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Show fc Pog A, Lakeside Review, May 6, 19bl i i wsiftwwf s1'; New Bon to Open In Auerbach's Slot - $ LAYTON Layton Hills Mall will have a Bon Marche store opening in the empty Auerbachs section of the mall, Gib-ban- y, Selection of lead roles for Layton High Schools latest musical, Good News, has been completed, Dennis Ferrin, Director, said. The leads are Kathy Warrett as Connie, Bruce Bakker as Tom, Penny Gilmore as Babe, Mike Coleman as Bobby, Casey Oleson as Beef, A1 Darroch as Coach Johnson, Chris Sandburg as Professor Kenyon and Nancy Koning as Pat. Church Sots Fund-Rais- a comic spoof on the Roaring Twenties and will be presented on Friday, Saturday and Monday at 7:30 p.m. in the children students, j&t $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Want to be a member of the er CLEARFIELD- - The Martha Circle of the Clearfield Community Church will hold a rummage sale at the auditorium. Tickets are available from the cast, National Honor Society members, and at the school office and are $2.50 for adults and $2.00 for ' M , , CLEARFIELD HIGH SCHOOL has chosen four new student body officers to lead the school during the 1981-8- 2 school year. They are (from left) Richard Bouchard, vice president over assemblies: Mary Klrkbride, president: and Lauretta Rice, vice president over clubs. Student Body Secretary Lauretta Rice is not In photograph. Good News is , , ll Explorer Post Garners Honors at Council Meet Layton High to Present 'Good News' This Week Explorer Post 384, sponsored by the first place in 15 mile bicycle race; Clearfield Police Department, par- Dawn Marshall, first place in golf; ticipated in the Annual Lake Bonneville Laura Allison, first place in tennis and Council Exploere Olympics held in third place in golf and Lillian Gibbany, Ogden with 80 explorer posts competing second place in Tennis and second in various sports and events. place in golf. Gold, silver and bronze medals for The post was chartered six first, second and third place were months ago and currently has a presented to the winners of the events membership of 16 Explorers. and the exploers of post 384 won eight They have numerous 'Activities medals and placing fifth in the council planned for the year including bicycle in overall score. and canoe overnight campouts, backOlympic medal winners from post 384 packing and their super activity which include Rick Herdt, Third place in will be a hike and canoe trip into 10,000 meter cross country run and Yellowstone. . second place in golf; Robin Tomshack, IS. :sV " - Pocatello, Idaho, the depatment store group will Include 34 stores located in Idaho, Washington, Oregon Montana and Ut. Layton P. Ott, one of the owners of the Layton Hills Mall, said, We are very pleased to have a quality depatment store such as the Bon Marche join Layton Hills Mall. We are looking forward to working with them and to the fine addition they will be to the mall. Bon Marche President Wilbur J. Fix announced the plans for the opening of the new store last week and said the . opening date will be in August. This will be the third Bon Marche in Utah for the Seattle-base- d company. With the Layton Hills store and another store expected to open in July in EXPLORER OLYMPICS medal winners from Post 384, sponsored by the Clearfield Police Department, are from left, Dawn Marshall, Lillian Allison Laura and Robin Rick Tomshack. Herdt, x best tasting mints around? TOV-3DTT- G citizens. t Strictly a dance team Clinics May 8, 15, &22 church Thursday from 9 a.m, to 6 p.m. and Friday from 9 a.m. until noon. Coffee, punch and Rookies will also be sold. and senior mia pgpp Ages Cali for information 6 825-354- 4 le Mervyns Holds Safety Exercises Davis Sheriff Names FARMINGTON The Davis County Sheriffs Department has named Harry V. Jones Chief Deputy to replace Floyd Dansie who resigned last month. Jones is a Utah native who joins the department will extensive law enforcement background, according to Sheriff Brant L. Johnson. He spent three years with the Salt Lake City Police Department before joining the Federal Bureau of Investigation where he spent 25 years. Jones last 13 years with the FBI werfe spent in the Salt Lake City Division work better hr foryou! impioyirs suppoat TMiOUAtDMCSiiVI Xilmglon.VA UZS'H - - 'Coupon Saving ' Office. He currently serves as staff supervisor for the Utah Peace Officers and Standards Kmplmees who serve on Vatmn.il (iiiunJ and Reserve (cams make heller (earn workers lor sou. If sou alreads encourage emplosee participation in (iuard and Reserve training, mans thunks. If not. join the now more than 3MUMM) enlightened employers who alreads do. Sign the a complete Statement of Support. information package on how vyy can participate, wnte todas to: Kmplov Support. Arlington. Wgima HIM for us helps them LAYTON Mervyns department store in the Layton Hills Mall held a safety day on April 29. All of the Mervyns stores in six western states observed the day set aside to help employees learn how to handle emergency situations. The Layton Hills store sponsored fire extinguisher training in- the parking lot in which employees practiced putting out fires. The store also held contests to see what employees could identify the location of the most fire extinguishers and exits. Winners of this contest, Kathy Mooney and Boyd Rich, each received a free lunch at ' . Swallows Drug Store. Deputy Replacement Oh,whatateam! Wbrking Topic Academy and is the executive director of the Utah Sheriffs Association. Jones is a graduate of the University of Utah. Pamper mom with these luscious gift selections. at Library Saving with Coupons will be presented Tuesday at the Southwest Branch Library in Roy.Donna Durkee, a local homemaker, will discuss - HARRY V. JONES how she saves on grocery bills by taking advantage of refund offers and shopping with cents-of- f coupons. She said she saves between $25 and $75 on each Legion Convention Set Byron Lewis, commander of District Two of the American Legion, Richard Fisher, commander of Roy Post 139, and Cary Fisher, unit president of District Two, will conduct the annual spring convention for District Two at the Roy Elks Lodge No. 2338, 1875 W. 5200 S, on May 15. There will be a social hour from 6 to 7 p.,m., with dinner from 7 to 8 p.m. at .$7.75 per person, and meetings will start at 8.' During the meeting, officers to conduct Legion and Auxiliary business for the upcoming year will be elected. Lewis urges all Legionnaires and Auxiliary to attend tis function. At this time, Lewis and Fisher request that all post and unit reports be turned in. shopping trip. Learn her methods at the library Tuesday at 10:30 or 11:30 a.m. or 2 p.m. For further information, H contact the library at 773-255- 6. X- - X- - k Spring Fling Scheduled Clearfield High School orchestra will present its annual Fling Spring String Wednesday, at 7:30 p.m. in the Clearfield High School auditorium. Special guests will be 24,000 man hours went into the buiding of our house 4. which could be your home. This house is constructed of rock and tongue and groove cedar. It features 3 Sunset Junior High selections for large string 4-Xbedrooms, 1 baths, sunken formal living room, family Orchestra and elemen- orchestra. Admission is e combination, 2 car garage, tary string student sfrom $1 for adults and $3 per X ash cabinets, 2 wood burning fireplaces and much the surrounding area. A family. Proceeds will go more. It is located ot 345 West 5500 S., Washington ' unique feature of the towards the CHS or- X- - Terrace. evening will combine all chestra fund. X- - room-kitche- n J students on several JHHHHHHHHHHHk Davis Student DECA Chief KAYSVILLE Davis High School Junior Mark hand-mad- X- , X-- ,4- - X- X- - dHHHHHHHHHli UNDERSTATED ELEGANCE member of the junior class committee at Davis is a McMillan has been elected president of the High. He is a reporter for of the school newspaper, is Utah chapter Education on, the yearbook staff and Distributive is president of the Clubs of America. forensic league at the This is McMillans first school. year in DECA which he Outside of school, joined because of his McMillan is active in interest in business. He drama and has been in for owns a dealership several productions at the p Gems and said Promised Valley Play he is working on House in Salt Lake City. becoming vise president He also was a winner in of the company when he reflecthis returns from his LDS tions yearscontest. poetry mission. Sun-dro- He is the sone of Robert and Becky McMillan, 1177 E. Country Road, Fruit Heights. He is also involved in debate, and the school foreign language club, Frames from the House of Dior consistently magnify what is truly an artist's sense for fashionable classics. Dis McMillan said his primary gaol as president of DECA will be to creel styling. Clean, crisp color densities. A wide variety of textures and hand enamel detailing. promote the organization and work on gaining a better understanding of what the club is trying to SHOES LADIES FA0TJ OUR GIFT DEPT. CocSue Jars, Dishes, Mirrors, Glasses, Wood Items, Vases, Candy Dishes, Knives Featured in lightweight Optyf material, each frame in the Dior collection assures you a comfortable, long wearing fit. do. Concert Scheduled Fine Professional Service Doctor Referrals The Davis High School symphony orchestra will perform at 8 p.m., Monday in the Browning Fine Arts Center at Weber State College. The concert is free to the public and will feature numbers played during a recent competition in which the orchestra won the overall competition. Warranty KAYSVILLE and Much Much More ;iDj Sunglasses Prescription Glasses Emergency Repairs lristian Uior Road Paving Slated LUNETTES The interior of the Clinton cemetery CLINTON will gei a layer ut black top tins summer. K. The Clinton City Council approved the $4,200 2179 North 1700 West project last week. Damon Edwards, Clinton City Manager, said the Liyton-Phfunding for the project will come from the citys also in Ogden Orem Brigham City general fund and income from the cemetery trust one fund.- 825-162- 4 ,0, .. 80 West Gentile . IN DOWNTOWN UYTON - . (Just West of the light) L - r 4 on Every Hem on every pair a SAVE |