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Show WEEKLY REFLEX DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL, FEBRUARY 9, 1978 Howard Hess tries to win the heart of Melanie Butt for the annual Davis High School Sadie Hawkins girls dance Feb 18 They will reign as Daisy Mae and Lil Abner SADIE HAWKINS DAfICE By SANDRA GRLT N litters and thinking up all ideas to tanh then man for the danu Iht dress fur the dame is casual Many couples will be dressed al.ke in their hillbilly outfits to match the deem Iht Davis High St hool s ut,,r 1 Homemakers of Amt lit a, headed bv lisa Haller, art preparing for a Sadit Hawkins Dana I he dame will ht on Sat ard n , I eb Is trid wi! hi a girK' ( huu t da fit t EVLRYONE at Davis Senior Royalty are tuts ate vety enthusiastic dm j the plans for the dance February Has Memorable Dales SUN-SCOP- Hit 2nd as Candlemas also uni wn ip the US as Ground Hog Day ) ON THE Sth, in 1031, Roger w tihanis, one of the famous ebruary is filled with morable dates and an mversanes pertaining American history (Man Roman Catholic, (jteek cr 1 HEYWQOB AUTO GLIOIG me 132 North First West, KaysviSle, Utah Phone 378-20- Pic tutes w il be taken at the mi e 1 HA members and of ' 1 t JO p m members HA 1 m! How Hess and Melanie Hut 11 THE DANCE will be in the Ddvi, High cafeteria The cost is $i SO per couple or $3 for i, excited about the dance, amt it should prove to be a big iU c ess I il Abner and Daisy M n Royalty have bt t n c hose ri 1 STATE INSPECTIONS TUNE UP WITH WHEEL ALIGNMENT GENERAL CAR REPAIRS SMALL ENGINE REPAIRS LAWN MOWERS continue until 1 1 THE GIRLS at Day is hate been baking goodies, willing will I lesgnmg wi ,c h will be the popular song by Billvf Want You Just I m Joel, Way You Are " THL MUSIC will be bv Magic Castle Disco bey will provide music for all interests, from disco, to country, to rock and even the i at the dance held Feb 18 beginning at 8 to p m and stompin' hillbilly rnusu The theme to, iht dance is total treativt kp'stopa1 church minibus member the 1st as the- - ',iy 35 iefendeis of religious the na'ion arrived n Boston from England Sin 8th is the anniversary of c h i b mertng of the Boy its elating from 1910 t J ' Adi 1 1 s t ('st ival : of Si H ' i tri 1 ht m, HIE ON 9h, in 1773, im Henry Harrison, 9th I sieient, was born in C hat les County, Virginia, the in ,f one of the signers of the nation of Independence ( ", t ht Hub, in Parts in is m, the I mted States c to ile'd a somewhat con t s,al peace treaty with 1, SPEAKING OF KOflEY i ' ,ue after defeating the Spanish, through whtrh this i e U ft By EZRA T. CLARK e e f enough ! i I C in B r afrout tlu mi- - $ portanee of paying myself regularly, don t gei determm ed to put iwa , a significant part of EZRA T. CLARK their me emu's u, nuahv m nyiumg Today Comparison the persona! sdvuig,- - rate as a jh re of disposable in om (iiuome aftei taxes) shows the I'nitci Mates to be the lowest among wve i ountnes m the free world It a t versus 10 H . for CanacLr 14 D for West f,e rrnany, r 7 14 7T for the I mted Kingdom, for France, 21 hh for Italy, and 2i 4' for Japan Even if the people of some of those foreign nations have less disposable income due to higher taxes and more extensive soaal secuntv programs, we 1 e Amencans are not saving enough out of our paychecks Its time to get serious. Its time to get determined Its tune to make a bold pervmai lan for financial security . f y i Iir nip! r f , ill llv ini 0 r I (il re aMe i - and impossible It - not even os the fan ol higher and higher food, energy she In r and mhe r t osts - if you I in ike it the N priority i y out N , i life hat No C uha AMPAS famous Gas panUa arn.val fails in early I ebruary and Thomas I disun s birthday anniver-sirfalls on the 11th, dating from 1847 (Milan, Ohio) 1 g 11 c r dison, of Dutch and Scottish ancestry, spent hi last years m I lorida GEORGIA Day- - the anniversary of the landing of James Oglethorpe at Savan nah in priority means that von mijst pay y mrself ea, h payday without fad, without dela batch a plan tails for sacrifie es to be sure It mac call for (hanging spend to the hi e h ibits It may require cutting down on the use of credit cards But its hkeK to be your only sure plan tor financ lal freedom I have an idea for you that should help make your plan work Lets say for example, that your disposable income is $10 (XX) a year You want to save 10Y or $1 000 That means you must pay yourself $81 Da month If you get voui paycheck at work twice a month, sit down and write yourself 21 hills for S41 07 eae h, over-tna full year Date them the same as each pave he k you receive, and tuck them into the pages of your savings account hook Now pledge that you will faithfully pav each bill to yourself come hell or high water each time depositing that sum into your savings account (hopiefullv at our place, of ourso) After you vc built up a sufficient amount for any emergency, start salting away the surplus into certificates of deposit, which will earn top dollars for your saved dollars VS hv work if you don t pav yourself And make it worthwhile 1 started saving their working joes, don l ge t se nous m for t y r f C linane lal 1 soon c 1 Most Amen ans don t plan to fad m life But many fail to plan he y non t got r the Philip- C e 1 ove I President Davis County Bank Da re e a omedv play eoutleei'l) Imjxjrtan, of Being Earnest Id 'n, to tall tins colimin he Important t Being Earnest About Sdunj Money $ our money And its tot but a senou drama m,n future finaru ta! sec urn mntry took pine Islands, Guam and I ue no Ri o, and gained 1733- - also falls on the 12th The 1th is St Valentines Day as well as Arizona Ad- mission Dtv dating from 1912 when Anonu became a ON THE fit-- ' 22nd, in 1712, tl President S .George bm n of the Washington, U wi RELOs 10G0 plus MEMBER BROKERS ARE AT YOUR SERVICE! Transferred? Call on RELO world the m leader relocation with 1 000 plus members 9 500 serving communities worldwide Were your local RCLO real estate broker with he p here and g home-findin- g where help you re going No extra cost no absolutely obligation For a friend y welcome call or visit today nn 1 brown North Main, Kaytvllle Phone 376-120- 7 RELO,i mi |