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Show ! ' CUE , and DEPENDABILITY office and business space, 24x30. Low rent. Could be used for apart-men- HOME for sale: 10x55 2 bdrm. fridge, and stove. Call after 6 p.m. ROY MOBILE your first t. '' child' welfare your concern as a working parent? I'll give you both without worry. Weekdays, flexible hours, reasonable rates, lunmch and snacks, 825-823- . Very nice 1976 Champion 2 bdrm., with extra large carport only 5,900 down and 114 per month or 12,295, MOBILE HOME or 15 mos, diapers ok. Close to HAFB and 1900 West in Roy. Call any time. 731-637- good condition. 4 PROFESSIONAL PAINTING repaints new or old, interior or exterior. Many available. ' Licensed painting contractor. Liquid wallpaper designs. Also available, call FOOTPRINTS OF ROY a his- tory as fascinoting and unbelievable os any interm-perotdream, from 1873 to the present 362 pages, nearly 300 photographs and 9"x12", a truly large Davis County Housing Authority Equal Housing Opportunity. CARPET new CLEANING DUPLEXES 9 cents per sq. ft. there- after. Carpet Cleaning or 4892 front and back. $125. Best offer. )' Ane Fouhsr iL . ... T C ) g C V g Kl lF t V V (801)773-671- .... ., .... Marion Hamblin. . Roger Ogden. Brando Deitor. . . 3 Reel Andersen. 3 Sonia Fisher 1 ... KJ E E Q DGAILTrY QD 2 .... v 1973 VEGA GT great cond., 2,000 miles on new engine, AM-Fcassette, spoiler, 3 TV RENTALS 3 with other female would prefer LDS. 4 766-295- SWEEP MAN DC2EX ALTEWT1MS 760-162- NOW IS THE TIME TO RELINE YOUR WINTER COATS OR JACKETS. Years exper- No Long Term Obligation. Delivery & Service included. The North OaWs County i J No Security Deposit, No Creditors Checked. POSSIBLE INTEREST OGDEN AREA SPARKLING CLEAN HOME! Buy this home with low down. 2 bedrooms, family room, 1 car garage, brick, and priced at only $39,900. Call or Brenda, Ann, or, 2. Thunderbird Realty, 773-6- Beautifully decorated! This Layton home features 3 bedrooms, family room, 2 baths, fireplace, new carpets, and so much more! $55,900 Great Terms! Call or Thunderbird Roger Ogden, 12. l 5 Realty, 773-6- 479-419- build new homes with 4 bedrooms and full basements. Located in 3 choice subdivisions. FHA 235 program (5 or more member families with incomes from $12,500 to ' 621-371- 1 7 3 $21,500 per year). ing interest rates federal- 1285 square feet, 2 bedrooms, family car room, pantry, large kitchen, garage, brick home. Priced at only or Bren$39,900. Call Ann at or Thunderbird Realty, da, 1 ly subdidized down to os low as 4. 479-419- 3 Superstructure Inc. 3 RENTALS 9 773-604- 1 ience men or ladies. Any type of work done. Wedding lines, tailoring, replace coat linings, zippers. Repair ski suits, slacks, dress suits, all work guaranteed. Call for an appointment. E. Mrs. Lamar Nelson, 5435 So. 2050 IVi GAL. CONTAINER OF KER05UK KEROSENE WITH PURCHASE OF HEATER THROUGH THE MONTH OF JANUARY. Single & Doublewides up on Preferred awning, patio deck, etc. Immediately occupancy available! $159V269,S From with skirting, Homesites need heat and keep yjf thermostat turned down 999s fuel effencv means odorless smokeless operation tgmiton system i dewce tor and automatic eitrasatety Set a demonstration today eecirry Large Discounts! New quality model MOBILE HOMES or Thunderbird 766-441- 6 ' AyiabeHeaif KeepingaKero-Sum your house makes a qeai oeai o sense these flays Because mey don oepeno on these handy units can keep yOu warm and comfonatxe duung n emergency suen as a power outage There are 9 deferent models to Suit your mdtvtduai needs from the Super powerlu! Omni Ite to me Suoer compact Omm 15 And Our Moonitgnter mode' provides neat ana cookmg surface1 And io save money you can paca one o these heaters wherever you j REDUCTION! Do it in your own home! This Layton home has 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, walkout basement, fireplace, and much more! At $50,900 this home is well below what ethers are priced at in the area. Call Roger Ogden, Realty, 8 INVENTORY 766-441- 773-671- 773-671773-023- 399-335- HOLIDAYS? Go- A , 2800 Wash. Blvd., Ogden NEED TO RELAX AFTER THE RENT WITH OPTION TO PURCHASE! Kero-Su- n Portable Heater is a real comfort in emergencies. I Apply Toward Rent Payments Will BUSINESS - I PROGRAM: THE COLORTYME 825-832- $52,800 376-844- 5 I jI Rent... To... OWN TV'S ond Stereos Ownership ROOMMATE needed to share Layton apt. Now is the time to have your chimney cleaned. Do you know when the last time 3 BDRMHOUSE, carport, your woodstove or fireplace dishwasher, refrigerator, chimney was cleaned? Give dryer, after 6 stove, washer, me a call at condair fireplace, p.m. for a free estimate. itioner, water, secondary no mess. deadend street, Roy, hear schools, churches, bus SEftfKG HAFB, $300. stop, 766-4937- . COLORTYME 3 4 B tuffed MARES L S850. Gary Holley 75 North Main Clearfield. Utah So. 359-261- 2 825-166- 6 diamond 825-631- FEMALE Ma-Da- 776-066- THE CHIMNEY Emma 3100 W. Phone Russell rolled CYCLES & SUPPLIES HONDA 350 nice bike, $400 or you make an offer. Call in a Classified 825-479- -- 1970 HONDA 3S0 on and off road bike. Good shape. S350. phone. 825-326- 1108. rhythm section earphones, nice Christmas present, $1,000 or best offer. Coll book, limited printing. (SHED APTS- - year special any two rooms up to' 400 sq. feet $19.95, GLO COLOR 76 376 376-501- Layton. organ, e 776-226- 6 376-456- THOMAS 825-749- One and two bdrm. apartment availoble in Layton. References required. Contact: CecelieCostley RECREATIONAL split-woo- d shavings for warm bedding of your animals. Phone Barns Feed and Seed. 2056 N. 2000 W Clinton. FOR RENT KSIKESSSIRWCES male $5. Silky PARTS 8 ACCESSORIES $5. Ringneck Doves, $5. Other Doves NEW SEATS FOR A .1967 . available, phone Chev., black ond orange FIREWOOD 773-270- firewood, also logged, - DUPLEXES Availoble through government agencies, many sell for under $200. Coll ext. No. 1919 for your directory on how to SERVICES Bantams. 1 sack or ton COAL $10, w Heywood Auto Clinic 132 N. 1st W. Koyiville 5 Tel. I 376-203- OPEN SUNDAYS f y RIDGEWOOD ESTATES Mobil 2175 Salas Horn Hill N. field Hold Layton 825-724- W Roy. REAL ESTATE ONE ONLY! ; COUNTY V AND AFFORDABLE Home has everything. Beautiful view, professionally decorated and landscaped. 4 bdrms., I3, baths, 2300 sq. ft., finished. Double garage, deck. Located in excellent East Bench area of Ogden. Jay at ELEGANT . and 16 MORE 1 1 2 1 cooler. All this for only. 1695 bdrm. condominiums near WSC HAFB. For sale by owner in South Ogden "Meadows.'' No hassle or added expense to "qualify because owner carries $29, 450S26.000 contract at 10 with $2,500 down, And get your choicm of oven or wathmr ond dryar. WEBER VALLEY MOBILE B0MS payments are $245.42 1039 $216.67 month, respectively. Carpet, drapes, stove, refrigerator, fireplace, balcony, air conditioning, carport, storage and excellent new neighbors. Super "starter-home- " for no more than renting. For inflation advantages and tax benefits call 479-072- EXCELLENT TERMS old home. Close to schools, shopping, HAFB. 3 bdrms., family room. $51,000. Century 21, Grim-shaRealtors. Ask for LaPreel or Jerry. 8 yr. 0 2500 sq. ft., covered lot. It! you run a Family Want Ad during the month of January and don't sell the item (s) advertised, we will n the ad until you do (up to 3 additional insertions at no charge). First insertion must be during January, 1981. (8C per word First Insertion must be pre-pai$2.00 minimum). re-ru- HOME 1 Run If 78, oak Builder will trade, lease with option to buy. Purchase with balloon payment or reasonable offer. Leave message, 1 185 N. Commercial St. Morgan, Utah NEW CAR 1981 ESCORT -- d. FOR SALE bedroom rambler. Fireplace laundry room. One car garage. Large fenced backyard. 311 W. 700 N.. Clearfield, NEW 3 BDRM. duplex apt. air cond., 2', baths, fireplace. Washerdryer hookups, dishwosher, refrig., - body side moldings, trim rings, and stove, blinds. Fenced yard. dbl. garage. $400month. or 295-804- 3) -- 4) 7) 8) 9) .11)- - 12). 13). .14). 15)- - 16)- 17). 18). 19). .20). 6). Coll Homes priced from the mid 50s. VA ond FHA financing available. Sales office open every Saturday and Sunday . from Located 25 N. 1000 W. in Clearfield. For further, information contact Tom Toborg or eves. Coll collect. Medemo Homes of Utah Inc. - home for sale by owner, 3 bdrm. 8V 5) 1 With dual tanks, gauges, cloth seats, low mount mirrors, AM radio, mud and snow tires, and much more. 0). DISCOUNTED From List Price 21) 23). .22). DEADLINE: loan, $372 per month USED CARS 79 Monday at 4:30 p.m. AM-F- HERE Name. -- 75 Address- I .State. City. .Zip 244 VOLVO GL FUEL INJECTED STATION eatFer rrerof AM FM cossee PCWJE HIT OH! J or 70 VOLKSWAGEN 359-261- 2 B- :oos e" o e LUV transmission, small truck 5388 South 1900 West, Roy, Utah 84067 wo- - o move CNLV -g 74 CHEVROLET Pickup w th tonus - ONLY BUG or, 'uns o great Ba a 75 FORD Uintoh Mountains close tr Beor River Service, has has Pine and Quaking Aspen trees, electricity on land and woter, available, $1 5,900 or best offer. car AM-F- can be published. MasterCharge and Visa accepted. 825-166- 6 ioco1 74 CAPRI Wth Sun roof, tope, 4 cynder, ou?omotc transmisONLY sion. Great mileage transportation cor : You may phone your ad. in. Payment must be received before ad Tel. a 6 cylinder, automatic, clean . N AM-F- tape, wtiee base , mce ONLY on transmission, V-- Campers spec-os- duo1 ONLY Phone: OGDEN 394-009- 1 MORGAN 829-344- 7 731-440- 20 MiiMes From Downtown Ogden KCS8ES I 4 3195 WAGON ONLY MANOR LAND PROPERTY for sale by owner, 1.85 ocres choice property, locoted in 9 4495 75 MAVERICK 4 LOTS 16 4 cylinder, vinyl top, cloth seats, SOLD tape, ONLY NEW.. .A GREAT looking car MUSTANG 4 cylinder, roof rock. Priced to move 766-387- 2-- $2995 76 PINTO NOW OPEN Homes from the 50s. VA, FHA financing' available. 25 N. 1000 W. in Clearfield. Of f ice hours 1 Saturday and Sunday contact Tom or Toborg. eves. Medemo Homes of Utah Inc. DISCOUNT Prices! ONLY 4 speed wth cverdrve. Sunroof, low ow miles in- 61,000, 21.000 down or will carry 2nd at 10 per cent. Coll at transmission, AM radio, sunroof, local one owner 25) 24). PAYMENT MUST BE RECEIVED BY ESTABLISHED DEADLINE! percent assumable cludes taxes insurance. ,u 1000 78 PINTO 12-6- LAYTON OF THE WEEK 4x4 RAHGER BUY 50 376-891- $1 VA MOVE IN EAST -- 1981 venet disposal, $5895 NEW TRUCK 2) instrumentation, doth seats, point. ONLY (WRITE YOUR AD HERE - ONE WORD ON EACH LINE) 1) OF THE WEEK 3 DOOR HATCHBACK BUY L WITH FRONT WHEEL DRIVE, overdrive transmission, , 3 Kiterdal Rand o 0 We' COUNTY EXECUTIVE IF. 394-944- 1 451-280- S Beautiful 1981 Wingate. featues 3 bedrooms, 1 Vi baths. Added features are stove, re- frigerator, dishwasher, This home and disposal for your convenience. Also iri- eludes skirting and air 376-260- 911 1964 IMPALA SS 327 coll' ector. New metallic point. Factory oir. A.T. super condition inside and out. See to believe, 1962 Belaire body ports. JEEPS, CARS. TRUCKS SALE: Golden pheasants $45 A LOAD Pine ond Douglas Fir logs to 4' lengths. Also at reasonable prices. Delivery available. Lonetree Firewood Dist. 451 N. Main INSTRUMENTS LUMP Lakeside Re iew, January 8, 1981, Page AUTOMOTIVE Ringneck port-ocri- b tEWTOLS 825-236- 8 references or FOR PHEASANTS AND GARDEN 444eiSCIlUXE0lB WANTED PLAYPEN A POULTRY LAWN FARM 376-149- KEXOttXDISE 825-243- 1 fenced yard, playroom. GOOD BUYS Kitchenaid Dishwasher, brown color, $100, olso Pentax 35mm camera with 105 lens, $175, or best offer on either. Call any time. 1695 1395 I |