Show WHY willy 7 T why mr sharp mr str hamilton Haj callton mr randolph randelph you self rare and only honest public por vanta why doe does bull mome tr er stevenson receive four our dollar dollars r 1 more for or brildle plank than other lumber con concern raiv nave have ot 1 beroa to turnley turn leh tt ft at fatt why the umit of 0 audacious sen tation was attained by the board vl of county cou nty sitting Is a board of equalization equalisation when a rea glutton was wa deG lorLie that tt lands of the various coal camps tn in carbon county devoted to town 4 eite its purposes eoa were alsed at 12 2 60 11 ear r aero acre and ft a malre wae was made to 1000 00 per amov n cief on motion of 0 joe sharp when the w wn made by judge erickson on behalf of 0 th ie A utah fuel a that th eom com had a misconception of the ft f ct assessor M who was present tho the board that practically ajl alt of the landi lands in question were now and for many yeara years had 4 ben at it 30 20 00 pr per atre re the wee was fortified by bla M records and mr sharp shary took on much discomfort when the false ana der tive resolution was challenged raud displayed the utmost ot of temper that the hould should thim thus r have 1 been exposed in a barefaced attempt to aad and deceive the genera general taxpaying public into the 4 4 that the utah fuel company la im particular was not paling tho the amount of a tax upon ita its landa lands which tho the constitution and towa awa of the state require it in it sui eua h despic despicably ablo stunts this that hare have caused a very large percentage per coatne of tue ie taxpaying public to io look upon L ber a official nota of the board ot of courty commis of carbon county with contempt it would be ao to find a parallel for euch such ina dignity and a nd meanness as a this hl delectable deleo table ie Is manifesting toward the labor jabor em cloying and taxpaying interests of carbon county all the act acts of the cheap polut cal lator wor have boen boon piled plied bap b these enemies of industry la in order to gala gain the commendation and of a few dirty necked anar but I 1 oh ob joseph the cost the cear will be caust amul manlet fewA to your little ex beware of the ide of november the county have chown to a number of people a from fro m th Cona Con ollda eolida tod fuel company asser that at company compary would haye have no object ton to if its ti Ma watha awatha townsite tow town nalto sito being at a I thousand thoua and dollari dollars in as mope ropO tood by the commis conr it appears however that tho the balds involved in the lh hiawatha were not acquired as coal bluds mid and consequently not net subject to the provision ft quiring auch such lands to be auses sead at the price the govera and coni consequently being subject to any a taxation which ae the board of county commissioners might establish being entirely PA the mercy of the erratic board of county commissioner the Coi moll dated Inte reate douba dou bU 4 deemed it a L Ls je waste of time on their part iq to protest against tho the euto auto cratin land stand taken by the board in whose poyer they found 1 the landa lands of the utah fuel company have been acquired cool limda lands paid for as euch such and m aarn turned as auch such the board of colmia exceeded thir lowera in multiplying by fitta the taxation value fixed by the constitution and lawn of the state nind rand it la Is certain hat the unjust awl and unlawful JI op pry aslon ought to be vielor upon that compan comp compana tn by the alu bo be effectually resented reen ted and the tax will not be paid the commissioners will tho thus involve the county la another civil lawsuit with an ex pee of several hundred dollars do llara which the taxpayer taxpayers will have to pay and which will enable the bard to continue the abe support and malts nance of certain I 1 progressive party lawyers whom hey they hoem very anxious to provide with employment at the cewe of the taxa of carbon county the local coar of the herald to authority for the statement that the th e sentiment of the coal comp antee operating in thin countr wae was thoroughly canvassed t the he increased valuations pa on an mining property used fw a town ke purposes and all of them were well pleased with the action of the board of county cociu ty commissioners x opt copt the utah fuel company no doubt they warn the outside tv so good over the ateer beatt th aft in n all ability a banquet has aken aar arranged anaed for to celebrate the event their exuberant s something akin to the overflowing ot good spirit they would experience were the corree to reach rach into th gir tras por wient to reua into their brea 1800 to etory story ie is being bein run in the saturday evening poat poet entitled the rho fakers 11 the leading character chara oter la Is ft 1 man who acquired enough legal knowledge to pass the th to become an attorney lie knowd practically of the dence 0 pra out of law but he 6 L trong strong on an the bad end pave ment declarations decla rAdom when it coded to the trial of a case he hires a lawyer to conduct it doea does he re 1 mind advocate leaders of a atme limelight o character tn ja the tho biggest little tle city A exchange says that the tight of abdull a bull moode crossed aka a donkey hu hal rendered teddy speechless Is I 1 corroborated y press report rei from london that tho th colonese Col onele voice bag has been quietly packed and i put away lor for the season by an emi 1 nent the only possible offspring would be a bult donkey which of course la means a there would beco be chance for a perpetuation of the breed |