Show AEA w r aly aw 1 arlt ill 1 raib extended for the purchase haae steel care amounts to ix more a a dollar luo unda nde will berato now une line ie a of the biggest railroad dongir I 1 eats one of the moat most kave of 0 railroad in utah that part of 0 the utah iray ay om line betwee at ie 0 aate and the coal fields of on n county Is I 1 baldly nearing elon aind and la U expected to be r for baist ness not later than r according to william wilin on vim president preel dent and chief of the company coro peny aye says the lake tribune e link bet between woon thistle and 0 a portion ot of which ia is now in LS a asmond track by the den md nd wo rio grande will aly ay be put ut into aenice serice at ot time by a joint traffic arent bet bot two yeen the utah rail a company land 4 the deaver and rands coro company peny fron from thistle to e gate the utah railway coin com lit ill be pr prepared oared a take caro care of aaa t three of the carbon county atthe in the jno of the win apply ot of coal buhy hy gload waa was PIA ned origin origine 1 intent at the builds 4 e road was 0 ita P serve the manea inea e castle galley falley coal company he e co comP coatny ILDY at com compall panl located about five milts south of price I 1 three yeara years ao axa the gout southern born railroad wa was built the tho f at baft Catie C 14 C anty im ao to sor kenw ye theae these ulues al but bilt it oon a found thet the road ciula itee ke pare care of the output and the 1 hallway railway cou tImmy wa was alnar ad ao to const construct a line between line nee aw anc provo aey amrey of the proposed route ally ily paralleled the line of the ir r and rio orande from provo gate where it diverged bh it the rough country to the ahja brought about nigol a relative to a joint traffic arent alent between the two eom with the result tha that t it waa id ed to construct the tenly iles lle between cattle castle gate arnd ines another anath link of twenty between bat be tweel nd brovo temporarily at lit yec jac th lbs a i of the denver rio orande grande oran de my by from castle gate to M under the same a agree the he track of the utah hallway railway uny y from provo to thistly la Is used by fio tae denser maier illo RIO e company according to the lit plane plans tho the denver rio ay ny will op operate erato the entire aa an it doea does the southern utah id wt t tho the pires fint time lame to bleavy traffic new now line la Is intended for the bea vloet klad of ot traffic and aind een n tod at great ex the grading ajoue alone in in coating ting more than ille ile the track la is laid with pound teel steel and the I 1 of teel steel tonzA construction ructIon the x of the uno un between abue anu an a n the minea represents repin went an deture of jugoro rhan 2000 20 00 about fourteen males of athis as an been bem the grad the renia rema luder of thia this section acied ed to bo be finished in july julf lady eady tor for ervice service in septem september sr engine engineering oring work on the line ah xh J klis tl rough from gate to mohrland to a dif favure fa kure and though calling for demse 9 outlay abe result more justi justify fl the a the TM rele eng aglar feet to Is conon of tha th a track so that it Is in down grade ol 01 0 lenrel ft tron the to the dearer deaver rio G orande nde uon on thus lowering uhe the oper apon to the minimum h conditions tt it Is I 1 to irb s nany loaded alm from the oa can be ber handled weir with ginee glues braung braking V ar greatest grea teat grade IS cald 0 the anines ie lis 2 per ont ants da and ly ir in fw few f w lusts nes the laa ad been so 0 o calculated an u to in n engine to handle oj dw many care cars to the othe balneg ea a it can con handle loads bucza them making the traffic practically care cam ot of itself the den denev i w Ss rio grande company o urotes that iha with one ot of its it mallet engine engines it can handle bandle 75 loads in 1 oa ch train from 11 mohrland and 7 76 empties on tte t 0 routen crip rip haling AU all sh 1 can car the utah railway company pany recently placed 4 an order for SOO all steel pounds coal care car for its own uee use no order for power has been placed up to to ibis 1 time the rio grande company being depended upon to turu fura lath lisk all sit tb t way be retired required to in that line the coal car cars ordered represent rep reent an expenditure of more mare than half a miallo i dollin an ja of added iran trans t por 1 joe ded the coal its 3 making masing tat ip aou break A 1 l output at jt the th catnes which when i o will mean the loading of cars are per day according to the betl latow four adina each way will handle the empties and the dayi day output between mohrland and sad cas ue gate late but the movement of ot these cars between castle gate and this ue U e Is another proposition lly from onetis gate to boldie flo lale sam wit on the deliver rio grande between the latter points la to a beep grade and the average train to i 4 of about thirty loads to lug aking aa an increase of ton ten trains lally up the mountain the estimate ahlma te of loads lo ada dally daily anay also be lin crea i if it boome of the other coal oot iles 1 la the field flem decide to connect up with thy new road read the standard coal company haa has opened a mew mine mins in spreng canyon and it U probable that th at it as well ae an the knight coal company may mar decide to talce take advantage of the additional facilities output Is I 1 d to provide for the grel greatest test josol ble bl e output the castle valley coal compan anz cruc ted ar a new tipple last year bf black aate company mena mati and the consolla ted led fuel company will make it its improvements improve prove mente ments luring 19 1816 15 the standard coal company has er enacted feted a concrete tipple of the labeet model and it la Is to load box as well as a coal cars something unusual in part of the country the contract for tons of coal tor for the arrow hook rock irrigation t near bolso awarded to the utah cool coal salea sales agency will W b tue the airet big movement of cort nor the new road the coal will eara from the hiawatha mine operated by the consolidated fuel company any part of as order that moves prior to the completion of the he track be kweon castle gate bi wl mohrland will be handled om the line of the utah railroad labo price for luevery luU dol lvery very 6 f tha th D denver nver and rio grande the coal handled by the new now line into provo will be deliver 1 ed to the salt lake route and the denver and rio grande |