Show 1110 IV IN dr MAND roil COP AND MOOL copper la Is higher says Drad bradstreets streets chiefly on reports of large foreign demands plus requirements of amert ameri can man manufacturer et u aers of war materials but otherwise ine demand ie to very elow slow spelter suitable for use in braes mills is in active request and high grade e brands are high the situation reflecting the influence of war demands cap dally tally as exhibited in heavy pi tive shipments nta to cumla machiner 3 markets not only hold the creeping improvement heretofore noted but blut tey they have added to it to some extent domes Dom t le demand Is enlarging email small but iut nu numerous nume berous roua orders malting making for volume ume while foreign business which has aut sut elded at some points has grown at other others wool woot and acelie there la Is a veritable boom on in medium end and cros ared wools at boston hoston and the market la Is being carefully full y gone gono oer to disclose any little lota lots which have hitherto escaped detection tt on are very ery bearce and most of the week dales rates were r south american total transfers are at to 1 11 IDOO ea bounds included in this wae a aa large volume if nf south american larnes wool taken by american buy ere ers this year to an unusual extent merino wool wools ar art I 1 icing eing released rele aeed from embargo in both australia and london total permits in the latter market being for two thou aind bales some wool la Is on the way to this country from Aur australla and another load has b ben n chartered to sail february ath th for a it special trip from aust alla to closton via vla the panama canal conal lo do 10 murt mw w olm are till g ux freely aa as limited storks will albov pulled wools are tape tally abrons being mt me t wanted hy by mills aimy carpet wools are aleo also in demand for the mime a purpose at advancing prices all values are A ery try net not only for pulled and scour va e but ate also for greasy and territory fleeced dealers and groters growers are still at odd in regard to contracting tue we new clip roofs wools and apparently len haa has been done tb in for some bevars |