Show LUMBER RATES TO UTAH POINTS S H babock Bab tock manager of the salt lake commercial clubs traffic bureau is 13 asking the railroads for an adjustment of rates on lumber to and from utah points A recent bulletin issued by the bureau says the interstate freight rate on lumber from froin portland ore to ogden miles and to salt lake city miles has in a previous bulletin shown as per car of pounds in each instance which is ten dollars a car less than from the same point of shipment to denver colo an increased distance over the rio grande system of miles from ogden attention ionis is invited to the local rates on lumber within the state end nd the following examples are given based upon a uniform weight of pounds load per car milea miles carload aa to caule gate 71 60 00 rail Fal view iview ti price 39 8 ile SO salt like city to arice salt sat lake city tc green iziver IN 00 salt alt lake lity kimt cleasant 1 0 salt lake city to ah B 8 0 00 salt lal lechty e city ty to 1 19 salt lake cily 1 to jus juab 1 I alt lahe lake city to oo 00 salt sal t lake I ahe city to newhouse ua lo 10 s 00 tit lake city to I 1 todeal 27 4 Is g go 00 |