Show A GREAT DISCOVERY certain ingrad ingredients bents that really pro mot to heir growth when properly r combined i one ot of uio tile roost most ca gearl destroyers St ever discovered by 1 and in III connection with igeta apt liol which Is both and antiseptic a combination is fori which destroys troyer lac germs winch which rol rob hie file hair of inq natural nourishment and also elal locq a clean hilay condition of tile the scalp which arc veldts tle development of new karros arm ill ardill although not i a colotta co lorta 1 matter r or dye dy ig s a well known ingredient for alc hair baar c tt its ta ca nat ural color chcon the loss of it hair lias iras been caused by bani a disc ec 0 of alic scalp obese ingred la in proper torl tion with added as a stimulant and tor for ats art adi 11 icrine defined perfect feefe t tile the most cf c fecci e remear that ki 3 far si s rap ard nd hair bair tra uller we 0 o live lave a rin ww h Is chiefly cumpas cd of 0 three ill maller mallert t in com COB with invaluable bable ive 0 o sti gu stirlie araaN raie j it to lo ciare au aid i grow brow calr evra theiu thu tb iu iia alp in soo sos 00 is ajari our or of kisir if ther 0 ii 11 any vitality ica ta in the st it v will III lj ly cure baadnes bald nois nes or r wo ve arill refund your money if h a a d shilly its an indication that baadnes bald ba UTness nes 8 Ss Is aci nci but lii othor instincts we balete bold bo Is curable wo we want every ore rouble kroutil 0 alth wul scalp calp or loas of hair to hi try ressu am 03 1 hair tonic if it does bloos not cure and grow hair bair to tte me eit eat of it the user we will alu oat quett lon OT or i ekuni every cent ns for it wy we thu it ais choc va te a de sl ure ceri to lo tr atsa of elwe ra ta Ucal test small 03 alek toula Is br chu e and nd we tank I 1 iu every Par hartico tico lax lar better than rise elec we know ot of for ir tle ibe fur it J yet nid we wie you to t my ry this at ait C our ur entire sli wo ve know of no lit bitter caara antee ee to give you yoa ber you cau call insall Il sall only at our nur store tho the bedall store THE EDDY DRUG STORE no 6 south slain ma ln st 61 brigham utah |