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Show Thursday, September 30, 2004 THE PYRAMID 3 Overson honored at Sanpete Life Leamarado Days Nathan Rostron, Rhonda Platt - Ida Over-soa longtime resident of Leamington and former resident of Fountain Green, was LEAMINGTON- make temple vows NEW CASTLE-Way- ne and Gaylene Platt, New Castle, announce the marriage of their daughter, Rhonda Platt, to Nathan Rostron, son of Roy and Verene Rostron, Spring City, Friday, Oct. 1, 2004, in the Manti LDS Temple. A reception will be held in their honor that evening, from 6 to 7:30 p.m., in the Spring City LDS Ward; and Oct. 8, in New Castle. The bride graduated from Enterprise High School and is attending Snow College. The Bridegroom graduated from North Sanpete High School and Snow College. He served in the California Los Angeles LDS Mission. The couple are both employed at Wal- - Karson James Parry, son of Kyle and Angela Parry, celebrated his first birthday Sept. 21, 2004. Grandparents are Richard and Diane Gillins, Mt. Pleasant; and Kreg and Helen Parry, Ephraim. are Joyce Parry and Rosedith Nielsen, both ts Ephraim. Singles Nathan Rostron, Rhonda Platt Mart and will make their first home in Ephraim. calendar SANPETE Chief Arapeen Days festival in Mayfield COUNTY-Miniatu- re golf in Richfield has been changed to bowling until the weather warms up in the spring. ing ground, and he often Oct. 30, single adult bowlhis Wickiup on the pitched at 7 p.m., at Jorgensens ing low hill where the Mayfield 980 South Main, RichLanes, LDS Church now stands. field. There is a small fee for Arapeen later chose this shoe rental and per game. Mayfield Valley for a Ute Everyone who wishes to do reservation, but he and his so may chip in for pizza afpeople were later moved to terward. will be on the Uintah reservation. the last Bowling Saturday each Arapeen died on the reser- month. vation after exposure to small pox. draw as many people as he'd hoped, the celebration will continue next year. MAYFIELD-Sometim- es "We're confident it will it takes time for smalltown celebrations to catch continue to grow" he says. Chief Arapeen succeeded on, especially when the town is off the beaten path. his brother, Chief Walker, Mayfield hosted their as Ute Indian Chief and laid first Chief Arapeen Days claim to the Sanpete Valley festivities last weekend, from Thistle to Salina. The and while the turnout may Mayfield Valley was aphave been lighter than parently his favorite camp hoped, it didn't deter everyone enjoying themGUNNISO- N- Babies born selves. in the Gunnison Valley HosFor example, at the pokare as follows: pital er shoot, at the city park, Sept. 12 folks paid to shoot five A boy, Bryson Allan Francards with a .22 caliber piswas born to Brett Allan cis, tol; an award for highest and Mary Francis, Center-fielhand was given out each hour. It was loud, it was fun, and it seemed that everyone who took their shots at a hand got right back in line for another FOUNTAIN GREEN- - Bree turn. Madelyn Allred, daughter of The Western dinner, FriDusty and Hailey Allred, Founauthentain and the Green, was born Sept. 10, day night, 2004. Grandparents are Phillip tic Mexican food dinner, and Susan Allred, Fountain Saturday afternoon, drew did art as the Green; and Jim and Nellie crowds, good Stephensen, Nephi. show, which featured the are works of many Sanpete Madelyn Allred, Fountain County artists. Green, and the late Euray Storyteller Paul Turner, Allred; the late Elmer and Rega of Richfield, donated his Shelley; the late Arlin and Nellie time to entertain festival Stephensen; and Mary F. goers with his tales of Nephi, and the late John Butch Cassidy and other Aagard. 89". "Outlaws of Highway EPHRAIM- - Alexis Lily The city park was home to An art display during Chief Arapeen Days held last weekend in showcased many local artist's work. mountain man outposts, Hansen, daughter of Zane and craft booths, demonstraMolly Hansen, Ephraim, was bom Aug. 3, 2004, in Nephi She tions, and even caricature weighed seven poinds, 11 ounces Fountain drawings. and was 21 inches long. GrandGreen's Dave and Debbie parents are Rodney and Janis Coombs are regulars at Brinkerhoff, Fairview; and these kinds of events, and and Kris Hansen, Ehvood. were on hand in Mayfield are Alwith their Two Rivers lan and Luana Green, Ephraim; of Trading Post, consisting Dan and Ruth Brinkerhoff, mostly hand made items inFairview; Raymond and Lily aucluding jewelry and Hansen, Elwood; and Vem and thentic mountain man apNancy Tripp, West Jordan, and parel. the late Marita Tripp. A couple of alternative Great great grandparents means of transportation are Burke and Alene Stewart, were available for historic Quilts of all colors and patterns imaginable were shown during AraLaytoa and scenic tours of the peen Days in Mayfield town. A horse drawn wagon carried about eight people at a time, or you could wait for the cozy horse-draw- n buggy owned by the Brown family of Axtell, and driven by Doug Brown and Rhonda Quintana. The Brown's bought the horse and buggy from Amish folks in Missouri. The buggy rides were smooth and the horse, Daisy, was and highly intelligent-sh- e automatically stops at stop signs. Other activities included a quilt show on Main Street, cowboy poetry and musical numbers at city hall on Friday night. Mayfield Mayor Doug Bjerrgaard says that even Blacksmiths and other craftsmen highlighted their work during Mayfield's Chief Arapeen Days. though the festival didn't Mitch Peterson THE PYRAMID n, the honored guest of the 2004 Leamarado Days in Leamington held over the Labor Day weekend. She has attended all but two Leamarado Day celebrations since it began in 1946. Her late husband, Grant, donated the money for a contest that resulted in Leamarado Days as the name of the towns celebration that first year. The rodeo committee used the couples sheep and calves during the rodeo for many years. Overson believes in giving 100 percent to everything she sets out to accomplish. She is dependable and does what she says she will. She has a phenomenal memory, recalling past dates, people, laces and events. Overson E elieves in supporting others whether its attending their weddings, missionary farewells and homecomings, funerals, or graduations. She also writes numerous letters and cards remembering them. Throughout the years, she has held many callings in the LDS Church. She also volunteers many hours in the upkeep of the Leamington Cemetery. Overson was born May 1 1, 1920, in Fountain Green, to William Henry and Ruth;-- ' Johnson. While growing up, she was a member of ai; group of 12 girls that were. inseparable. , They were always doing fun things, such as attending movies and dances. She, worked for the U.S. Postal Service, county courthouse; and elementary school. She married Grant Lyman , , ; Overson Aug. 24, 1949. They lived in Fountain Green,; Nephi and Lynndyl before moving to Leamington on. ; Nov. 1, 1957. Their three chil- dren, Allen, Alida Ruth and Scott were raised in Learn, ington. She is the proud .. grandmother of three. Since moving to Learning-- ; ton, Overson has been in-- ., volved in PTA, and,.; . ; 4-- H Daughters of Utah Pioneers. ; . Through the years, she en- -, joyed traveling around the. , state attending stock shows, with her children. She was a supporter of Delta High sporting events for many' years and was always will- mg to take her daughter Alida Ruth and her friends to, events around the state. After the death of her husband in 1966, Overson cared . for their livestock while tak- ing care of her home and raising their three teenage children. In 1966, she was- -' honored by Millard County' and the state as the owner of a Centennial Century Farm. ,' Hospital births d. Crib Comer Great-grandparen- ts Aa-gar- at Leamorado Days in Lemington,1 Utah, for her community service, Mayor Jim Raich presented the award. She is orginally from Fountain Green. Ida Overson was recently honored d, Mt. Pleasant seniors May-fiel- d De-Ve- re MT. PLEASAN- T- Senior citizen calendar for the month of October is as foUows: There wiU be quilting every Monday and Tuesday, at 9 a.m.; Canasta will be held every Monday at 1 p.m.; and Bingo, every Tuesday, at 1 p.m. Great-grandparen- ts -- -- Oct. 6, social night at 6 p.m., entertainment by Gary Arnoldson; Oct. 7, Hand and Foot Card Game at 6:30 p.m.; Oct. 18, blood pressure and foot clinic from 1 to 3 p.m.; board meeting at 5 p.m.; Oct. 20, potluck dinner at 6 p.m., entertainment by Vaughn Thompson Group; Oct. 21, Hand and Foot Card Game, 6:30 p.m.; Oct. 22, voter registration from 8 a.m. to 8 pm.; Oct. 25, Teresa Cain Health Clinic from 1 to 3 p.m.; voter registration from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Oct. 27 and 28, AARP Driver Safety Course from 1 to 4 p.m., for information and reserva8 or the tions contact Hal Ross, at (435) 462-301- center at 462-024- well-manner- Sexy, Sixty and Still Cruisin !!!! Open 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. - Breakfast served 7 - tt a.m. Call Ahead for pickup ?& L- px. 9 North Main (435) - 283-545- 4 this ad and receive a slice j J of chocolate cake for I Bring in J David and Debbie Coombs, Fountain Green, owners Trading Post sold their wares at Arapeen Days. of the Two Rivers (Cnunnn exnim c Vt Ephraim 123104) 99 Happy Birthday! v V V ' From Your Family ik We Love You!!! 4 4 7 |