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Show z- - "V'fy 1 ' : .ft V 1i'Ani. :.m$ ., ' ' - .''-S'- - X , ;, A , v'VX ' . Your fruit tree normally will begin to bear fruit soon after it has become old fruit trees, their tops will probably be from 1 to 2 years old. The length of time , ;.. i from planting to fruit bearing varies ,' ."x, :,VJ enough to blossom freely. ' f with tne type of fruit. Trees that grow at y ,"r' v f:kx'", f Nevertheless, the health of your tree a moderate rate generally bear fruit and ltd environment, its fruiting habits, sooner than those that grow either too and the cultural practices you use, can quickly or too slowly. influence its ability to produce fruit. The age (from planting) when trees ! ' I essential to can be also is ,v pollination Adequate V expected to bear fruit are as ', X , a, C fruit yield. follows: ' p ' " ? . "' y 'Y-'-,,. ' w . j 'y' m 7? f 5 V - ;' vX s '? $ , Sm yfA Jtf'' P' , !S&il. iaii. f-- , s' y'W W; ?3r J rji Jfr' 'JP , ST-- T: 'XS ' ' 'i ! If just one of these conditions is unfavorable, yields may be reduced. Perhaps the tree will not bear fruit at all. As a grower, you can exercise some control over most of the factors to fruit production. When you purchase nursery-grow- n Bearing Age Time In Years 2 to 5 2 to 5 3 to 5 Variety Apple Apricot Cherry, sour Cherry, sweet diseases that attack and destroy leaves and young fruit on apple and pear trees is scab fungus. The fungus that causes brown rot kills blossoms on peach trees and plum trees. to 7 to 5 to 3 Fig to 4 Peach 4 to 6 Pear 3 to 6 Plum 5 to 6 Quince Dwarf apple and dwarf pear trees usually begin to bear 1 to 2 years earlier than standard size trees. Healthy trees produce good quality fruit. Weak or diseased trees produce fruit of poor quality or no fruit at all. The first step in fruit production is to keep your fruit trees healthy. Two of the main problems involved are insects and diseases. Typical of 4 3 2 2 Citrus Diseases, insects, and fungi can be controlled thorugh application of spray mixtures recommended by your county agricultural agent or State experiment station. These spray mixtures of fungicides and insecticides are usually effective against most fruit tree pests. When fruit trees are not sprayed properly or left untreated, diseases and insects may restrict the size and quality of the yield, although the tree itself usually continues to bear fruit. Nr v 'i f ay - AT VALLEY NURSERY ..7 ft v ALVEY MCCULLOUGH 4 SHADE AND FLOWERING TREES HOME a employee at the USU Horticulture Farm in Farmington guides his tractor through the plots to make ready for part-tim- e TRICKLE the spring planting. SAVE WATER!' Fruit Trees Need WATERING SYSTEM Pollination to Bear other insects normally pollinate fruit trees. To insure an adequate supply of bees, furnish each acre with at leat one colony. However, in small orchards surrounded by uncultivated land, enough resident pollinators may be present. The following planting practices are recommeneded: Apple Plant at least two varieties of apple Most fruit trees need to be pollinated. Without sufficient pollination, they may blossoih abundantly, but will not bear fruit. Some species of fruit trees have perfect flowers. Both the anthers, which contain pollen, and the pistils, which develop into fruit, are located in the same blossom. Trees that bear fruit or set fruit through without pollination, are called n, self-fruitf- trees near one another. However, there are many types of fruit with perfect flowers that can not produce fruit from their own pollen. These require' pollen from another variety and are called self unfruitful. Some species of fruit trees do not fit Mown Aj Cools your house for the summer. Adds color for Spring and Fall. Adds value to your property.' Over 100 types to choose from. Systems designed to save more and minimize labor yet give plants all the moisture they need. Prices start D-lc- U VAtarmgCyJ w ROSES 95 Grade No. 1 Largest selection now Golden Delicious, a self fruitful type, is one of the few exceptions to this rule. Poor , g types such as Baldwin, Gravenstein, Staymen, Winesap, and Rhode Island Greening, need to be with at leat two other varieties planted conveniently into either category. to insure adequate pollination of all. Persimmons and dates have male trees Sweet Cherry that produce pollen and female trees Bing, Lambert, and Napoleon (Royal that produce fruit. To grow them sucAnn) cherry trees do not pollinate one cessfully, it is necessary to plant at least one tree of eaqh hender near each another. Plant a pollinating variety such as Black Tartatian, Republican, other. Almost all citrus trees are self Van, or Windg or a sour cherry such as fruitful. Other self fruitful types inPear clude quinces, sour cherries, apricots Many varieties of pears are com-plet(except Perfection and Riland), figs or partially self unfruitful. For (except the Smyrna type grown in California), peaches (except the J. H. adequate pollination, plant at least two Hale and several others), and varieties together. Note: Bartlett and European-typ- e plums such as the' Seckel pears will not pollinate each Green Gage, and Italian other, and Magness can not be used as a Stanley, Prune. pollinator. Self unfruitful types include most Plum apple, pear, sweet cherry, and Since most varieties of Japanese and Japanese and American plum trees. To American plums are self unfruitful, pollinate adequately, plant two or more varieties near each other. Bees and plant two or more varieties together. FRUIT TREES V 5-G- Size al. Dwarfs and Standard . nearby. Over 120 var. ly ALSO NUT TREES , NOW FOR SALE LAZY LARRY r, . Is the 50 discount off of an inflated price list?-- If not, how can the chains make a profit after giving such a discount? or . . . Is the discount only for fabrics and colors nobody wants? If yes, t is it a form of bait and switch advertising? .W Accent Draperies, as an IDA member, 'can meet any chains discounted prices. Facts... 1st. obtain a chain's discounted price, then 2nd. obtain a comparative price from Accent Draperies, and ' 3rd, check the following advantages: IDA is a national group of independent drapery specialists with the same volume purchasing power of any chain. IDA specialists have the added advantage of low overhead compared to the high overhead costs of department chains. IDA specialists custom manufacture ocally to strict quality ' specifications, which are guaranteed nationally. IDA specialists normally deliver in 2 or 3 weeks compared to the 6 week minimum of most department store chains. I We also specialize in matching bedspreads and all other window treatments P C Complete Delivery fc Installation Call 37&2290 to have a Drapery Specialist come to your home 'or a no obligation discussion of your drapery needs. IILLP ACCENT DRAPERIES Northern Utah's Drapery Specialists 360 S. Fort Lane Suite 112 Fort Lane Village LaMon J peat soil aid and more. Plus Knowledge ask yourself . . . JP Silver Lace Wisteria ASS' of Products EVERGREENS Pines Spruce Fir Junipers Euonymous Laurels Boxwood Trumpet Clematis Vine and more hoses, sprinkler sprayers, Chemicals atore chains. But before buying from a chain, I Ivy Honeysuckle fence. These discounts are advertised by most w Grapes Has all your gardening needs. Pots, trellis, tools, fertilizer, Of f -- 30 Off Off-4- 0 To Get the True $549 $795 VINES ON CUSTOM DRAPERY i! $449 Great Savings VALLEY NURSERY department PATENTS HANGING BASKETS SAYS 50 NON PAT. pollen-producin- Montmorency 11C Health of Fruit Tree Can Affect Yield Age ? - - "v , ) I l'l'ff"'i .v....... - lakeside Review, May 6, 1981, Page ' " ' ' f jM - ' ; ' & . - BEDDING PLANTS Petunia Marigold Geranimum Alyuum Begonia Impatient Celoiia Most Rote and Many AAore. FOR SUMMER COLOR Arriving Daily |