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Show JL vv" m 9 m m I V WEEKLY REFLEX-DAV- NEWS JOURNAL, NOVEMBER 4, 1976 IS o cco J? LJ M - .., & ) - 9 CJ r KCA OFFICERS Winners of the Division I championship in the Wasatch Front League are the Layton Colts, the 85A team. Members are, to r, back row, Aaron Davis, Cory Higham, Matt Stott, Jason Johnson, Sean Flagg, David Brown, Craig Kennedy, Mike Moss. Middle row, Brad King, Glenn Malloy, Mark Maguire, Jerry Cooper, John Firth, Jamey Vigil, Clint Lewis. Front row, Jeff Moon, Kim Carter, Richie Gallegos, Ricky Tyrone, Paul Hearld, Wylee Carlson, Jim Norton. Coaches- - Head Coach, Dennis Moss, Ray Hearld, am Gallegos, Mike Brown. Absent when picture was taken, Darryl Lacey. The team has a 0 record with the clincher a 13-- 6 win over Ogden last Thursday. The boys received plaques after the game and will receive trophy at the football banquet tomorrow night. New officers elected to lead 1976-7- 7 Kaysville Civic are: Clyde Association Chatland as president; A. Neil Anderson, presidentelect; Linday Major, secretary; G. Ed Hyde, youth chairman and Maurine Brady as adult chairman. the 1 LAYTON CHAMPS president and Glen W. Cundall, honorable major. To serve as representatives for KCA for the coming year are: By ROSELYN KIRK Davrs County maintained a conservative voting pattern by electing a Republican State Senator and choosing six Republicans and two Democrats to represent the county in the State House of Representatives. IN THE race for the State Senate in District 23, Republican Jack Bangerter Ralph Klemm, Democrat, by gaining a 62.8 per cent of the votes to defeat Klemm by 4805 votes. Mr. the Bangerter, president of J.C. Bangerter and Sons Produce, a trucking firm, had defeated incumbent State Senator Ezra Clark in tlie primary race in District 23 by a 6 per cent margin. Mr. Klemm, a former assistant to the U.S. Attorney, faced no opposition in the primary. defeated 54-4- IN THE race for the State House of Representatives, incumbent Democrat Beth Jarman, District 55, and incum- bent Democrat Rebecca Nalder, District 53, were defeated by Republican opponents. William Holt, Republican incumbent in District 51, was not Incumbents Democrat Clifford LeFevre, District 52, Republican James Hansen, District 54, Republican David Irvine, District 56, and Republican Douglas Sonntag, District 57, all defeated their challengers to retain their seats in the State House of Representat- ives. IN DISTRICT Republican 51, incumbent seat, defeated Robert Speirs, Republican from Clearfield by a slim 293 votes. Mr. LeFevre received 53.8 per cent of the vote, while Mr. Speirs gained 46.1 per cent. IN DISTRICT 53, Incum- bent Rebecca Nalder was defeated by 48 votes by American party candidate, received 294 votes in the race. Incumbent Republican in District 54, James Hansen handily defeated Democrat Victor Daly by gaining 72.3 per cent of the votes and defeating Mr. Daly by a 3967 vote margin. Mr. Daly, of Kaysville, entered the cam- paign late, replacing the Democratic candidate who had left Utah. MR. HANSEN who has served for two terms, is on the governors Blue Ribbon Task Force on energy. Paul Selleneit, Republican Candidate in District 55, defeated incumbent Beth Jarman, Democrat, by gain- ing a 57.5 percentage of votes compared to 39.5 per cent for Mrs. Jarman. Mrs. Jarman the controver- sial Equal Rights Amendment during the 1975 legislative session. THE OTHER three canin 55 District didates received a total 2.7 per cent of the vote. Totals were: Alan Bradbury, American Party, 99 votes; Bill Husbands, Libertarian, 39; and Vera Edwards, Concerned Citizens, two terms was defeated by Democrat Warren Wimmer of Gearfield. Mr. Wimmer, a political newcomer, defeated Bemita Kerscher of Sunset in the primary election by a margin of 71 votes. Dan Stanger, Concerned Citizen 57. 52, received 376 votes. In District 52, Clifford LeFevre, the only incumbent Democratic state representative to maintain his house Incumbent Republican David Irvin gained 67.4 per cent of the In District 51 vote to defeat Glen Milo Peck, Democrat, by 898 votes. Mr. Irvin has served in the House for two terms, where he was a member of the education and social services committee. 0 DOUGLAS Sonntag, incumbent Republican gained 60.5 per cent of the vote to defeat By DAVE WIGHAM Several years ago I was talking to an assistant football coach at Weber State College about the high schools players from this state and their chances at playing major college ball. THIS COACH was of the opinion that football players in this state would very sel- dom help a major college program out; he felt that other states were much better in preparing their athletes for college ball. Whatever you do or say dont tell Coach Lavell Edwards of Brigham Young that Utah athletes arent going to help his. Main cog in the Cougars'offense this year is a Utah product by the name of Gifford Nielsen. Gif is a graduate of Provo High. Other native Utahns are contributing to the Cougar cause. TWO DAVIS residents South at & IN DISTRICT 66, OTHER schools have local athletes aiding the cause. A few weeks ago when BYU was taking on Utah State an interesting matchup was on the field. USU had a tight end from Clearfield named Brad. Clifford, it was his responsibility to block Murdoch, once teammates. Then last Saturday when Arizona State was kicking off the Cougars number 82 was responsible to block ASUs number 73. Larry Miller was the Cougar and the Sun Devil was Marcus Watts, both former Bountiful players. votes, , ; i , JCKs; sites; Roetta tizens; ' Carol Collett, historic Eugene Tolman and Horsley, senior ci- Dorothy Bergstrom. Kaysville Literary Club; Cecil L. Hough, Kaysville Rotary; UNVERSITY of Utah is loaded with local talent, in fact the Utes have probably the largest number of local lads than any of the colleges in Utah. Even the Wildcats of Weber have started to recruit the local, athlete; they have- -' three, ffom (Layton to,: start. with Keith, and Rod Bockwolt and Mark Billmire all per-- . form well for the Wildcats. To say that Utah athletes Victor Rickman and Dean Storey, Davis High youth representatives. Parent Teachers Student Associations: Lola Palmer, Burton Elementary; Patty Layton Thursday, Oct 28 Laytons Preceptor Iota Chapter held a ! :j arent as good as other . Preece, ALSO Paul Hallman, Jaycees; Jackie Truman, rk staters is ridiculous; Gifford Nielsen for instance is number two in the nation in passing and in total offense, not bad for an athlete who played his prep ball in the Beehive state is it? dw 8x10 the Junior Hospitality Hopscotch. social for Bountifuls Xi Alpha Gamma Chapter. The salad supper followed by games was held at the home of Ila Nalder. Center-piec- e decorations featuring a Halloween theme were given to lucky people as door prizes. Precepto lota Chapters social committee consists of Vonda Yarbrough, Wanda Ellis and Dorothy Larkin, dmg OfyPP PORTRAIT High and Verla Raymond, Davis High School. M. BRENT Major, American Legion; Jean Anderson. Girl Scouts; Delores Cullimore, Fine Arts Club; Association American University Women, Fayei-i- ; Purdy; Lantern Club, Ivy Harvey; Literary Art Guild, 3 Gail Whitesides and Chamber : of Commerce, Tom Hori. REPORT OF CONDITION of FIRST SECURITY STATE BANK OF KAYSVILLE in the State of Utah at the close of business on SEPTEMBER 30, 1976 ASSETS Cash and due from banks U. S. Treasury securities Obligations of other U. S. Government agen- cies and corporations of States and political Obligations divisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures sub- Corporate stock Trading account securities Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell in domestic offices Loans, Total (excluding unearned income) 1,675,000.00 Less: Reserve for possible None loan losses Loans, net Direct lease financing Bank premises, furniture and fixtures, and other assets representing bank premises. . Real estate owned other than bank premises None TOTAL ASSETS $1,536,000.00 $362,000.00 $1,174,000.00 Sentinel, Onawa, la. Coitipare At $6.95 SPECIAL OF EACH BABIES, CHILDREN, ADULTS, GROUPS ONE PERSON PER PERSON SINGLY 88 GROUPS 88 PORTRAITS COLOR FROM SELECT FINISHED MADE ON KODAK EKTACOLOR PAPER. COURTEOUR SERVICE-N- O ONE TO PRESSURE YOU TO BUY. LIMIT ONE SPECIAL PER CHILD. FAST DELIVERY. 766-12- 71 PHOTOGRAPHERS HOURS MONDAY THRU THURSDAY 10 AM-- 1 PM, 2 PM 0 FRIDAY 10 AM-- 1 PM, 2 PM 0 SATURDAY 10 AM-- 1 PM, 2 PM-- 6 PM PM-7:3- r X PM-5:3- CEaRDSYMAS SPECIAL! C0Ln in timo for CHRISTMAS) (Dock Lake Side Square Shopping Center Clearfield Carpet NOVEMBER 3RD THRU 6TH Low as r: - iir,;. 351,000.00 324,000.00 - None 850,000.00 ;- - None None ' -- 11,000.00 , OFFICES None AND 1,536,000.00 Federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreements to repurchase in domestic offices Other liabilities for borrowed money Mortgage indebtedness Acceptances executed by or for account of this bank and outstanding Other liabilities None None None None 161,000.00 1,697,000.00 None it 2,000.00 509,000.00 ; : :2 ? S3 2,206,000.00 MEMORANDA arent surprised at anything any more. as U -- 2,206,000.00 ' TOTAL DEPOSITS (a)- Total demand deposits (b)- Total time & savings deposits TOTAL DEPOSITS IN FOREIGN TOTAL DEPOSITS IN DOMESTIC FOREIGN OFFICES -- None .T,i H 7,000.00 LIABILITIES " ': Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time and savings deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Deposits of United States Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions . . Deposits of foreign governments and official institutions Deposits of commercial banks Certified and officers checks TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY CAPITAL abolish the exclamation point. PIEtCHASE None EQUITY CAPITAL TRUE! A move is under way to Pre-Thanksgiv- ing 7,000.00 Customers liability to this bank on accept- ances outstanding Other assets TOTAL EQUITY CAPITAL Gene Echols 1,675,000.00 None ::cl Preferred stock No. shares outstanding None Common stock No. shares authorized 2,000 No. shares outstanding 2,000 Surplus Undivided profits Reserve for contingencies and other capital reserves KBYU Channel 11 on a Monday night and watch a replay of the Cougars games. To hear the announcer talk one -- r.O ,X Investments in unconsolidated subsidiaries and associated companies TOTAL LIABILITIES (excluding subordinated notes and debentures) athletes are helping the program just tune in to People - Cook, Horizon Club; Elaine- Subordinated notes and debentures Phone SPECIAL South would be sure that Miller will be All World this year. linebacking spot, Blake Murdoch of Clearfield and Larry Miller from Bountiful. Blake is a senior on the squad while Larry is just a junior. If you dont think these St., Layi Jim Weber residents elected Republican Edison Stephens, by a slim majority of 29 votes over Gwendolyn Larsen, Democrat. Virginia Stanger, American Party, received 83 gained 515 votes and Julie Johnson 96. County are The Interior Shopue Main 15 Co-own- ers 2243 votes to receive 31 per cent of the total vote count. Mrs. Wadsworth store, gained Norma publicity; Beatrice Carroll, American Field Service; Louise Gailey, art club; Hanna Jarman, Athena Club and Mary Phelps, Daughter of Utah Pioneers. Utah Athletes: Behind Those In Other States? Republican challenger Frank Knowlton. Mr. Knowlton had previously served three terms in the house. Mr. Knowlton gained 48.1 per cent of the votes and Mrs. Nalder 47.4 per cent. Michele Van Sickle, William Holt, who has served Candidate in District Democratic challenger Bob Miller, Democrat; Reva Wadsworth, American Party and Julie Johnson, Libertarian. Mr. Miller, a programming manager for a food chain Hartley, Kaysville Elementary; Nancy Strong, Kaysville OTHER executive officers WJ::v5:W55SW 'V: . cS5 are Iola Smith, beautification; Mary Cundall, fine arts; Russell Bracken, past 6-- : The Kaysville Civic Association recently elected new officers. Included are, 1 to r, front, A. Neil Anderson, president elect; Clyde Chatland, president, Linda Major, secretary; back, Russ Bracken, past president, and Mayor Glen W. Cundall. Average for 15 or 30 calendar days ending with call date Cash and due from banks Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell Total loans Time deposits of $100,000 or more in domestic offices Total deposits Federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreements to repurchase Other liabilities for borrowed money 3 128,000.00 $5 283,000.00 1,387,000.00 S S3 533,000.00 $1,221,000.00 None None None Standby letters of credit outstanding Time deposits of $100,000 or more in domestic offices: Time certificates of deposit in 1 denominations of $100,000 or more 533,000.00 Other time deposits in amount of $100,000 or more None Number of operating branches as of 1 call date 1, RICHARD C. MOURITSEN, of the above-name- d bank do hereby declare that this report of condition is true and 5 :5 correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. RICHARD C. MOURITSEN State of Utah, County of Davis ss: Sworn to and subscribed before me this 20th day of October 1976. SPENCER T. WRIGHT Notary Public Correct-Attes- t: ROBERT T. HEINER THOS. F. HAWKES MERRILL JENKINS Directors STATE OF UTAH, Department of Financial Institutions 3 In- - :i I, W. S. BRIMHALL, Commissioner of Financial stitutions, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true iS and correct copy of the statement of the above named bank, filed in this office on October 26, 1976. W. S. BRIMHALL Commissioner of Financial Institutions . Yd. Installed Includes Labor, installation and 916" pad. f |