Show PLENTY OF PROOF from people you know from brigham citizens The greatest skeptic can hardly fall fail to bo be convinced by evidence like this it is a impossible to produce better proof of merit than the testimony oc 01 residents 0 of brigham or people who can bc 10 seen r any time read the following case of 0 it sidney A elswood ass 1 19 S main st Dr Ighani utah says I 1 used doans cidne pills bilig ina and was convinced beyond all doubt of oe their merits I 1 suffered suf fored from a severe attack attach of kidney complaint at first I 1 was crippled by pains in my iny back and sides then tile the kidney secretions became un tin natural and irregular in 5 passage 1 could not get ray my proper rest at night and it was torture tor for me do to turn in bell beil rhe I 1 doat doctors ors told me that drink ing cg iru water caused my trouble Fortuna fortunately fely doans kidney pills were recommended to ms me and I 1 began their use I 1 received immediate relief find and before I 1 had finished the contents of 0 the second box I 1 was completely comple taly cured kidney trouble nas nag been a stranger to me sines since then and consequently I 1 do 60 not hesitate one moment in giving doans kidney pills my endorsement for sale by tilt all de dealers alera price coc r flator oster co buffalo new york sole agent fox for united states remember the same name doans and take no co other |