Show I 1 OIL til 8 NT CLO 1110 LAND 1 P 11 provo herald of lat last monday tells ot of a big deal la in roal real es e tate mado by chas 11 II taylor a former resident of and tor for ft a number of at yearn years manager of 0 the trading company olt ol thia this cit coq opo of 0 tho the big real estate acala of I 1 14 was fod her here bee lat wc ark k for chan if I 1 taylor aa as owner nd abo bany wai joe L alien allen of no ne ah it ta lar received for his coa lo 1 d interest in the Walls burr ranch of acrea acres of rich the inch Is located about IS 19 view ratted tram from provo ad id is I 1 counted ono one of the bet best up provo caveza |