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Show The JOURNAL-J- u! 15, 1958 page 8 Committee Elects Alumni Sponsor to Board of Directors 4-- y U H CLUB news items Mrs. Farrell Lawrence, 1211!) Lax tuna Drive, was ill with lnlluenza la- -t week. Since her Layton Mr. and Mis. Mr. and Mrs. Law-iciu- e l ecovery , ville R. DeYoie, 14'is Reid child and en, Loretta and of announce the hath thud son, Allen Richard, on Steve, went to the Boweutt reunion at Beai Lake Saturday morning, July ' Baby family on lbs. Island Satuiday and SunAllen Richard weighed H oz. and he is tne loth grand- day, July 11 and 12. The Bow-cuchild of Mr and Mi-- . Ernest family have their own The cabins at Bear Lake island. DeVore of Centerville. maternal grandparents aie Mr. Fishing, boating, and water skiand Mrs. George MacKay of ing were thoroughly enjoyed by all. Salt Lake City. lix Joan Elliott Phone 15S1-- ALonds Club Mrs. Stexx-MrFannie I.ay-'an- d family, s llle Mrs. Noble San-da- ll C. II. Kay and art resident Fulton, toil Ihone ctiJ the A'Lonas entertained Alumni Honor childieii on Bountiful; and Burton Committee National Eight She just. The Mr and Mrs. Wil- school teacher here. Mr Mr. Nevins will present the Club at her home Wednesday Mi Girls Club Work ha Stella Orem; and Blake, ned vacation a from letui Boys trip liam Jordan, Mrs. Elwin E. to Texas xxith her son, Mr national and Mis. Newell He s and fam- - elected to its board of directors key award for 1958 evening. Blues were won by Johnson and fixe children, Lo- Mis. Laurence Vei a Hyde and Wilma Buhlei. Ark former Little the L. to attended Rock, S. ilx , Nevius, eight mmgton Layton. of Ohn Mathieson at the iri Lay-togan; Mrs Jim Fulioi, Hisbop, Mr. and Mrs. Dawson reunion family Seymour J. Lx cuing Bridge Calil ; Mrs. Mary Burton, kay annual alumni Sunday at Dawson Hollow Chemical Corporation, Plant l, Tom Kngledow, Mi. and Mui ray and children, San held home of Mr. and Mrs. Food Division, according to an banquet Miss Irene Swan the at tfuc-stKaysville house were Mr. Calif., announcement made by John W. during the NaMis. Ed Burton, Bountiful; Jack Whitesides. entertained the membeis of the 4 II Club Committee tional Coverdale, and Mis. Maik Kngk'ilow am. for .several days recently of presided Evening Budge club at her Mrs. Clen Garrett and Mrs. Mr. Nevins is one of 12 direcnext family, Ogden; Mi. ami Mis. Mm home Thuisday evening the play tors who manage the affairs of Congress attended Jarman liana I ink December. and daughter Arthur m Ogden the Committee, a Ml West Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Stanley They are- Aand Mm. Haul Binda, Mr Exhausted Rooster lexander Nunn, organMooie and children, Ralph and and daughters, Heher ( ity, Sunday evening. uxi-- f ization cooperatvice - president I he American Legion Kaysville - Mrs. Christine Donna, (iramte City, Illinois, ,xere Thursday oveinite guests Maxfield entertained the wives and executive with State Mr. and Mrs. Bert Giles. attended the Moore family re'hary I'rut No. sg held a Sky ing The Proand Federal Exof the Exhausted Rooster Club editor, SatArt home Mrs. of Watch the at at Mr. and Mrs. Reed Gunnell Crystal Springs Alumni Key union tension Services at her home last Thursday evegressive Far- , and txxo daughters, Gay andT01 sFy a',t urday. Earl In mer, Birmingham, Ala.; ning. Mrs. Carol Duekwoith Mining is struggling to solve serious national and intern visitors at the at Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schollield, 4 H furthering Bank of was spent Thursday Club work. Coke, The men met national mineral policy V. Z. Carl Mr. Mrs. and Mis. and attended Idaho. and Mr problems to compete and survive. home of family, Grace, They America San Francisco, Calif.; at the home of Ray Odd. Long active in hon-SMr s c Mr. and and included week hoffield he birthday celebration in son, Roy Rogers, Chatsxxorth, Calif., Koldewyn last Equally important to survival is a helpful state and local youth and comLt. and Mrs. Keid Fillmore and1 n of his mother, Mrs. A. B.! Lester Schoffielcl and family, munity service, formerly of Duck Run, Ohio, economic climate. Utahns, knowing the importance of entertainer and philanThey returned home Mi. and Mis. Edwaid F. Ritter Mr. Nevins has sons, Ahetine, Texas; Mr. and' Gunnell mining to our state, have been helpful in the past. Their Mrs. Clen D. Augason and chil- i.V Soda Springs, Idaho and and children, Mr. and Mrs. been particularthropist, Dr G. D Humphrey, of in famWyominterested and Scoffield help is needed now to create the climate that will help Charles L'niversity and 0 Robert president, ly lhil, Logan Canyon dren, Mary, former members. Club Laramie, former president C. at rebuild prosperity in a vital industry. ward a The Fourth attended ing, family party Kaysville r ily S.j Midvale; Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Charles of Mississippi State College. Bov Scouts Tup No. r( Alumni Program with Aids and children, Idaho Falls, the Wheel m We her Canyon' Augason, Salt Late City and Also the following volunteer the r Scout Master John A. Mr and Mis. C. N. Crawford, Idaho, are guests of Mr. and Sunday aftei noon m honor ot For the past six years he has Club leaders and parents of Smith left for Charles to guests Midvale. attention the hnthduy Thirty Saturday morning Mrs. Sherman given special VenRutledge this Mrs. Mays members; Steiner xxheie they will Alumni Recognition Camp Mrs. Mable Metcalf, Shelly, .xeek. Mr. Chesnovar is a bro- joined the party given by Carl national ; Mrs Ga Alfred able, Jefferson, and Jack Sc hoffield. spend the week at summer camp. program which the Plant Food Idaho, and Mrs. Dmnic Van iler of Mrs. Rutledge. Kinney, Baldwin, Mich.; John vV. Division supports. is Rushforth Mrs. Steven Idaho weie Falls, Idaho, Orden, Tindall, Princeton Junction, N.J.; Jean, Marilyn, Cathryn and Nearly 6.U00 men and women Miss Margaret Adele Bigelow, Tuesday overnight guests ol Marsha Milligan, Logan, were spending a few days at St. been have nation the throughout Mr. and Mrs. U. M. Maxfiehl. Washington, West Va. Plenty of guests last week of their aunt George with lehitixes. for perpetuating Mrs. liana Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barker mil uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Jarman, Miss honored for 20 Million forEugene Free These ideals. Parking; distinguished Mrs. Mable Muuel Reeves, and txxo daughters, Mr. and Ir igmore The winners were selected by received awards on mer Mrs William Barker and two J. I. Nichols, Redondo Beach, Gleason ami Miss Irene Swan the county, state and national the Cooperative Extension ServI1CRRY! HI HUY! Broken sizes and daughters attended the Red-for- d 'a lif., visited at the home of at i ruled the play "Carousel levels provided by Olin Mathie-son- . ice. It has been estimated that limited Crmer-ity of Utah Staquantities of some items they some 20 million persons have parfamily reunion at Ilyrum s sister, Mr. and Mrs. Frank at the They include certificates, dium in Salt Lake Saturday plaques and the 4 H Alumni gold ticipated in Club work sincu last weekend. won't last long. Barker one day last week. its inception. Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Carter evening. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Kynaston, key awards. returned aftei Mr. and Mrs. Ross Brown and Nyssa, Oregon, were weekend ind family guests of her parents, Mr. and pending the weekend at Spirit hildi en xisited in Salt Lake, Lake in the Umtahs. Mrs. Harry B. Hatched. Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Mary (Her, Lethbridge, Gel aht S Blown. Mrs. Effie B. Miller suffered Dr. and Mrs. Jack Rampton a heart attack Wednesday evelherta, Canada, returned to ning and was taken to the Dee icr home last week after and family, Mi. and Mis. StewHospital in Ogden. pending a few weeks visiting art Bui ton returned last week Mrs. Mr. and E. Darrell By Joan Elliott Mr. and Mrs. Blen Nance and it the home of her daughter, from a week vacation tup to 2.'lo Flint, I58I-and Clines Phone family. Mr children from California have and Mrs. Howard I oung. Southern California. Mis. John Bakers and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Nelson Mr. and Mrs. James T. Giles, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Burbeen visiting with his parents, Layton family, enjoyed camping s and Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Nance ton will leave Wednesday for Salt Lake, were Sunday guests istor - m- - lu xx , Mrs. Jack and fishing at Cnina Lake in and two children of ( and other relatives here for the Washington, D. ('., where they of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Giles. You expect big Values at Penney's! But . . . you haven't seen anything till you see our Giant Summer Nevada left for home on the Umtahs dunng the 4th of ill make their home for the Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Mitche'l, past two weeks. AlOn Clearance! Yes, right now, with plenty of summer still ahead, Penneys is marking down all kinds of 11, July weekend. Mr. and Mrs. 1. M. Maxfield next two years. They have Salt Iaike, visited Sunday after- Thursday, July lo, attei visit-n- g len Glines' Uth July was birthday for Summer merchandise to the lowest, smallest togs ever! YouU dean upl at the Baker home six spent a week in Idaho, vaca- leeri visiting at the home of noon with Mi. and Mrs. Orson celebrated with friends sharing acxx i t h his weeks. 14, Dr. Hall. Baker, and Mrs. age Jack Judy tioning and visiting sister, Mr. and Mrs. rt Horsley companied Mrs Simkins on the friends arid relatives. Rampton and family for the Mrs. Jim Fuller, Bishop, Cali- past six weeks and with other had diniiei Friday at Camp eturn trip and will visit the Williams. The dinner was for LaVon Phillips family m Pan-tefornia, arrived to spend a few relatives and friends. Nevada near Caliente. Judy Mrs. Glen Ashbv left lasl all officers, directors and their days with her parents, Mr. and t s Mrs William Jordan. Other week for Quincy, Washington, wives of Boys State, Mr. spend two weeks guests are Mr. and to spend a few weeks at the ley spent the past week at Panaca. M rs. Arthur Link and daughter home of her daughter, Mr, and Bovs' State. On the 1th of July weekend, Mrs. Allen L. Strong, son Mr. and Mr . Kent Blackner Linda, Mr. and Mrs. Baul Moore Mrs. John Ford and to welcome Roller t, daughter Mary Lynne, and family, 2L'! Melody, and and son Ralph and daughter a new grandchild. Mrs. Alvin Kinsey attended Mrs. Glen Craig and two Donna of Crarute City, Illinois and Mis Dallas Thompson who were guests (luring the the Club and Singer Sew- (lien, Bountiful, aie spending Hid son of South Weber, spent week. ing School in Salt Lake last a few days this week at the four days at China Meadows Homestead m Midway. Sunday evening guests of Wednesday and Thursday. in eastern Utah. The men Mr. and Mrs. Iaul Layton and Mr. and Mrs. James Killian Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pugmire, packed in on horses to a nearv were Mr. and Mrs. ami children, Irovo, were week-am- i Kish Haven, Idaho, weie family lake and the fishing was by Charles Gilbert son visitois of Mi. and Mrs. axeellent i.e., caught their limit (laugh- - end guests of Mr. and Mrs. and ters, Beverly Luane, Ruloii Killian. George Heywoud. in a lew hours. Hr. and Mrs. Jack Lampion Mr. and Mrs. George Lea- Kearns; Mrs. Fannie Layton, jthain weie Sunday evening din mer guests of Mr. and Mis Ait' Hensley. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hamblin (and four children spent last week in Highlands, California, visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Russell. The children will there to visit their grand-- , patents for four weeks. Mi. and Mrs. Hamblin returned home Sutur day. Penneys tailors Sanforized K Boh Anderson and son Dennis 100 cotton prints in regular modvirgin celacloud spent the weekend at Camp els with button - down cofilling. Its light weight Durable, Combed Soft, Steiner with the Fourth Ward Modern llars and novelty trims. Colmaximum warmth Andet-o- n Mr. Smuts Boy Cotton, Knit Briefs or ors! STORE Patterns! without weight BUILDINGS conduct helped Sunday services T Shirts. Size; Medium, Only. for the hoys, Meets or Surpasses Mr. and Mrs. Paul Layton ANY Test for jarnl family visited in Salt I a,,e SHOP PENNEYS YOULL LIVE BETTER, YOULL SAVE! ISunday afternoon with Mi. and Mis George T. ( o and Mis. 50c Cuff Jennie Bud. Plus Fed. Tax Mrs. Nate and $2 - $3 Kilfoyle ! . . . . . . m daughters spent Sunday & Brigham City, visiting with 77c $2 her parent', Mi and Mi- - Samuel Snow 7 1)( ,, $3 9 88c Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lavton 4 attended the g'aduation exerCONGRATULATIONS, CITIZENS! Once again you have demonstrated 6X $2 cises and goveinoi's reception I! Plus Fed. Tax that American democracy is truly . . government of the $2.25 at Camp Williams fm Boys' State, Satuiday evening. Their Made Exduiively by people, by the people, for the people. son Kenneth, who attended Boys State last week, wa- - a $2.22 1 3 MJTAH CONCRETE $2.00 member of the Glee Club and At your urging, the Congress of the United States obtained a elected as county commissioner CO. pipe Doll of Wells County. detailed study of American transportation. Because you spoke, t?40 Wall Avenue . Ogden $1.22 - $1.44 Sw Mr. and Mrs. anernell Phone- EXport $2.66 ger spoilt Sunday at Mirror AND 7n PROVO, SAIT UlCE, LOGAN your elected representatives acted . . . and you helped us gain, All Bake 50c effective August 1, 1958: BROKEN SIZES Joe (Norma) Salt Lake P recce xx Mis s. a s a f 01 me i Ka.v-vil- , n ! tt vice-preside- Ra-faes - non-prof- it Climate for survival 4-- welk-i.uanne- well-know- n Scout Outing Ches-nova- 1 4-- UTAH MINING ASSOCIATION Peweys 4-- i r Layton Store Victory Park Subdivision Sim-isin- ali-nt- e, a, j Hois-'plan- out-of-sta- te chil-jM- r. Fri-da- fUtHal KlExs in Fob for Q0pnDHfD Men's you spoke they acted you gain Women's Full Skirts Links Ready to Hang Awnings SHRINKAGE V0L-V1-H- Wo's Pair Shoe Rack Summer Handbags Blouse Odds Ends Girls' Dresses, Girls' Dresses, to Men's Walking Shorts Tcddlers' Dresses to Men's Straw Hats Women's Baby Swim Wear Reduced to Clear Repeal of the 3 Federal Excise World War freight transportation, and the transportation of coal and coke 4c II Tax imposed on per net ton Federal A Excise Tax on GUT means an immediate savings to you on all freight movements. Rio Grande customers paid more than $2.5 million a year in these excise taxes aionel This means lower costs. These excise taxes were paid each time a product was moved by freight . . . repeal will result in savings for you in the form of lower prices. This REPEAL OF THESE TAXES carries . out only two of many recommenda-n- s by Senator George A. Smathers and his Subcommittee. her benefits to you will be forthcoming as you continue to your elected representatives know what you think. OF LIFE Do you remember vxhat it was like the day that cancer took the life of someone you loved? Do you remember the frantic grief the frustration of hopelessness and helplessness? How do you hit back at this enemy? How can you help to destroy this killer? an answer a positive way to strike back. Your contribution to the American Cancer Society in memory of your loved one will help support a program dedicated to the conquest of cancer. Your memorial gift will not only do honor to the dead. It may help provide a gift of life. There is Memorial gift funds may be sent to your local American Cancer Society office. Dona-ion- s should be accompanied by the full i une of the deceased, the name and address f the miraber of the family to whom an ov ledgment card should be xrni and DENVER & RIO GRANDE WESTERN ad(aTT-- 7 i i line and address. 9 WOMENS SPORTSWEAR 9 BARGAINS 9 9 Printed Cotton 1.44 9 Ankle 9 JamaicaLengths 122 9 Shorts 9 Many Other Buys Not Listed. 9 P.I's Girls' Knit Polos MENS AUTOMATIC WASH-N-WEA- SLACKS R lOOG Dacron in Brown, Charcoal 3.00 Rayon, Dacron Blend Broken Sizes 5.00 i GIRLS SHORTS 9 Sturdy, Durable Cotton Pop- 9 lin in Prints & Solid Colors 9 Cotton Sateen 9 M ideal fs 50c 1.22 TERRIFIC BARGAINS FOR INFANTS AND TODDLERS Tots Polished Cotton QQ OoC Boxer Slacks Tots Long Sleeve, Button Down Collar Sportshirts Rayon Covered Plastic Pants Terrv Towel Sets c. 9 WOMENS SLEEVELESS COTTON DRESSES 9 9 are machine wash- able. These must go to 9 9 make room for new fall numbers. 9 All O AA and O.UU 999999999999999 DRASTIC REDUCTIONS ON PIECE GOODS Includes Sailcloth, CottonDacrons, Wringle Resistant 66c Tissue Ginghams Also Some Novelty Cottons. |