gar dener is go n into the rye raising busi ness this year he put in 10 acres of grain about the of february on land just previously plowed the grain is now up two or three inches it 13 01 land above the ditch ind he proposes to raise a crop on the dry fanning method last monday evening a pleasant surprise party was given at the home of miss hildred jensen in hanoi of millie barton who recently as dent of the primicy association there were 7 children present presents bought by the children were given to mias barto i and each of her counselors misses surelda crawford and leona co nice program wag given after which a splendid plen did supper was enjoyed by all all present biad an enjoyable time principal of schools G A Und is with the Orange relief society held its anneal last sunday afternoon and i most successful affair it was the hall was crowded and everyone seemed to enjoy the most excellent p tha bishopric look charge of the opening ex excises and this program was rendered after the sacrament sacia ment k Orean lation of the F rat kel ef 8 ety maria G m gymn joaeph the seer 1 thai awl cro I 1 alln e sketch life the prophet jobi h sm th N T G bt regj ng the open door foi woman viattie L areld quartets iver threads amonso the id I 1 maffer bojt i ewt and 11 nn e hewke the re et t L cinda L curl I 1 lecture charity annem fit sketch lift of LI I 1 jano kemajl 8 honry M I 1 ci 1 the choir under the direction of A G jewkes sr rendered selections on monday night there was a married folks party under th aup ces of the relief society it too was a n ce affair aid all the married folks were there carl and lato A program with dancing was givin and nice lunch was served at per lunch borne of the numbers on ahr program sacra 1 sore of cl riet mrs J crawford und L W I 1 ox poem 01 heart arn mary A t sil STOB non h r M a cel a thayne poem mra mar a A guynon quartet mra jewkes and conff mrs annie johnann the receipts were ac 75 A daughter was biln to mr ap 1 mrs ceorge snow jr on monday lat monte mangum is urther dr fergus on a treatment for appendicitis S P snow jr went to salt I 1 ake on sunday returning wednesday edward johnson returned home from dragon ut ib on monday where he has been employed tha p few months miss dee liddle who taught school at orangeville Orang eville before the holidays wari recently married at salt lake city kcf brady pierce of filer idaho john cot co t returned home wednesday continued on 4 |