Show aberdeen coal per ton the slight increase of 40 cents cc per ton on is aaili to the ile teamsters price bradin 9 company thomas fitzgerald departed tuesday morning for a trip through california and old mexico and will bo be gone sl several wera I 1 weeks in the hope of benefiting his health A sea voyage will ill be included returning by byway way of texas and new mexico the new shea engine for the Xenil kenilworth worth railroad has arrived and is working to perfection william griffin mechanic and engineer engi reer in charge has returned to ohio after seeing the big machine safely through from the east ana installed stalled a in perfect working order county clerk jones last tuesday sent out all the bup supplies plies for the enec ial bond election these theme should reach the various tsin ample time those for harper carbon ville and rind spring glen went by special a messenger the others being reached by registered mail J K special agent of the utah lines of the denver and rio grande was in price saturday with thomas burge of helper the road is pretty well free of thieves and hobos says at this time and it is the further purpose pui pose of himself and assistants to keep it so william murphy has returned from his home sunnyside at Sunny side to green river and will now be compelled to remain there on account of heart trouble while there before he became much improved but the visit home was a mistake he thinks that he will rapidly recover now thit he is back in the lower altitude A B apperson assistant superintendent in of the denver deaver and rio grande went to st marks hospital last monday to submit to an operation for a trouble with which he has been bothered for some time the operation is not considered a dangerous one and it is expected cewill he will be able to roeurn to his duties in about a week deputy sheriff crick of kenilworth was down from camp last monday hobnobbing with sheriff kelter and other friends af a price he attended the dance of the eighth grade pupils of the public schools 3 in the evening and expressed himself as having the time of his life things at the coal camp would be booming now if only railroad cars lars for the output were stainable ernest stenger late superintendent of the utah lines of the denver and rio grande is in los angeles he ile reports that james J hill has secured outlets to atlantic and pacific coast points and that it is generally believed that he has acquired control of the denver and rio grande drande which with the western pacific will give the burlington entry into san FW francisco cisco sheriff tom kelter has the oil fever and together with J W gentry joe crandall and E poulsen is 13 to leave during the next few days for wayne coun county tylo to investigate the merits of the boom now on there the party will be absent several severa 1 dayland days and will be accompanied by a big bunch of location notices many california and colorado people are sc ev this time going in there from green river and elsewhere L C moore in charge of the affairs of the vie emery county land and water company at Roc rochester heiter was here saturday on his v ay ray to zon von to confer with his hig people W C williamson li amson former manager for the company um pany is recovering his health bince since returning to minneapolis this will be good new to his numerous eastern utah ti lends friends moore says his company has about a hundred tons of baled hay i for which he is looking up a market general superintendent dailey of of the utah division of the denver and rio grande is at present making a thorough inspection of his territory accompanied by members of his staff and the order has gone out for radical track all along the division the road is to be put in the best po possible isible condition for heavy traffic from ogden to grand ju junction n action and a determined effort will be made to have passenger service improved and trains op crated over the division on strictly schedule time D 11 perkins an old and respected citizen of castle gate passed away at the family home on wednesday of last week from pneumonia he had been ill about two weeks his daughter dough ter miss vera aged about 15 years is confined to her home with pneumonia two babies have died during the past week there those of mr and mrs john lofley and mr aad mra mrs william ste kerman there are numerous cases of chickenpox chicken pox measles nie aslea and like di o ase amog the children at the coal camp |