Show III 11 I 1 rum frandsen Fran daen a resident of price for fifteen year years waa was called br by death saturday morning of last week at f clack the previous beening he stumbled etuin bled down doan do an a flight of stairs striking on hia his head which caused of the brain the fall rendered him hirn unconscious and he remained in that condition until he 1 i wd avay av ay fourteen hure hurs afterwards surrounded by his family rel atles and friends decked Dec aed was a native of utah and was born in sanpete annee Sn nee county in 13 1863 on february Feb 28 ISSI h ho waa was united in marriage to atlas 1 maria marla jensen who with eight childred ch ildrem survives the husband and father the children fre lloyal 2 22 lavern to farley 17 leola 13 nuth ruth 10 zella 8 olene glen and a S months old baby lie ile Is also aurl ved by hia his mother six brotheren br othere peter george lars I ars and ras of at this city heber of castle dale and orson of mt it pleasant and one mister mrs annie of salt lake take city all the above aboe except mra mrs hoi mir attended the fineral funeral services were held from the 1 L D S 8 tabernacle at 3 0 clock monday afternoon under the of albert speakers at the occasion were joseph jones robert rt green oci and john potter all au ct f whom paid glowing gloving tribute to the life of the deceased aa as a laving loving parent and the esteem in which he waa was held by ahn community at large ahe bemons we interred in the lo 10 cat cemetery the elx six brothers ot of th deceased dec eased acting aa as pall pallbearers bearers a |