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Show I k iiWi ( - it t Roast Beef Dinner For Kays. Legion The f first Saturday evening each month the Kaysville South, Kaysville r liiC Oi just south Mrs. Wilma Bloxham was hostess to members of the DeLite Pinochle Club on Wednesday at Kens Cafe in Layton for their regular of the Kaysville Church, Grain Elevators near the Freeway. It is a family type evening with adults $4 a plate and children under 12 only $2. Along with the roast beef dinner is Phyllis Jefferys excellent salad bar. BRING your families and join the American Legion for this special dinner on Saturday evening. American Legion Post No. 82 serves a delicious hot dinner for the public, as a ways and means project to raise funds for their various community projects. A PIPING hot roast beef dinner will be served on Saturday, Nov. 6 beginning at 7:30 p.m. at the American Legion Hall, 541 West 100 Rotary hosted a steak and bean dinner on Wednesday, Oct. 27 at the MR. AND MRS. CLARENCE SORENSON teams, winners received a steak dinner and the losers 60th Date 60 Years On Saturday, Nov. 6 an open house reception will be held for Mr. and Mrs. John Philip Forbes of 579 South Main St., Clearfield. FRIENDS and relatives are invited to join with them in celebrating this memorable occasion between the hours of 4 and 6 p.m. at their home. Mr. Forbes was bom in Kaysville, (which is now East Layton) on Sept 25, 1887. He was the son of John and Margaret Lorena Bennett Forbes. He attended Davis County Schools at that time and later the Utah Agricultural College at Logan. : HE SERVED an LDS mission to the Western States, was a counselor in the Bishopric while residing in Layton, and in Clearfield has been a ward clerk, superintendent of the MIA and has been a secretary in his Priesthood Quorums, and for some time was in charge of the old Ward Cultural Hall. Mrs. Forbes was the former Ellen B. Anderson of Kays--villand was the daughter of Anthone Edward and Pernilla Johnson Anderson. She attended the Kaysville Schools and the Brigham Young Business College when it was in Logan. MRS. FORBES much of her time serving in the different organizations of the LDS church. She has been in the Primary Presidency, the Relief Society Presidency, and has also taught in the Primary and Relief Society. Mrs. Forbes has been a visiting teacher until two years ago, having done this most of her married life. The couple have also served on a LDS stake mission together. THEY WERE married on November 8, 1916, with the ceremony being performed in the Salt Lake LDS Temple. Phil and Ellen have resided in Clearfield since their marriage. Mr. Forbes engaged in farming, and was also employed at the Ogden Arsenal during world war II. He retired from there in 1956. THE COUPLE were parents of eight children, two having died while young. Their six living children are: Myron P. Forbes, Clear- field; John A. Forbes, Mrs. Grant B. (El-m- Hawaii; a) Thurgood, Syracuse; Mrs. Maurine Hardison, Mesa, Ariz.; Mrs. John reside in the Bear Lake Valley, in Idaho. They made Montpelier, Ida., their home until 1931, when they moved to Rock Springs, Wyo. and moved to Farmington in 1942. Mr. Sorensen was employed by the Union Pacific Coal Company as a welder for some time. After their move to Utah, he was employed at Hill Air Force Base and later owned and operated his own welding business. are There has spent THE CHAPTERS represent business women from Ogden, Metropolitan Salt Lake City and Utah County. Their main objective was to promote interest among those in attendance to attend the next years convention which will be held in Salt Lake City, Pearson Manager FREE ESTIMA TES-- - Don or 394-856- 6 773-856- Seams Requires No 1977. BIDDING for this conven- tion began three years ago against such cities as Atlanta, Ga.; Anaheim, Calif.; and New Orleans. Between 3,800 and 4,200 women are expected to attend the Salt Lake City 6 LAYTON, UTAH No 20-2- No Leaks convention. Maintenance Salt Lake Hilton will be headquarters hotel with surrounding hotels and mo- - 26 grandchildren, experts service pin at ceremonies at Hill AFB. SHE IS assigned as electro- - a ar . Directorate. The prices are right the fabrics are holiday-perfecHurry in to Discount Fabrics right away and get sewing for the holidays ahead. Sew for yourself . . . sew for everyone on your gift list. tels participating. The Salt Palace will be the center of most activities. officers CONVENTION have been named as follows: general chairman, Betty Roberts; general secretary, Marsha T. Chappell, Layton; Lillie treasurer, general Johnston. All other general chairmen are exptected to be named by December 1 at which time the national convention director, William H. Blair, from Kansas City, Mo. will arrive in Salt Lake City to lay final plans for the convention. ABWA IS a national association founded September, 1949. It was designed to meet the needs of the more than 36 million American women who are in business. The Associations main aims are directed toward improving employer-employe- e relations, keeping tinuing of new improvement program for members, and a wide selection of scholarships for local students. Last year ABWA chapters throughout the United States another in $150,000 scholarships during the same period. If d DUTCH-MAI- D ALL YEAR! Intermountain West Insulation Kaysville LAUNDRY DETERGENT f'l ii $10.00 OFF I, Any Re-insulat- ion Job( with this coupon Offer expires Dec. 1, 1976 j j SEW &GO You can make Butterick 3993 complete for less than $13.00 "-- Special 1295 mm Vacuum Repairs All Phone Models 773-50- 00 1679 North Main, Layton YARD Glamorous glitter knits of Orion' acrylicLurex-- ' metallic will put sparkle in holiday parties. 1st wide. quality, full bolts, 52-5- Sale prices effective thru Sat. Nov. 6 - & 048 Values to S CJ yd. our rag. 3.98 yd. 100 MT On Sale This Week Only! Cotton Outing Flannel Prints r - V Polyester Double Knits .j I77 Sew gift nightgowns and pajamas from tnis warm, washable cotton flannel. 1st quality, full bolts, 45 wide. Not recommended for children's Solids and jacquards wardto sew up an easy-carrobe. Popular ponte de roma and other stitches. 1st quality, full bolts, 60" wide. yarn-dye- e sleepwear. Values to 1.49 yd. You can sew McCall's 5317 complete for lass than $7.00 Special Value! Cotton Prints Robe Velour Special buy from N.Y. garment manufacturer! Special purchase from top mill! wear Sports Values to 2.29 yd., our reg. 1.88 yd. Designer lengths, 48" wide. Values to 2.50 yd., our r.g. 1.79 yd. Sew up a storm with these easy-cardelightful better prints cotton and blends, all first quality. Full bolts, 45 wide. Stock up and save! 3513023233) B!' "IE' ableclothsTetMachine washable' st qualitvjUull Have you joined DF's bolts?45-54Twi- de 50 YDS OF FASHION FABRIC CLUB? OPEN: MON.-FR- I. 9:30 9 P.M. SAT. 9:304 P.M. e SUN. 124 P.M. FREE PARKING 4179 S. Redwood. Meadowbrook Plaza 5650 South 900 East 1266 East 3300 South Granger.... Murray Town A Country ' OPEN: MON.-SA- 9:30-- P M. Centerville Orem 66 'i Pre priced to 90c pkg Decorative snaps in over 12 different patterns Machine washable. applica tion Stock up and save now at DF! No-se- t2nnsGD0SDBap2fiai BrighLpolorfuTfottoq prints (osew for draperiesTjurtains, bedspreads Members of the club get three yards of fabric FREE (your choice, worth up to 5 95 per yard) when fabric purchases total 50 yards. snap Values to 6.00 yd., our reg. 3.98 yd. We have an outstanding selection of 100 wools and wool blends All first quality, full wide. bolls, 54-6- Great gift robes start with first quality velour from DF! Washable and warm in Arnel" Snaps! Snaps! Snaps! Its a to save at DF! Wools 50 lbs. concentrate 3 Tribune, Oakland. with Lurex JANITORIAL SUPPLIES Having your home insulated NOW will save you money on your fuel 766-030- -- Glitter Knits and Puerto Rico awarded more than $700,000 in scholarships. In addition, the ABWA national scholarship fund, SBMEF, awarded homes. 5.; THEY SHOULD When they change the football rules they should do something to prevent an upset from being inevitable. Start your holiday sewing now DFs low prices will save you dollars! mechanical instruments ? repairer in the Maintenance has been an educational association, providing a con- Weve been providing insulation for new homes for years. . . now we are expertly installing insulation in older FOR A FREE ESTIMATE CALL . . TODAY 376-434- Galore! Mrs. Melvin (Sherry) Criddle of Kaysville has received SINCE its inception, ABWA savings youll realize in fuel costs. bills Lafferty, brother Jeremy. The mother is the former Valerie Thatcher of Kaysville. GRANDPARENTS include Mr. and Mrs. Myron Olson of Bountiful, and Mrs. Marjorie Thatcher of Kaysville. Mrs. Jessie Olsen of Salt Lake City is a Fabric 35 ficiency. Insulation pays for itself in added comfort and in the year-roun- sympathy as his meal con and improved business techniques, and increasing their and ef- help save on your fuel bills you own an older home or an under insulated home, let us show you today how we can save you money and add to your familys living comfort. Ann and Sherry Criddle Gains 10 Year Service Pin members informed Let the Insulation Mrs. Melpha Koldewyn was hostess to the Weinel Mill Camp of Daughters of Utah Pioneers at her home WedMrs. Carman nesday. daughter, three and one-ha-lf pounds, was born to J an M. and Valerie Olsen of Pleasant Grove on October 8. THE BABY who is doing very well, came home from the hospital on Sunday, Oct. 31. There to meet her were sisters, Kristen and Merity new members into the club but was on the losing team. The Rotary extended their Attend Convention October monthly meeting November 8 at 1 p.m. in the Hillgate Terrace Mobile Home Park Recreation Room. A POT luck luncheon and social hour will be the order of the day. All members and friends of NARFE are urged to attend. Now that summer activities are coming to a close we are expecting greater attendance. ANYONE in need of transportation or desiring information regarding NARFE should contact President Olen Mrs. Via Adams entertained the Lakeview Circle Neighborhood Birthday Club at her home last week. Mrs. Lola Whittaker was 1, 1977. t. 4. G01I6UTLY RAIN GUTTERS tired Federal Employees, NARFE will hold their Morton. A during the meeting. inMR. TAYLOR was strumental in bringing three and one Members of the American Business Womens Association from 14 chapters in Utah recently attended their annual convention in New Orleans, Louisiana, October For Residential or Commercial Buildings Various Colors Baked on Enamel Custom Made with Precision on Job The Layton Chapter of the National Association of Re- The lesson was given by Mrs. Carol Collett. The history was read by Mrs. Bonnie Daughter Born Rotarian Taylor installed Jack Pasell, owner and operator of Jacks Hair Style Center, as a new member Business W omen 25 and 14 great- - grandchildren of grandchildren. MOST OF the family mem-bes- r will be on hand for their parents and grandparents celebration. The sons and daughters all have either been here during the past two weeks or will be with their parents on Saturday, vsb also Layton Narfe Sets Meet n; OF LATE he worked as City Building Inspector for the Farmington City and continued his own business during off time. He has been an active member of the Farmington Lions Club, and was awarded the distinguished (Carla) McCann, San Diego, Calif.; and Mrs. Lynn W. (ShirLee) Wood, Layton. January DaWayne 4-- THE COUPLE was married on November 7, 1916, in the Salt Lake LDS Temple. They are both 80 years of age. Both successful membership with nine drive is completed new Rotarians. service award for the bicentennial year. Mrs. Sorensen was the former Jennie Pearce. She has been in many of the programs for a county number of years. And has been an active member of her ward in Farmington. ' in served HAVING numerous organizations, she was a teacher in the Primary organization and also the Sunday School. She too has been employed at Hill Air Force Base. The couple are the parents of seven children. They include: Mrs. Norma S. Vance of Salt Lake City; Mrs. Charles (Hazel) Werner of Pinedale, Wyo. ; Rodney Sorensen of Bountiful; Mrs. Bernice S. Stevenson of Lay-toFrank Sorensen, Farmington; Mrs. William (Beverly) Stenberg, of Los Bonas, Calif.; and Mrs. Lawrence (Anne Marie) Moss, Centerville. They are also the proud grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Clarence R. Sorensen, of Farmington, are being honored with an open house reception to be held at the Lion Club House, 102 North Main St., Farmington, on Sunday, Nov. 7, between the hours of 4 and 6:30 p.m. The occasion will mark their 60th wedding date. MR. AND MRS. JOHN FORBES A Roselyn Slade read a history. hostess. announced another membership drive would begin ate beans. Sandra Butterfield. Mrs. Mrs. Shelia Garlick. Mrs. Roberta Little was assisting sisted of beans, which didnt seem quite fair. Thirty-seve- n Rotarians and Rotary Anns enjoyed the fun dinner meeting. The membership drive was started September 1, 1976. PRESIDENT Clyde Marx Chateau Center in Layton. THE CLUB recently conducted a new membership drive. It was divided into two ss luncheon meeting. Mrs. Lucy Barker was hostess to the ALonas Club at her home Tuesday evening. Members of the Pony Express Camp of Daughters of Utah Pioneers met Wednesday evening at the home of Layton Rotary Enjoys Steak And Bean Dinner The Layton and Sanders was the lesson was given by Mrs. 55 290 E. Paget Lana South State Street |