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Show I 1 Mayor Gar lleson left ami V mG o. I'rt I'lent Kavsville t u. r . r i t ( r l nteii e ihsuisS plan am' ; p v Kc noirm !a i u,i)i j i 1 , i i t i n 1,1 k it li mg i p t i tvniir: f i r.iEET ' ' 1 1 1 ' .t. li i 1 t , s ' IS I i i I, ' ! ul r i " I i ! t mhiui t i 1 pn 1,1 , t , iv will be F J Ii R B I I esouf e f i ireau Vt ' . ' n"l ul ' . 'i ' i ar! n ,s'ry 'iijs - t ' i , ' sit j, . jt-- . nu t , '! Pn j , 5 V Hubs and Bill () Brieti are the in n. i'Mgt rs vt i lid uii vis piogfim at tit Go! K ,, 11 V t ,1 J filled l.i.trif Iftls ill- ti' m iiin i s H rvL ion ot !i,Hmiii,1.-- t H th A n s' 11 t, CM lliK.i tl MIU Kl , t t'ii iv 'i(i I, ll.i ll i, ! ! .til ' mi' t u i.''t 1 m , i A " i i, t i s w i 'i 1 I t i tt,. ; w ti - , i, 4 & . bo - L tl i f ti fe & ' 4 s 1 4 J 1 ! M Hi j i - . ( i,t ' ; t ty La f il N - "it de't ais who c H",S ft ' AS At I o it l: H . I ! .J j ILTLHf tt.i vd K 1 f I i ' . n ) vt Ik 1 i ea i c vti lx on A r If l r ri i i I idi'ti try ' ( v , ", i 1 Wet . ?H, , -I- f i A s a i oi'g .t IBS n i "is . ii O H . ' it 0 i ti m ii to St Si pi in g i' v t i i hm v 'Hoi i i ! st Jt l 6.S i V J f " S c f t t i t Ii ( PRLH i i h l'k H f. r 11 v it t i S Mis r k A t in t i iru ilia it ht r Iiorot tin VtC orniit ks in .A' it dtte idinn Davis i M rgi ntma they went Itnui, South Africa it lht met Miss Fiona She a hlan and f a rn mm to ( apt a ht Mi 1 a.is A finugn a ex(hant,e the Rota y tutni'M p'opiam and made t i nine with the Mi ( or s t opt on iM r 1 mu ks ii sja months and the Ihiwn ins the remainder s' 0 nlhs and attended D iv is P4 111), h Si hlKil Hi I ht wt nt on to Jt rus ill m t Hi s ent arid si ul rtmaindir of their turn ohtsi i ,np t ht re ht v siavtd m Paris 1 unie and then on to New f "York MIs Ka ,e V. ilde and M t s Stndrj l.mnr mtertaimd at a grot i r, hi id j t shower on Suurdav e.ening at the home of their mother, Mrs Mart h dw ji ds m honoi of M iss arson who will lie San J marrn o I t b lh to ( ra g I d I waids lwtnt guests attend ed Sundai dinner guests of Mr and Mis Aries K Steintr weiefol and Mis Gad Hal orsen of Provo Mr and Mrs tamis Duckworth and Mrs Parley Thorderson, all of Heights Halvorsen spoke at a fireside in the Fruit Heights 1st DS Ward Sunday evening on the Berlin airlift Col Halvorsen is a fotmer Kavsville resident living in Provo where he is ward bishop and teaching at BYU Mrs Keith Hammer returned from Hollywood, Calif wture she spent a week with her parents, Mr and Mrs Herbert Hovland fcnroute hone she visited in Hurricane Col 1 -- ill lilt unstraiive h iris 6' days ik s aboui to w d down the CAP r ri v .s in the event u a s n. I met ! H i i THE TL'Rf E ar as sp. pied in the let ter as stil' need to; attertiori ate a w rit er pula y on the nil' s an i rt 'ationsh ps of the policy boatd' rev isu-- s nn the affirnia i c February Gt' , -- Mrs r heij-- v' 1. 1578 gtovp,o A'a e b v r n i - live action plan i Mr und M Cvj t Kanab and Mis WilBam H mpltbv and daughters Ann amt Ah si spent the w t jen w ith 52 R t l to atti n n c kend Rawlins, Wo with Mr and Mrs Dean I mpltbv and finiilv The v wee on hand tor the blessing of the new pi enddaughter I he Kavsville dt h L Ds Ward held their Pnmaiv is i i Mi-du- Daddv Daughter dale on i ridav evening with diniitr followed hv square dancing Mr and Mrs Owen W riht and son Matthew have moved a k p ( it v to make to Salt their home Gene Mrs Mr and she line underwent trealnient o k She s mg at het home DS lit I roil Hi 'phis 2nd ard Mutual gu Is sp ns m ! program Tuts lav even ng w 1 i i ow o e u it si 1 I W a L A Raymond entertaintd at a dinner party at their home f ridav evening for 20 guests of the Mountain Road Ntigh borhood Dinner ( lab Mi and Mrs Wayne Paul sen also entertained 20 guests at their home Guests were also the Mountain Road Dinner f iub The group has grown too large for one home, so thev have two dinner par ties Dr and Mrs Kev in Hill and children of Tooele were Sun day guests of his parents, Mr and Mrs Leonard W Hill and family Their son was blessed in the Kavsville 6th I DS W ard on Sunday. Feb 5 The High Priest Quotum of the Kavsville 15th LDS Waid held a dinner and soe lal at the ward cultural hall on Satur-dievening fur all members and partners The Fruit Heights 2nd LDS Ward held a ward ski duv at y slide presentation and tn Mo Susan Tingev and her sisit Mrs Karen Timothy was prese "ted Thev had bet n on a BSC study tour for sivoial months and told d tloir travelogue 0 go! By dam e It w is spimsoi the W ar d MIA organ ltio i Mr and Mis to went Niedet hauser Ma7dtldn, Mi .e ) ist w. k ot wheie thev sp n Pm d a v a at ion tup s ns Mis M mo Ph hi i n e onf ined to t hi 1) t . is ( eier w-p-i North in - C.- of Israi i exxriences so r a, d family uHt u't d If hit ssihg .uid naming of In ir w ho odd was i in d m eg in ot Sim Sin is tnt daughti i of Mi and iqlitir i 1 I i M's Mai M v d i Up f W Hi II s i V ti n, s W i i and Mis Ison is eon of Mr t K W yah se imp it honii aflt r Ik mg to Hie Mi K i ontint Hosp lal m Ogdi n for lour da . s undi igoirg In non nl M sv W ilson was inpiri d i a tutu 'g at i nli nl in Morg m on S iturday w ile m oie 1 i I in) w M Mart i ) i n o ii t n 1 nsi n of has hi stiv.pg thi fiw wicks wih her jii't cm aunt r G and son in iw and Mis ( on undlx i g ill Gr n ( rtert mu d Mrs a' ,i s'oi k showt r a' In r horn hursd iv t i mng in horn r ( Mrs Si t nine urgt son Mis 1 J I i 1 1 1 Grant Kneedv's father Parker at W est P nt on Thursday Miss Pam Kennedy re turned home to Dt'ta'ur, 111 after spending the past month with grandpatents, Mr and Mrs Elmo Phillips Miss C indy Gnff.'h of Salt I ake City visited two days with her aunt and uncle Mr and Mrs Bud Halhdav Mr and Mrs Jay L Wtb Jennifer Jaiobstn was to with ti nding management leptove THE FXECLTIV F board ft it that 'pee fu guidelines cou'd rot be worked i Hu v u n In r -t md t . i P d v e i i t i rS ,I ; I 'T i G i nvm s in it . ar Mr 3 puran' m o unity wt c ,s .men Pi ht public 11 CHct$ttphrjon C feb 6 Mov rp IMK2S POOR W th M ar 13 5 13 5 Jy.rfYe V sit G Apr Vokif'o Ochid Garden loo Needte IcjKo no fern Grotio Com Polynesian Cene' BU PeOr POS NojCf HowO iyjr Home ood moce Intjdes To es ir Ssjf Hole's Ai fes Mee5 s Aif & Touts Park THE THIRD issue to be resolved before the hearing is the provision for a management improvement system Mr Chappell presented an organizational chart wh.th proposes g.ving the CAP executive committee areas of respon sibditv in administering the program "It will get the monkey off mv back and put it on yours, he said This would place the CAP board in an administrative posi non," he said The purpose of the management improvement system is to des gn and manage the CSA program Copies of the management system as well as the role pohey statement will be ent to the CAP administrative local board prior to the hearing so any member can provide feedback, Mr Chappell said BOTH MR. Cammaek and Mr Chappell reported that the teller from the federal agency did not mention the $11,000 tn lunds which federal officials said could have been overspent in carrying over lunds from 1976 This had been a central issue m the last meeting, but apparently was not currently being considered as one of the major problems for refunding Fven though several meetings have been held with C SA officials CSA is not a primary funding agent for the total yearly $,(60 000 CAP budget Most of that budget comes from Comprehensive Employment Iraining Administration (CETA) which MEXICO 24 Mar 3 Apr s569 v 20 g ui 't ' at aulay yisitor of Mi and Mrs Sen Bloshani was their daught- r, Mrs (mill Pieison o! S dt 1 ake ( ity I Ider Douglas Hill returned home Jan 24 from stiving a two year LDS mission to the Korea Seoul Mission He will report on his mis sum at the Kavseille 6th LDS Ward Sacrament melting on Sunday Feb 12 at t 15 p m He is the son of Mr and Mrs Glen W Hill Visitors of Mr and Mrs M - , inn Sandall were their daughter, Mrs Wilford Tot man and granddaughter, Mrs Linda Slade and son Id son uf Provo Mrs Ni'Uit St 'situ s nt R i, is nuking ht r burn w a hi i daughter and son in la e M ami Mrs ibid F u i Mrs Durrit Brut gti i ee (' v t d word thi' daughter R ic Mrs hnond She L a h h is to i rill Hull ot fill and broke hi r ankle a1 her home last w tt k Sia was onfmed to the I ogan Litre she gery w Mr IDS tt Atajj-jlc- Overs Copuitepec Fokiooco muGF" Toi Meurco Ctfy Coerrovoco sit Botief meais 6 ng more Pjrk Hoeis and HOLY LAND W th John & Itxtle Seenig April Joaon V sit Jerusalem Go' tee Te1 Aviv Athens 3 Day Greek isond Ourse Rome Na$es Pompen Includes All oh hotels tours ship tones y meals plus EUROPE June 27 July 25 vst Sweaen Norway mark uqosiavia Wes Acstr a Germany Swtieriand f Den n fa Itoty anc.e Hoiiond yi CHBISTOPKERSCN TRAVEL Iollf.ee 800 662 5764 453 West 500 South Bountiful work experience 292 7273 program )f TffPJJL I Hospital undtiwtnl sur and Mis Huff Richmond from Kavsville Mrs Fima Web'ter tntei tamed the Kay sv die 1st 6th and 16th Card study group at her home Sunday evening YEAR-ROUN- Mrs Ivy ( hild of kiverdalc has been staying the past weeks wuh her daughter and old Income Tax Service NO RETURN TOO COMPLEX WE DO ANY STATE VERY CONVENIENT YOUR RETURN IS COMPUTER YOU SAVE TIME NO WAITING IN LINES OR OFFICES WE RE AVAILABLE TO YOU OVER 3 DECADES OF SERVICE OVER 30 TAX COUNSELORS IN THIS AREA TO SERVE YOU family recent'v moved to years INCOME TAX PROFESSIONALS In-Ho- PRINTED FOR ACCURACY anJ son in law, Mr and Mrs C f f Blood On Tuesday evening, Jan 3i she broke her hip and was rushed to the McKay Hospital in Ogdi n She is 40 CORPORATION OF AMERICA TAX D FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT KEITH R. GOMM T C A. Manager CALL 825-1510o,376-8- 552 1 it' to in Hn.eti and ineourage ad c l nils lo .itti nd the n et.ing H i iw p I t ' ) a ) n i t fri n. v e t t 'dvi Go (ounty equal employment officers, an analysis of the CAP work forte in torn parison with the clients served and a and appeal statement vouth s fill o m r MAYOR C the 1.1 e. hit n It e LN REPOSTI'xG pre grt ss on ihe I'i'.rrn ative action plan which will also net d to tie updated for aaeptame, Mr Chapptll said three charges have been made The plan was first submitted to the federal cunnry in August and was reacted It was agn.n submitted in November The puin revision Mr haptame back again pell sa'd Ge four changes suggested have been made and the plan was ready for submission aain after being approved by the advisory board These changes include a breakdown on the age, sex, and ethnic or gin of the AP boards, a statement on the rule of the lunds w i t art a g thi n ,iiit " fr i t t . I O' Cl i 1 Ldell (irtcn wtnt to Ciietlev. (oo where h a! tended business meltings Fn iwo days las! wet k Mr and Mrs arrv kmedv and family, Mr at.d M i s John Kneedv.Mr and Mrs Paul Moss attended the funeral service of Mrs arrv a ti ' and friends it h rs ey anl in designing ( SA pn grams In an eHort to spell out the role of the advisors board, the CAP executive board approved the appointment of a committee who will work with CAP director Carl ( happell Mr Cammai k said he views the I AP board as an administrating' rather than an administrative hoard During the previous meeting the CAP board had asked for a model plan that would be ai ceptable tn CAP The goal c f the lommit tee will be tn defitt the role of the ad in mist rat . t board in relation to the ixeeutivt diieitor arid thi governing board win t is tin Divis County Com misMon to program F.;:, ruuiy 2, 1a7l5 r Gay Cv v- - s Soli ' ude Ski hi Sa'urday Mi I and Mr .ward and i h Id c n an i Mrs sails Higiinson Mr and Mis Aide n S 'dams have bet n visiting with his bioth r Barm v S Adams who is ill at th Veteran s H spital in Salt lake Cits Mi Adinis is from H h i es Mr and Mrs Gh tin At. m r i it at 'pi ji d the Oo ( r j! his mother Mrs Ctmii.e Austin held in ehi on 1 tuu s day, Jan 2h wnh bur, il in Diem C'thrrs aimndu g wt i Mr and Mrs Sen Ho' t y a1' i f a iri v Dr and Mrs Brum 1 t .sit formtT 1 step 1 i!,m Si A , to s'iul i j i sa I ith w 'o'yng around ' t tel ''ted fill! w an oi rot ( "l ' i B V G d,n trip is s In lJut mis Airi s f M ( ov ttil yifin'mi n rn I 1 t i' it e first r . i ard i that the local spec Teat lens Id tammies ehamman of the CAP ttiat the tnet idv.sory board s ,ng with CSA iff ctaK be set a wetk tdthrr than the diod'.ne to a low for ary add.r,ona! etvrg, s that may t Suggested after rh show c aasi hianrg r - i v . ro 1 s 11 i Si ot a' I S hi ,iy tjo.i rg proce Nt J witn Mr and Mi f h isense i end wot Mr ai d M rs a 'd (.ten I up-- i I Mr iiint Mis h A ( l ur n (J 'iii i h i s i : f ? ag 178 8751 r ' rr'nlU' r t . 1' P jti d.tfie , t , i .rd signed an ,TLFSDAY p ogrti rneut that w.l! p'o.ote findng fur me local ng n v thri . )h Api d pi ior to the in fur'ii g hat agreement linal dei Isa wiM rnaxe ayadahie iJ n in funds for it e f rst quarn r of tnt y a1- - Tt t f eb 2s die is on dead ire has been set since it L L NOFMA By vi It' f r 3 e M , i i i 7 Mr 0 or J C offt mis rtsol'irif off i ') leper t l 1 i LV un ! s' t it i 'i'u a Li V C ii AS ' ' ' . i i w f c r pi Mis C t tf 1 k- -J 1 1 SI n t wph ' i ' J Mg m i u f 4 C h i Al ad imst-ril u. S . " PL' ny lot is, i nut. i n t , St re u i s Atl nstrdi (' SA ) a in .to frame offn er ms mti Prig prior to i sid for a snow r i is I ha tele has lien sit as the ' a1 C t i ii , age if , ' e fied s Urn in p iiive th " i g, d hi SbVii Ul t 'i m ru'j.i ,t ; 2 ' M" e .1. il.t Tat i wn bu in whole Glare a'ld SO g' l ed t is Chapin rr et won a commit pr sml the wnt'en ped v sta'e n ml rij'e atfmdion to the fedcal u'1 eia's at ar ng tilt n tie of Ge Mr Ciiaspel sa.d tn arlyiy"ry to'-most he aware (f eviry prigram ad m.nisered by CAP out Mr 'v ,l d t I w t : , f U , ) t S t. 1 r a tins g pi iN , d Ah - , , iC3 WT? ( , Jim ir1 e or nt a and (4 Also Hi pit"! a r , 1 lb ml H j b; y i bt y i, 1 . t , rS r J 1, , , t Q Ml 1 & - i i v v v) ' tii t t f i 1 I 'll1 ! 1 I t ! r & I j K Hh ' i c a i - i u'.J r- t f i p n rr.a I II w i W.l ' l"l' iii'ii, T t i , . i r i of , f o i r C i a , Hr p Dii r r b . ; h a il : nei 'U Mtit ,h 0 C a V tn , , ak L - ,i ' i' ,v i ' r i' w Og M i I i w ill talK .0 t ) i ri till of md .S' I y tn s' e i J to I .ah and the spec uf ' 1 siry waul rg ' " i a, is ( i un'y , (2 i e a eon rnuni'y riec Is to ,1 iser nt i F o i i sSisT spr li.i iia. and have invited iw i ' via ktrs to address rhi ) a Ciu'ity 1 hav e they d this spi cia! met' Iom nd. ( y t t Dr. . i ( Lilt ( Sv J I r i t I I 'ii. 1 wi , . pi ts utent, V .t t aiJ they are mteifsinl iiumfter ot suitable i i ' to locate in this an a w mi the eiimniun t , ty informed e well lit is ( ' |