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Show The page 6 15, 1958 JOURNAL-Ju- ly 0) n FI 11 Si) Sinit t fit L RICH INN SHOP t) 1 V t li iir .Mh s "J in. in r I .dcgo." l.iti I (,n e t ( A 1 V .? H1I - S k ,AvIV Jl V - VERN M. SMITH 202-20- ( I EARHLLD, f Convt- 7 eating - mnKe tf . m iilI V ISION HO! ( learficld) ilWtwtn If La Iona Drive Ialoti Rhone 0011-J- ') Smith Building 1. Ml 3 ' Uf 1 ty . tt . . . . uf tutelage . WILSON'S BOOK STORE T I N C i I, I !oo Kats. Expert Workman- Steves . . . All Work Guaranteed! Sporting Goods THE PAINTERS IE N. Sandall & 7252 5-- W 5- 0- Complete Marine and Skiing Supplies Phone Clearfield TA RE-WEAVI- QUH'h and Satisfactory ltr serv-ic- 4!") So. tf. B-- tf. Local Tick Up and Delivery Washer Repair Small Appliances Lawn mower Sharpening and Repair 57 Villa Drive Clearfield, Utah IN inrude Motors State, Clearfield CAFE Sill'; Sill's 5 LOANS FOR ALL NEEDS Hamburgers Ice ( ream Home Made Pies (huken and Fish K Chips Our Specialty South of I ayton on Highway 91 .(instruction Supplies 699 South State Street in CLEARFIELD ONE DOOR SOUTH OF HOMERS Open 10 A.M. to 8 P.M. Every Hay Except Sunday Complete I ine of Maternity Wear Just Arrived 2-- County Glass For All Your Glass Needs Phone Kays. 310-- Planes Boats Autos, Etc. Kays. 310-Phone Davis County Glass & Hobby Supplies. 2. Cross St., Ijtyton Butch for Olsen Insurance Agency cA Auto Mirrors Phone us Your Table Glass Glass Windows Tops Troubles Glass a Specialty . Not a Sideline 123 ( ross St., Layton 69c OUSEN CHEVROLET CO. CI6 N. Main, Layton MORRY'S World Famous BARBER SHOP Dance Sales & Sen ice Type of Dancing LASSES Starting Now Age (.roups Start, ing This Meek SM2 ears beginning class 6- - 8 ears beginning class .( 5 years beginning ctasa CALL ABORT TIME SCHEDULE 31 North Main, Layton Phone Kays. !H7 ? ForA Home Reflex-Journ- and SOUNDNESS FEED Purina OMOLENE See World Book MORGAN FEED CO. Encyclopedia 538 Elm St.. Lavton Before You Buv Phone TA ro.wix5d P i-- "O' Office 7723 DISABLED AMERICAN VETERANS LAYTON at Armory Church and Crestview, Layton. game Big night every Thursday evening, 8 p. m. Door prizes and other beautiful prizes. 771!)-7- -s It. Boam Beauty Salon P (Beginning and Advanced) ACROB ATIC BALLET Exercise Classes for Health and Trim Figure Operated by ERMA BO M WILLIAMS Closed Wednesdavs 719 E. 300 So. Clearfield, I tah Rhone TA for A NEW (At. Ht) h ( A -- hie See 7734 It, 1 3 HILL FIELD E M I L O Y E E (Gentleman in middle fifties)1 wants hoard and room about1 September 1st in Kaysville or vicinity, ground floor. For interview Rhone Kaysville Id and leave name and addiess 4 i CLEARFIELD HOMES 1 WILL SU1TLY and haul Till dirt also haul foment, sand and giav el, road praxel and top soil. IRA J y GBLRT. Phone kavsvilb -- tf OS02-J713- 6- 2 ' ,!,r'1 t l!untltul AXa-dl3- l HOUSE Sunday from 2 till (! R. M. at 13!) Lynnwood Drive. Bitter than new bedroom brick, full basement, chain link fence around the landscaped lot. Immed. Occupancy. 2 BEDROOM brick, full basement, located in Layton Park. Only S'l,s(HI oo. ACRE 2 bedioom shake, located on 1000 East St. Owner leaving area and must sell. 2 BEDROOM brick, Apt. in full basement (rents for $00.00). Selling price of 812JI50.00 includes all furniture. -- OPEN .3 ART call Kay By Riley, 4h K;,tn 1,1 KAYSVILLE HOMES 1 LU shaijient'd, precision ground Power mowers $5 00 hand mowers $2 00, will pick up and deliver, LaMar Green. Fruit 2 , Height', Phone Kavs 0003-J9t 15 7 5 SERVICES OFFERED! ( old home in good condition. ACRE lot, 4'3 room ONLY .'7,8(10 (Ki. NO DOWNPAYMENT GI -- 2 bedroom frame part basement, att. Garage, 8!),75o.oic. VERY nice fiame, carpeted living room, located on Liberty St. No downpayment GI. S.ldO.OO Down FHA on this shake, full basement, att. garage. On Colonial Ave. See today. Beautiful brick, Basement completed with bedroom, hath, amusement and storage room, garage. Fenced and landscaped lot. CI.OSE to Church and shopping district lovely 4'. room brick, large att. garage, landscaped lot. 1 Board and Room ( M 77 LAYTON HOMES 2 .1 P NO DOWN PAYMENT GI LOANS (See us for Details) Wanted I i LIFFORD G. (.KEEN 60 So. 2nd W., haysville, Ftah RHONE 7so Stieet. Layton " Phillips fr J n pun OR ARK over 21 h person not nir.ud t r and t Ik about off vnur new it, von mav nu tlifv to arn a .lei!,,- a new e.r free tio O'MO Lh ton evi ninir'-to- IF Group Insurance PRUDENTIAL mow-ei- 2 Insurgrxt Company of Inwrla onml lift SSLFCTSO fXOM coMpany . Western Home Office I os Angeles. Calif. HtA mw INFANTRY OIVlSlON, - - r. 3- NLL5 HRLW r. R, Deal er in Minus, Farms, Ranches Grotris or what hae you 255 Ja Kson 2427 Kiesel F'-- h Gg.len, Utah Phono LX FA Phom ol mv f APO-2- 4 ST TIRE TON CAPPING ' month for vnur small busmen? ( ont let Of Gee Aids, Rhone 'A sed I 5 Iassen ger T I av Service Is Our 77' SPALLS S ton c, t I. pit tc it ( Gi low . i tti Liun U We, PRIST OMOltNf nr8. all a j Inland Printing ) M LI I 1IIONI. I V K I lo 'I) NECESSARY M 5 i ' ; ' yU ' . v, ik?i " r H ' o , I or I ' pi) W . on m i? ir v n jo i ( ( t j 7 2t K flip' nil , I I t ,1 v , i' iruid v 1 2 ) pan lul i i iv- - TV ( jam! ru r, o u 772 7 ID old 3 bedroom fiame, carport, chain link fence. Buy out present owneis equity and take over existing 4V,' Cl loan. LOVELY 2 hediomn shake an excellent location where you can have a HORSE. Call or drop in for mote details. CLEARFIELD-- 1 ladioom furnished pt. Also utilities furnished S75.no. WE II WE many other fine values in home buys in this atea Drop in and let us show you around. Some Ml DOWNPAY- MENT for Cl, others very low downpayment HIA. ' 'lit 5 (I hi a Write 2 n Ills U u r tn i v u ' t tAEUiJ INGREDIENT nil! h Ilw.ne 7717 containsthatV( . -iff IK t ( Safety Rhone 311 tf 7 1 I a ootfSr) , Movum CLINTON APT. FOR RENT & v 7Gi2 PON'T OBJECT TO A MAN WRITING HIS CONGRESSMAN, BUT... FULLER. St rat tor Sorvit 1 m rx w T.T-- I Cae Salt's .T. (juipmcnt Repair, lnur. ILi'li ior 585 ss 2 S7 ruck .Gentile 116 1 DO YOU need bool keeping, typing servile a few hours each week or (Ml - SPIC and Span brick, full basement, .88x110 ft. lot with fruit tiees and plenty of room for garden spot. FireNo downpayment place, carpeting, and drapes remain. GI S500.00 plus closing cost FJIA. 1 .'! bedroom brick, full j ACRE LOT, Is North 0th Fast, basement with bath and dark room, extra latge garage IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY. TW O new 3 bedroom brick, full basement homes with Fireplace. ( hoice East side locations. Drop into our office to see. SUNSET ! tf Purina. BnDDDQQDDDDDQQQBD UIHBHBHIBBHI 137 T Layton, Utah It -- 2nd or 3rd (ROB HAY, standing in the field, pay top rue fori good hay ( ontait Horace Grant. Cummings School of Dance L THE Real Estate For Sale ville with big lot, L. D S. Kim- x children ily Reply K B ludlevvell, co Keflex Journal, kaysville, I tah No. Main, Clearfield 183 For An Ad in This Business Directory We will be happy to prepare an ad for your approval. i3 tf -- Kays-Need- life Insuronce PEP '" Clearfield AX PHONE TA WANTED to Pont or buy like See Us for All Your Insurance rent, Luge older home in Bountiful al Newspaper ads Best, Bankers hear Rot)-',n- AGENCY AT HAYSVILLE M over,, Reduced Rates STEPHENS & FLANDRO 10 South Main BOUNTIFUL Phone AX ot the Store Gef Omolene Sig th the Checkerboard 13 rs AUTO INSURANCE 5' Rhone Rutledge Nursing Insurance Non-Drinke- C, t, U4. Preferred Risk Mutual For Information Call Pleasure horses ar much more fun if they are full of life, spirited, conditioned for pep and soundness. Thats why so many famous horsemen feed Omolene, Americas favorite horse feed for more than 25 years. Give your horses the clean, safe advantages of research-builand balanced Purina Omolene. Aged 7105 JAY WILLEY Phone 306-- "Time Credit for Major Repairs w' Wanted SATISFACTION CENTER Fast, Efficient Service Sickness ond Accident Insuranci tf Nursing Care Ih. on the World Finest Appliances General Electric Featuring the Best Deal in the Country Nelson and Thompson TV REPAIR JV.VyV Not only do they serve delicious food, hut they serve it in one of the cleanest places around. Cleanliness is one of their goals in maintaining their business. Leo is the ice ueam maker for the paitnerslup and knows that no finished pioduct can Lt any better than the tngredi- ents it has in it so into the plch jnn u.(. cteant is put the very finest of flavorings and and plenty ot tich, fIU,ts whe cream. Leo and Lucille started then LEO RICHINS learned to make iee cream while working restaurant in August P.)4!) and for one of states outstanding ice cream manufacturers. they have worked together asj He uses his own formula for some flavors. (Reflex-Journonly a compatible married part-- 1 Photo) nership could. Leo says he1 couldn't even have attempted the home during the day while being to run the business without took over at the Rich sense of independence dustnous, fastidious Lucille at Inn and then they would woikieu own boss bungs. his side Together at night. Their two Last year they were building young sons Roger and Paul a new home. Leo worked on helped out, too, by doing some of the woik on the house. They have a few rules in their business which make them feel satisfied inside that they are doing well. Religious people, they close Sundays and are open until 11 p.m. at night MALE HELP WANTED Recently they added a haul MARK $150 a Meek at home, spare tniM room a sort of walk- A time. preat opportunity. which will help an(i' m,Lt direct wav of adver- in freezer General Manager them to branch out even more tising, Robeit R Mm ray Jr, Lambert Distributors into the catering business. They Danville, Virginia, told nearly 51S Richards St. have been catenng to parties ;!IM, delegates to the American ancouver 2, B. (, Canada 3 7700 2t and weddings, any and all sizes, industrial Bankers Association f o r several years and now, with convention last week in Salt AND DIKES lt or new they will i ai,(1 equipment, No. Main, tup Drive Inn, 44o to custom able thelr ot,er Ihe Detailing results of his firms on, Utah. mdivid- - u,e a in large advei 7711 of various variety lt.erl; - ual servings of the finest foods. med,a. Mr Murray added: Using "We ema! 101 r!'K a!arH Here is a partneiship, work- - learned the hard way that tnent Bldg,manaf in harnnngton, al- hal(1 together, who enjoys newspapers aie looked at and lowame on Rent Call Mr 'their business as well as the lead." ins, Salt Lake ( ltv. EL '7715- It HAI I.KT ( k e. Phone 440 avion DRINKING PROBLEM? Aleoholics Anonymous (Bountiful Group). No dues or fees. The only requirement is the sinceie desire to Stop, Drinking. (It works.) Phone, AX Group meetings held at the Court House in Farmington every Wednes-- 1 day night at 8 p. m. Open ed meetings held the last nesday of each month. Aux iliary also meets same night. 12 53059 I TALL 306 Gordon Ave. Health and Accident Leads the way by using only of PROVEN the tipper SIRES of each breed for that LOOK BETTER SEI I, HIGHER, and MILK MORE Call Sam Taylor TA call if no answer EXport Kaysville S. Main. Studio Wednesdays and Thursdays Until 1:00 oClock Phone Kays. 690; Clearfield Sam Young and Ed Strombcrg Fire - Auto - Liability - Artificial Breeding American Breeders Service Center I'll 1 Special Boy's Insurance Counseling w Rowley Model Clothing & Variety 30 21-Ho- Bills SHEET METAL HOBBY SUPPLIES ROSS LAYTON S SERVICE MORTGAGE AND LOAN CO. 13 Given Vt Equipment, Auto Loans. We Buy Real Estate Contracts. I Free Estimates CALL TA One Mile I n Hill Field Road W Cal Rea) Estate . . . Furniture Loan on Equities in Home 50 atertanks e. TAKE HOME 1 W Phone TA Drive, ('leal field, Utah. CLEARFIELD I)ais 1 and V. Appliance L. Ros.s South Main CLEARFIELD, UTAH PHONE TA 5:J650 R. Stibsotling, Land Leveling Grading Around Homes a Specialty F. I). No. 1, haysville, Utah Phone 0703-K- AH II. K. Stephenson General Contracting CAROLS REWEAVING SERVICE BEAUTIFUL repair on worn and damaged ciotning. 3 to ARTIFICIAL Bleeding Proven Sires from Cache alPhone ley Breeding Assn. or Kays. 341 Boun. AX or Clearfield Factory Authorized Sales and Service Fibci glass Aluminum Plywood Son Phone Valley Insurance Agency 67 North Main haysville, Utah When his funnel employe! of the outstanding ice ct earn manufactu1 eis in the, state called to see how Leo and Lucille Richins weie doing in their new eating establishment, he said Leo will do all light, he selves good f od here. And that predation has come tiue. for Leo and his paitner-wif- e Lucille have done "all light at the Rich Inn in Kuvs-villerne DO YOU HAVE A plan for careful Excavations Large or Small Bulldozing Work drivers! As- k- tf. tf Sell Trees Removed A bet ter insurance 181(1 tf. 18(11-11- - ship Auto Insurance Bountiful, Utah Phone AX 7100 - Service all Makes Furnace and .Sewer - Open to Public a. m. to 5 p. m. (ravel Pit Saturdaj 8 AH 1 Install Furn-ate- s and Air (. onditiomng 720-- J Water - Septic Tanks Crawl, Sami, Fill and Topsoil Delivered - t and N T R A C T O It Excavation Easements 2010 South Main PHONE EM 8 O' 120 11.'! East Second South Salt Lake City 1, Utah 0 C Partners Leo and Lucille Richins Serve delicious food at Rich inn State RHONE We DEON W. STUART Engraved Stones of All Kinds Expel t Craftsmanship l,et us an jour Cemetery Woik All W tii k Cuaiantetd Bountiful Memorial Art Shop Business and as. 1200 So LI), tl.f AK PIPTA 1 Punch and Pastries MONUMENTS TIT On (infracting Impairing 280 Barbara Ate. I AVION. I TAH V Phone or Catering Service for Your Convenience Phone Clearfield T FOR ( UMlLl your lield . ( . . Deliciously Diffeient . . plea-ur- Businessman of the veek an n't 50, Light Stuidy tar Top Luggage farriers $13 05, Em ri Open rgs and Saturday Ml Carlson Brickcrete Co. electrical Ice Ct earn litun 1 Electric ('HIPS liV K'llI.S HAMBURGERS, Etc the one stop for all your for Tour ' T and N N at a amt ( ement Blocks, All Types and Colors, Including Split , ami Patio, Clothes Line Poles. sii H.mk-,- STLAKS CHICKEN ' ening Vi I Barlow Realty & Insurance Co. Eat Ion Realtor 378 N. Main Ih. Kays. 755 or TA Clearfield Office. 30 S. Main TA 30-Joe Neville Bob. Mitchell Geo. Mitchell TA 259 |