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Show y-- n. wm ' rT M ' "TrTI"'"1 'TrM''" r,fTT T"V - . m I',', pT1 " " Um IJ ' I WEEKLY REFLEX 15, 1979 DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL, FEBRUARY -- 'y ' ll p" 0 p y iM IP 4 pi Iji U H Hr ! 1 LEADER. FEBRUARY 15, 1979 - LEAN BEEF RIB REGULAR GRIND DEEP SMOKED GROUND REEIF SMOKED P2CNB0S. LICED HALF STEMS PORK LOINS ALBERTSONS LB. PACKAGE SMALL & TENDER ALBERTSONS SUPREME DELICIOUS 5 LB. SLICED LB. 98c L ffimm (aaaaazs Lilli m mi FLAVOR Lee Peas or Cornp!c, Ore Ida Onions Rings?."1.;,,. 0 S& STEAKS 0 Sff 0 STEAKS 1 GRAPE JUICE ib.1.28 Country Style Spareribs Blade Chuck RoastHJ Rib Cut Pork Chops" .Beef Stew CubesfST. Jenos Deluxe Pizzaszr.0.". Van De Kamp Enchiladas MRS. SMITHS .731 0 1.39 69c Birdseye Cool Whip?.2. ib.1.69 JANET LEE 7 TURBOT 1 iJJ? & Eggo Berry Waffles " Cheese Pick.,. S3 63c 77c . . FILLETS DELICIOUS PKG.L()il0 Large AA Eggs Wesson Oil!;": FLAVOR iS&Tomato SoupSW,.. Smack Hoodies:::, 3 For 98c Wilson BurritosLcn 1 .39 Cheddar Cheese Sticks ilWKr 1.59 Swift Premium Bologna Package Ijjy Pro Dog Mealgfr,., Hi 69c ffi&pieCrustsP.'SS. 69c 4.88 Nestles MorselsXsr 1.89 Chili 10R3AT0ES n X 1.77 5,1 T Soft Margarine rxsr 5.99 75c i .39 Cherry Pie Filling r mrw SRE i 0Lfl Sara Lee Dessert CakesiV;'. Swanson Macaroni 12 1 -- CHERRY PIES If Kr WJ!l Wlfynn 2.49 59c FRIED CHICKEN WIENERS SWEET ROLLS ASSORTED FLAVORS U.S. NO. SALAD Syf yy Lemon Meringue Pies jP.L'ANTIDEP.Tli Cherry Tomatoes Cups. Bell long Sllcers For 1 ...59c Peppers W Cucumbers 3 . 2 for 39 c LITE HOUSE DRESSING 1000 ISLAND fRENCH. RANCH. OIL A VINEGAR BLUE CHEESE PINT C Cookies Favorite Angel Food Cakes M & M TROPICAL PLANTS Sandwich Bread 0 POTATO ROLLS POTS FORSU1 6 INCH POTS PLANTS KIMCIES EA. DISPOSABLE DIAPERS 1.39 Sir11 30 20 c . . . 24 CT. 34.9 . . . 59js OR poz.(0)Sr X BOTTLE f MIX BAKERY PRICES NOT EFFECTIVE IN TOOELE. TAYLORSVILLE. & CEDAR CITY. UTAH Saw up tos85cn our special CASH SAVER PLAN T Tha Ultimate in Gourmet Ccc.'avare MATCH i Toddlers Th0 cookwr you s tit0Um0 o i b00uUtul 90fVK0' a complete on our plan 14-p- c. set of deluxe Cookware for only 16.91 for the groceries you need! buying just Porcelain-on-Stee- l Picks,. . . . . 1.49 AVAILABILITY DUSGmSf Copyright 1979 by Albertsons, Inc. All Rights Reserved thtigntd to gw COUNT DAYTIME EXTRA ABSORBENT Unicad . . 3 tjj? 1 PARTY PIZZAS ib.1.19 ft. 129 i&Beef Tongue? lb. 1.78 Bee1 3 for JENOS 0 0 2.89 21 Orange Juice Drink ?! Richs Coffee Rich Carton. 0VEAL PATTIESJ .98 Iff CHOPS 3.69 BP CUTLETS3.98 .98 3p.r1 42c WELCHS Very, very young beef, about 15 weeks old. The meat is exceptionally lean and tender and has its own pleasant and distinctive flavor Essentially, the veal sold in this country is of two sorts the veal from milk-fe- d calves and the veal from grass-fe- d calves A word of caution. There are lots of products around that are called veal, but by our definition it isnt and its easy to spot the imposters 1.98 BAG Janet WHAT IS VEAL? ROASTS 2 LB. HASH BROWNS MEAT, FRESH EXTRA LEAN AND FANTASTICALLY TENDER. TRY IT!! SHOULDER qheo ORE IDA CREAMY-PIN- K BELFT BLUE PR0VIMI VEAL LB. PRICES EFFECTIVE FED. 14TH THRU 17TII, 1979 IN UTAH STORES ONLY. Each of these advertised items is required to be readily available tor sale at or below the advertised price m each Albertson $ store, except as specifically noted in this ad RAIN CHECK We strive to have on hand sufficient stock ot advertised merchandise If for any reason we are out of stock, a RAIN CHECK will be issued enabling you to buy the item at the advertised price as soon as ora it becomes available 7 Uttl |