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Show 4 Stakes Relief Society Will Hold Leader to Speak LAYTON Barbara B. Smith, general president of the LDS Relief Society, will speak at a visiting teaching convention to be held Saturday at 1 p.m. in the Layton Holmes Creek LDS Stake Center, Theme for the convention is Caring Is Sharing With Your Heart. In addition to Mrs. Smiths address, musical numbers will be sung by a stake Relief Society choir and awards will be given for outstanding service by visiting teachers in the stake. All visiting teachers in Relief Society in the stake are invited to attend. Mrs. Smith, world leader of Mormon women, presides over one of the oldest and largest womens organizations in the United States. The Relief Society has expanded into 70 countries of the world with a membership of approximately 1.5 million. In her work with the women of Relief Society, Mrs. Smith has traveled widely throughout the world. She serves as a member of the board of trustees for the LDS church educational system, the Lion House board of advisers, Promised Valley Playhouse ad- MR. AND MRS. MILFORD TESCH Couple to Serve Mission RIVERDALE . and 4509 S. 1000 W., Mr. Mrs. Milford Tesch, have been called to serve a LDS mission in Australia. They will give their farewell, testimony this Sunday at the Riverdale 1st and 3rd LDS Wards at 9 a.m. An open house will be held Sunday after the morning sacrament meeting by the Tesches. They will leave Sept. 18 for one month at the mission home before going to the visory committee, Welfare Services executive committee, LDS Social Services board of trustees and Perth Mission. agencies, Brigham Young University board of a real estate agent and trustees. has served in various church callings. She also serves on a number of state and national He was a first counselor and bishop of civic and governmental boards dealing with children the Riverdale 1st LDS Ward. He also and families. served 13 years on the High Council. Mrs. Tesch was secretary of the Relief Society and a Primary teacher. She also served as secretary for Sunday LDS Australia Mr. Tesch is Church School. The Tesches have eight children and 22 grandchildren. Changes Service CLEARFIELD River Rafting Trip Planned A river rafting trip CLEARFIELD is planned for the Junior High Youth group of the Clearfield Community Church. The youths, under the direction of Vik and Dorothy Arnold, will leave Friday for their weekend trip. The group will camp near the Snake River below Jackson Hole, Wyo., and reiver trip depart for a 10- - to have Schedule changes le Church. Last Sunday the services and worship Sunday school returned to a regular schedule. The services will be at 9:30 and 11 a.m., and the Sunday school will meet at 9:30 a.m. A preschool The symphony includes almost 116 volunteer musicians, mostly 18 to 30, who make an avocation of their music. During the week they are busy in such places as the operating room, in banks, in front of or sitting in a classroom, at home, or in places of business. Saturday mornings are devoted to rehearsals on Temple Square in Salt Lake City. The symphony and chorus, under the direction of n for special Mr. Bowden, have become of the classics, patriotic and conarrangements temporary music. Mr. Bowden studied in Boston and was associated with Arthur Fiedler and the Boston Pops Orchestra. Radio, television, records and live concerts have carried performances of the symphony and chorus to audiences around the world. Praise and applause have come in special recognitions and awards. well-know- (o ki the Report Set Sunday WEST POINT Missionary Will Speak A young Roy - - VERY REASONABLE RATES Call Stan or Brent WESTERN AUTO 1 at 825-601- 1 Ut 29 So. State, Clearfield, Tel. 825-601- 1 CALL FOR PowerT 40 Channel 2-W- ay gl1 g W50 I 4 00 t $4 00 4 FREE DRINKS PLENTY OF PARKING - Kirk R. Read, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray R. Read, 1901 W. 75 S., has returned from Sweden the Stockholm LDS Mission. He will report his mission Sunday at 10:50 a.m. at the West Point Stake Center, 550 N. 2300 Rocker's Western Auto now does . . , EXPERT BICYCLE REPAIR Most Makes Full ol Permanent Wavea-Re$35. (St A Cut included) .... Haircuta. Reg. 86.00 Shampoo Seta- Reg. 86.00 Mission 11 ATTENTION DIKIES: Dated SPECIAL will be and nursery for Vera or Merry Clean and Friendly Atmoaphere! Aak Ready and waiting! Complete system stores easily in set-u- p allows you to your car or trunk. Simple be on the air quickly when you need road information or in times of emergency. HELP includes a magnetic antenna that is placed on the roof of your car, a cigarette lighter adapter for power, and the Transceiver unit, plus its own rugged travel case. Add an extra neasure of safety and security to your driving. Call for HELP!. .. but only when needed. form-fitte- Only So. SALON 1900 W., Roy Phone $79.97 GE brings good things to life. LAYTON DRUG KAYSVILLE DRUG Mena & Womena 5535 Citizens Band Radio 773-777- 0 Fort lone Shopping Confer In loyton 3 Tol. Everyday - 9-- 7 Sundays Open 552 North Main, Kaysville 6 Tel. Open Mon.-Fri.- '- t Saturday W. man has been called to serve a mission for the LDS Church in South Africa. s Dale Bridges, son of Lyman Glen and Carol Bridges of 2654 W. 4850 S., will speak to the Roy 7th LDS Ward Sunday at 11:30 a.m. -- Bridges graduated from Roy High School and LDS Seminary and has attended the Ogden LDS Institute of Religion. He in the LDS, South Africa Johannesburg Mission. will serve Players to Perform CLEARFIELD The Covenant Players are coming from Los Angeles to open the fall schedule at St. Peters Episcopal Church, 1204 E. 1450 S., Clearfield. They will perform at the adult class and church school at 10 a.m. Sunday, with a play entitled New Beginnings. Holy Eucharist is at 10:30 with a sermon carrying out the gospel for the day. The sermon will relate in a modern way the Parable of the Lost Sheep. . m 12to 6 p.m. Mattresses & Foundations AND SATURDAY Only!!! Twin Full 49i Each Queen FlotaYi6n BUNKBEDS WATERBEDS Looks like a normal bed Needs no heater You can use your Hardwood Bunkbed, rail, ladder and guardrail. $99 with mattresses . interested young people Sunday, at 7:30 p.m. in the Wasatch Chapel, 789 KAYSVILLE Andy E. Wasatch Dr. in Layton. Thompson has been Speaker will be Ron called to serve in the New a former Zeidner, Zealand Wellington LDS educator in the LDS Mission. He will speak in sacrament meeting on Seminary system. Matt Bitner, chairman Sunday in the Kaysville 8th LDS Ward chapel, 25 of the Young Adults in the So. 200 E., at 3:30 p.m. Layton Holmes Creek He will enter the Stake, and Becky Training Johnson, vice chairman, Missionary Center in Provo on Sept. have arranged the 18. He is the son of Mr. program and invited and Mrs. Frank A. members of the Layton Thompson of 252 E. 200 East LDS Stake, Layton N., Kaysville. West LDS Stake, and Andy graduated from Layton Utah LDS Stake. Davis High School with high honors. While there Young adults include he was active in football, people ages 18 to 26, and not wrestling, and track. persons young He has held various members of the LDS faith leadership positions in his are also invited. priesthood quorums and has received the Duty to God award. KIRK R. READ During the summer of 1978, the two groups performed in the famous Hollywood Bowl. FRIDAY Sold in Sets Only!!! Layton Holmes Creek LDS Stake will sponsor a fireside for young adult members of four stakes in the Layton area and other Back-to-Scho- Symphony Dates Concert Choir. Talk ' provided during a.m. service. HOY Farewell The Young Adults organization of the LAYTON taken plade for the Clearfield community from there. Sunday, their pastor, Reverend Harley Hunt, who is going with the group, will hold a service outdoors for the youths. Vik Arnold, the youth leader, said the group has raised the funds themselves for the trip. The Mormon Youth Symphony, directed by Robert C. Bowden, will present a special public pops concert Sept. 18 at 7:30 p.m. on the Ada Lindquist Plaza in front of the Miller Administration Building at Weber State College. It is free to the public and is planned as a concert for the entire family. Patrons should bring blankets and lawn chairs and come early if they want one of the better places from which to listen, said Daniel L. Martino, WSC Director of Cultural Affairs. The concert is a special feature of the Family Education Conference: Families Alive scheduled for Sept. 17, 18 and 19 at WSC. Featured artist for the evening will be Rolando Gonzalez, tenor soloist with the Mormon Tabernacle Fireside ANDY THOMPSON Lakeside Review, September 11, 1980, Page 11A 169 00 Use Our Layaway For 90 Days LIePH55BeM Bailey's) We Riverdale HOP i2.oe. DELIVERY FREE PHONE orders accepted ' 1 SHflKEvBAKE. - U |