Show ano V I 1 C ill rit y I 1 A eale sale by hyrum baird to a air jensen rf ff spring glen of worth of savoy betel hotel block stock la Is re ported february meeting of 0 tho th standard deakers company will be held bold monday afternoon atter noon february 9 ath th at 4 15 1 0 clock the young ladles ladies ot of price ward will give a cake eale sale at the carbon county commission company a store saturday next commencing at two p m invitations have been seat sent out ut lor for a pot party fair or saturday afternoon altern xin february ah at the home of mrs J E ferris far fox her sunday school girla girls dr nicholson Nich secretary of 0 the bard of the methodist E pla 11 copal church took lunch with rev rey and mra mrs J E ferris friday of last week dr Nicu was berv her on a trip of inspection keu neu at madsen the scofield roer mer chant haa has been in price this week on business buel nesa edere ere la to an unusual amount of snow in the scofield BOO see tion this year it la is something eom ething uke like tow four feet deep and the centes in places are ara covered overe d over dr and mrs it 11 A of salt t lake aro are the guests this week of mr str and af mrs re 0 T brooke brooks dr la to one on at of the cham champion plon ka k sk ekaas aiters ot of utah and has been fead inz a great deal of ot his time an a tho the river elace being bere here an eifort ef fort ie Is eahl sald to bo under u oer way 1 to hauft tim the denver rl kiv railway ny to kovl ro vl mom passenger and tm im proved lanil mail facilities at tpring glen while that tb thriving riving la Is on the tho auala ao 10 it line of rl lall vall road train traina do 40 not top stop and wall ue ties would he a great boba the AlL allburt murt girl dd did niu out in its at tho the cuy city at tt tu tuesday day night aa as Seed the rabo foi for alz delay waa was because of ot evere severe enow stoma 1 in colerado Colu rado ibe 0 wae was held bold up o 0 at dolore feolo jor or lour our day days and to 1 therefore five da ask behina U V 4 used schedule eche dule this very popular drajna drams will however mak make its appearance pe arance tomorrow night at tho the hall do you knox kno that tho the new ner anti liquia ine ja Js a h easier to apply arul remove than the clay poultice preparations and la is qu ieler kur in relieving xo koreness reness and congestion in alt all O 0 udit lons aa A a surgical lug it Ls is both healing and it ts eold sold by all druggists under a guarantee Knar anteo ot of or money bacic baek when paying your subscription to our paper oak ask for v 1 I 1 io 00 bottle tree free we have bare it for you ad 11 G batiller bt iller president of the eastern utah telephone company alfred it dehlke one ot of the dl tit rectors and alao also division general pia nager eger A the mountain states telephone and telegraph company sam J jones district ma mansager cr and D D mackintosh chief clerk to mr air denike of the latter company were here monlay to attend the annual stockholders meeting of the loci concern everyone was highly pleased with the splendid don done by the company the t year A tins 4 all were espe especially dally ehmed with the he rew raw price directory put off the advocate prem and for which work the paper received a special carnall rint rient from th claU |